
One Piece: Superwoman

A female black superwoman ends up being raised in the One Piece world. Now Moneky D Vampire is setting sail to catch up with her little brother Luffy and picking up women on the way.

madhat886 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs



The sun was high in the sky as Vampire sunbathed herself on the deck of the Dreadful Whale. Silk has joined her as her crew mate, at least till they get to the Grand Line. She's still getting use to the idea that her captain likes women and likes the way that she looks. But Vampire isn't one to force herself onto others as she only has sex with people who are willing to do it. Vampire always wants her sex to be completely consensual.

"So, we're just going to be drifting along like this?" Silk ask Vampire as she came out from below decks.

"Pretty much. We'll be like this till we reach reverse mountain," Vampire said.

"How about teaching more about haki?" Silk ask.

"Not till you have the basics down first. You need to learn how to use kenbunshoku haki to be able to sense things, and busoshoku haki to be able protect yourself and be able to hurt devil fruit users that would otherwise be immune to attacks. Then there is haoshoku haki which I really don't know how to use seeing how, I'm immune to it," Vampire said.

"So no one has been able to use that on you?" Silk ask.

"Nope and plenty have tried. Donquixote Doflamingo tried it on me and it didn't work. Boa Hancock tried and it didn't work either. Sharks hearing how uncle Sengoku has been trying for years didn't even tried," Vampire said.

"Wait you met with one of the emperors?" Silk ask.

"Sure, I met all 4 of them over the years. Been onboard Whitebeard's ship. Seen Charlotte Linlin and most of her children. Face off with Kaido once and nearly killed him," Vampire said. Not going into detail how her visit on the Moby Dick was to see her brother Ace.

"You fought Kaido?" Silk ask shocked.

"I'm the one who broke off his right horn," Vampire said.

"You're the one who broke it off?" Silk ask shocked. Having seeing older posters of Kaido with both of his horns and the newer ones that has the right one broken off.

"Yup and knock him into the sea where I was sure he would die, being a devil fruit user and all. But he just survived that like all the other times he was executed," Vampire said.

"But you still beat him," Silk said.

"That I did and took the title of the strongest beasts in the world," Vampire said.

"How did you get so strong?" Silk ask.

"Just how I am," Vampire said.

"So if I continue this training, I'll become as strong as you?" Silk ask.

"Well strong enough where you won't be cannon fodder," Vampire said.

"I want to be able to fight and not be just next to useless," Silk said.

"You weren't bad being self-taught with that sword, but you shouldn't just rely on a sword, you should know how to use other weapons. When I was fighting with Mihawk, once I got his sword away from him it wasn't that hard to beat him," Vampire said.

"Really?" Silk ask shock.

"Yup and he couldn't even hit me," Vampire said not telling Silk the look on Mihawk's face when he tried to cut her with his sword, and it didn't do anything to her. To those who were watching it just looks like the metal gauntlet she was wearing at the time block his attack. But Mihawk was close enough to see his sword cut through the gauntlet and was stop by her skin. Since then Mihawk has done his best to avoid her. (1)

"So that's why you been just dodging my attacks during training?" Silk ask.

"Yes, as you need to be fast to live this kind of life," Vampire said.

"I never really saw you in action it was all a blur. I would like to see you in action without you being too fast to see," Silk said.

"I'll keep that in mind," Vampire said.


A few days later -

Silk couldn't believe what she's seeing as the pirate captain Eldoraggo who is a dark skinned, red-haired man that resembles a cat or lion in appearance. Using his scream-scream fruit powers to fire a blast of sound at Vampire. Who is slowly walking towards him as he tries to force her back with his devil fruit power. From where Silk was standing at, she could see that Eldoraggo was putting everything he got in his power, and the panic look on his face he was in a panic.

Vampire had let her fight the rest of Eldoraggo's crew herself using what she learned to beat the pirates. Only stepping in when she saw that she was in trouble or being mobbed. The only ones who put up a real fight were The Hyena Three, Danny, Denny, and Donny, who are now laying on the ground beaten. But took on the pirate captain herself.

They had landed on Woonan's island to take in fresh water and food. When they came across Eldoraggo's crew looking for the treasure left behind by the 'Great Gold Pirate' Woonan. And Vampire decided to collect on the bounty and get the treasure.

"Enough," Vampire said as she got close enough to Eldoraggo to knock him out with on punch to his face breaking his jaw.

"Are you ok?" Silk ask as she ties up Eldoraggo like she did with the rest of his crew.

"Yeah, I been hit by devil fruit powers like his before," Vampire said looking over the treasure map that was on Eldoraggo.

"So, where's the treasure?" Silk asks.

"Follow me," Vampire said leading Silk to a lone house.


Later -

Vampire sat in her cabin on the Dreadful Whale recounting what she and Silk discovered. Inside the secret underground room, they found a dusty skeleton in half-rotted captain's regalia, all that remains of Woonan. Then they noticed writing on the chamber walls and recognize it as Woonan's deathbed letter.

In the letter, Woonan had confesses that in his old age, he came to realize how unfulfilling gold in itself truly was; what his childhood self had longed for was the journey, the adventure to winning it. With a lifetime of such adventures behind him, he surrendered all his gold to its rightful owners, keeping only one memento for himself: the torn flag that marked the last day he ever shared with Ganzo. It was this flag that buoyed his spirit throughout all his voyages, as a reminder of the one man he truly respected.

"And that's what happen to Captain Woonan and his mountain of gold. He gave it all back and kept the only thing that mattered to him," Vampire said to her grandfather Garp.

"I always did wonder what happen to him," Garp said.

"Well just put it down in your report of what happen to Woonan," Vampire said.

"What about the pirates?" Garp ask.

"They're all tied up in the holding cells and got Eldoraggo tied down with seastone handcuffs. And I'm towing their ship behind mine. I'm going to sell it off once we reach the nearest port and hand off the pirates to the police to hold till a navy ship can pick them up," Vampire said.

"Good to hear. Also, what about your new crewmate?" Garp ask.

"Oh, she's at the wheel of the ship," Vampire said.

"I'm surprise that you haven't bedded her yet," Garp said.

"Please I'm not going to force anyone onto my bed. Silk is still deciding and I'm giving her the time to decide on her own," Vampire said. Of course, it didn't stop her from peeking on Silk or hitting on her

"Well take care," Garp said hanging up.

"Yeah you too," Vampire said thinking of how in the end all that mattered to Woonan was the torn flag that was all the reminded him of his dear old friend.


Author's Notes -

1 - Mihawk's sword can't cut Vampire for the same reason why blades don't work on Superman in cannon. The only blades that have been shown to work on him are blades made out of high tech metal like those found on Apokolips. And even then, only when someone is strong enough to do it.

Like in Justice League vs. The Fatal Five where The Persuader has axe made of super alloy and been cut to less than a nanometer thick. And he's strong enough to use it to cut open Superman.
