
One Piece = Super Card System

Read the synopsis and don't ask the about OG title in the review section and don't accuse me stealing it as i properly give the credit to the OG I'm not good at writing a synopsis, so I'll just add a disclaimer that the Fanfic isn't mine; I'm merely translating it. Also, another disclaimer: One Piece isn't mine either. I know nothing about the story I'm translating, except for the One Piece itself. I don't even know the tags, ill drop it if it contains a tag that I hate. So, we're essentially reading this together—I'm translating while fact-checking and making other corrections before uploading it here. Consider yourself warned. Also, the update schedule is random. And don't be shy to tell me if I make any mistakes, I'm only human after all. Here is the OG title you lazy duck: 超级卡牌系统最新章节 超级卡牌系统作者:黑乎乎的老妖 Total chapter : 800 Cover: Yukke Search it on Pixiv If you are the owner of the cover picture and want me to change it please contact me Im not shameless enough to gatekeep and didn't give credit to the OG like certain authors, anyway happy reading. I am sorry for disappearing for no reason at all, im kinda busy for the past few months due to my college, now that im done and got months of holidays, after the pressure from my exam disappeared and for the same reason, it make me lazy to do almost anything ngl, that includes translating this work, for that i apologise, ill be back if i got my motivation back, see you later!

Shika_Kagura · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 17: Accident

That night, Ian fell asleep while pondering what kind of choice Kuina would make. He couldn't have imagined what it would be like if Kuina really became a boy. The decision to leave Ivankov as a fallback plan was just an experiment for Ian. He knew that if Kuina stayed in Shimotsuki Village, she would eventually meet a tragic end.

He had grown accustomed to the warm water Kuina brought him after working in the fields and to the strength she used when wrapping his wounds after training. He couldn't bear the thought of losing this seemingly strong but gentle sister.

So, during this period, the term "butterfly effect" constantly occupied Ian's mind. He wanted to see if he could change the outcome and prevent Kuina's untimely demise by any means necessary.

The next morning, before Ian even had a chance to freshen up, Kuina came to find him.

They sat at the table together, and the Den Den Mushi had woken up by then. It crawled towards Kuina, who smiled and gently patted its big eyes, feeding it a leaf and watching it happily munch away.

"Kuina, have you made up your mind?" Ian finally asked after a long pause.

"Yes, I have," Kuina replied, looking at him. "I can only say, thank you for your kindness, Big Brother Ian!"

"I... I thought about it all night!" Kuina said, covering her chest. "Although I've always wished to be a boy so I wouldn't disappoint my father and could become stronger without restrictions, gaining his approval and inheriting his dojo, when you told me that there was a chance to become a boy, I hesitated..."

"If I really become a boy, will I still be me? Even if I eventually become the world's strongest swordsman, will I still be the same Kuina?"

"But, Big Brother Ian, I've figured it out!" Kuina smiled, looking at Ian with determination. "From now on, I won't be troubled by my gender anymore. Since my father says girls can't become the strongest, I'll prove him wrong! I'll become the world's strongest female swordsman!"

Ian looked at Kuina, noticing that the confusion and reluctance were gone from her face, replaced by firmness and confidence!

Kuina meant every word she said, and she had truly let go of her inner conflict!

"Haha!" Suddenly, Ian burst into laughter. "This is the Kuina I know! With such strong determination, what does it matter if you're a girl?"

"I said I'll support you no matter what decision you make!" Ian smiled. "Since you've decided to become the strongest female swordsman, then go for it!"

"Okay! Thank you, Big Brother Ian! I'll take my leave now!" Kuina stood up.

"Kuina!" Ian called her back, his expression serious. "This matter ends here, but promise me one thing!"

"What is it?" Kuina asked curiously.

"Don't go to any dangerous places! Especially high places!" Ian said. "It would be best if you practice with me and Zoro during this time!"

"Why?" Kuina was puzzled.

Ian couldn't explain fully, so he said, "I can't really put it into words. It's just a bad feeling I have..."

Hearing this reason, Kuina found it strange, but she still didn't want to practice with Ian and Zoro. "I don't want to! That idiot Zoro always smells bad with sweat after training! I don't want to be around him!"

"I smell bad after sweating too!" Ian felt like he was the one being criticized.

"You're different. You're Kuina's family!" Kuina playfully stuck out her tongue. "Zoro is my rival, and if I train with him, he'll figure out all my tricks!"

"Alright!" Ian didn't want to force her if she really didn't want to. After all, Kuina was a girl, and she had already started to develop physically. It wouldn't be appropriate for her to be around two grown men all the time. So, he said, "In that case, promise me that you won't go to any dangerous places, alright?"

"Okay, okay, I promise!" Kuina waved her hand. "Goodbye, I'm going to practice now!"

Watching Kuina cheerfully walk away while humming a song, Ian couldn't help but sigh. He had intended to get Kuina out to sea to avoid her tragic fate, but unexpectedly, his interference had resolved Kuina's inner conflict. Now, he didn't know what to say.

For the next two days, Ian kept a close eye on Kuina. Whenever he and Zoro went out to train, they hurried back as soon as possible to make sure Kuina was safe.

However, he couldn't keep Kuina within his sight forever. Although he could watch over her for a while, he couldn't watch her for a lifetime. So, Ian came up with a plan. He told the junior disciples at the dojo that if they ever saw Kuina heading to a high place, they should try to stop her or quickly inform him!

Out of respect for Ian, the junior disciples earnestly agreed to his request.

But what surprised Ian was that the situation unfolded much sooner than he expected.

On the third morning, Ian and Zoro each carried a junior disciple on their backs and ran around the village before returning to their usual training ground in the back mountains.

Carrying people while running was a tactic they came up with recently because simple running no longer had any effect on their training.

After setting the junior disciples down, Ian and Zoro began their daily routine.

However, for some unknown reason, as Ian watched Zoro practicing pulling rocks, he suddenly felt uneasy.

At first, he didn't realize what was bothering him; he just felt a bit agitated. But when he saw the two junior disciples who had been carried up the mountain by him and Zoro coming back down, he felt his heart race.

"Not good!" Ian shouted and rushed towards the mountain.

Zoro looked dumbfoundedly at Ian's sudden dash and had no idea what was happening. He asked the junior disciples, "Why are you back?"

Gasping for breath, the junior disciples replied, "K-Kuina... is going up to the attic to get her whetstone. We... We remembered what Senior Ian said and wanted to stop her, but she insisted and said it's okay. We had no choice, so we ran back to get you!"

Ian had barely enough time to understand the situation before sprinting down the mountain. He used his Nen to enhance his legs, significantly increasing his speed.

Back at the dojo, everyone, including Zoro and the junior disciples, had gathered anxiously.

The doctor was an elderly man with a white beard, and he carefully examined Kuina. Shaking his head, he turned to the worried crowd and said, "She doesn't have any injuries on her body, but her head took a hard hit. I don't know when she'll wake up."

"What do you mean?" Zoro panicked, grabbing the doctor. "Are you saying Kuina won't wake up?"

"Not that she won't wake up, but I don't know when she will!" The doctor shook his head. "It could be days or even longer..."

Ian was stunned. How could this be happening?

Even though he had prevented Kuina's death, she was now facing the possibility of a long-lasting coma?

Was fate playing such a cruel joke on them?