
One Piece: Stormy Sea

Armdi · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 7 - Visiting High Town

The bustling streets of the lower town were a stark contrast to the serene elegance of the high town. Towering walls separated the two, with guards stationed at every entrance. Mark, having heard tales of the opulence and grandeur of the high town, was determined to see it for himself. Using his wit and the cover of a merchant's cart, he managed to slip past the guards unnoticed.

As he wandered the cobbled streets, Mark was awestruck by the grand mansions, lush gardens, and ornate fountains. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and the sound of laughter and music echoed from every corner. People dressed in fine silks and jewels strolled leisurely, their conversations light and carefree.

Suddenly, Mark noticed the towering silhouette of the royal palace loomed ahead. It was unlike anything he had ever seen. The palace walls, made of pristine white marble, gleamed under the sun, reflecting a golden hue that seemed almost ethereal. Intricate carvings adorned every inch, telling tales of ancient victories, legendary heroes, and mythical creatures.

The main gate was a marvel in itself. Two massive golden lions stood guard, their eyes embedded with emeralds that sparkled with an otherworldly glow. The gate was flanked by guards in shimmering armor, their helmets topped with plumes that danced with the wind.

As Mark approached, he could hear the distant melodies of a royal orchestra, the notes floating through the air, creating an ambiance of regal serenity. The scent of exotic flowers from the palace gardens wafted towards him, a fragrant reminder of the luxury that lay within those walls.

He watched as nobles in their finest attire entered and exited the palace grounds, their carriages adorned with the crests of their families. The sheer opulence was overwhelming. Every detail, from the mosaic pathways to the fountains filled with crystal clear water, spoke of a world far removed from the one Mark knew.

Hidden behind a grove of trees, he spotted a section of the palace gardens. Vibrant flowers of every hue bloomed in harmony, and rare birds with colorful plumage flitted about, their songs adding to the palace's enchantment.

Mark realized that this was not just a building; it was a testament to the power, wealth, and legacy of the kingdom's rulers. And while its grandeur was undeniable, Mark couldn't help but wonder about the stories and secrets that lay within its walls. The palace was a symbol of the vast divide between the world he knew and the world of the nobles. But for now, he was content to be a silent observer, taking in the magnificence and pondering the lives of those who called the palace home.

Lost in his observations, Mark almost bumped into a young boy around his age, with blonde hair and a mischievous glint in his eyes. The boy, noticing Mark's attire, mistook him for a fellow noble. "You must be new here," he said with a grin. "I'm Sabo."

Mark, realizing the opportunity, played along. "Yes, I'm visiting from a neighboring kingdom. It's my first time in the high town."

Sabo's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Well then, you're in for a treat! How about a tour from a local?" he offered with a grin.

Mark hesitated for a moment, weighing the risks, but Sabo's genuine enthusiasm was infectious. "Alright," Mark agreed, "lead the way."

The two boys wandered the streets of the high town, with Sabo pointing out various landmarks. They passed by a grand theater where nobles frequented for operas and plays. Sabo shared tales of the performances he had witnessed, mimicking the actors and causing Mark to burst into laughter.

Next, they visited a bustling market square exclusive to the high town. Stalls were adorned with exotic fruits, intricate jewelry, and rare artifacts. Sabo introduced Mark to some vendors, who treated the young noble with great respect. Mark was amazed at the variety and richness of the goods, so different from the markets in the lower town.

As Mark and Sabo continued their exploration, they unexpectedly encountered Sabo's parents, Lord Outlook III and Lady Didit, in one of the opulent squares of the high town. Lord Outlook III, with his distinguished black hair and top hat adorned with feathers and a silver-lined band, exuded an air of arrogance. Beside him, Lady Didit, with her shoulder-length blonde hair and elegant lavender cardigan, looked every bit the noblewoman she was.

"Sabo!" Lady Didit called out with feigned sweetness, her eyes narrowing as she took in Mark's presence. "And who is this you've brought with you?"

Sabo, trying to maintain a neutral tone, introduced Mark. "Mother, Father, this is Mark. He's visiting from a neighboring kingdom."

Lord Outlook III looked Mark up and down, his gaze lingering on the quality of Mark's clothing. "A neighboring kingdom, you say? Which one? And who are your parents?"

Mark hesitated for a moment, sensing the underlying scrutiny. "From the East," he replied vaguely. "My family is well-respected there."

Lady Didit's eyes sparkled with interest, sensing an opportunity. "Well, if you're from a noble family, perhaps we could discuss potential trade or alliances. The Outlook family always seeks to expand its influence."

Sabo, sensing Mark's discomfort, quickly intervened. "Mother, Mark is here as a guest, not for political discussions."

Lord Outlook III scoffed, "Sabo, you were always too soft. In our world, every interaction is an opportunity."

Mark, trying to maintain his composure, replied, "I appreciate the offer, Lord Outlook, but I'm here to experience the culture and beauty of your city, not for politics."

Lady Didit smirked, "Very well. But remember, in the high town, wealth and power are everything. If you ever wish to elevate your status, the Outlooks can be… helpful."

Sabo, clearly frustrated, excused himself and Mark. "We have more of the town to see. Good day, Mother, Father."

As they walked away, Mark whispered to Sabo, "Thank you for standing up for me."

Sabo sighed, "I'm sorry you had to see that side of them. Not all nobles are like my parents, but their hunger for power and wealth can be… overwhelming."

Mark nodded, "It's a stark contrast to the lower town. But it's also a reminder that true wealth isn't measured in gold or titles, but in genuine connections and friendships."

Sabo smiled, "Well said, my friend."

Continuing to exploring through the intricate alleyways of the high town, Sabo suddenly stopped and turned to face Mark, his expression serious. "Mark," he began, his voice low, "I know you're not from any neighboring kingdom."

Mark looked taken aback, but didn't deny it. "What gave me away?"

Sabo chuckled, "It wasn't just one thing. It was the way you looked at everything with such wonder, as if seeing it for the first time. The way you hesitated when my parents questioned you. And, well, I've met many nobles in my time, and you… you're different."

Mark sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I didn't mean to deceive anyone. I just… I wanted to see what life was like up here, without being judged for where I come from."

Sabo nodded, understandingly. "I don't blame you. The divide between the high town and the rest of the kingdom is vast. But tell me, what is life like for you? Where do you come from?"

Mark hesitated for a moment, then began, "I live in the lower town, in a small house with my father, Jackson. We run a repair shop, fixing everything from broken toys to intricate devices. Life there is simple, but fulfilling. We don't have the luxuries of the high town, but we have a close-knit community. Neighbors look out for each other, children play in the streets, and there's a sense of camaraderie that I've never felt anywhere else."

Sabo listened intently, his eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and admiration. "It sounds wonderful," he admitted. "In the high town, everything is about status and power. Genuine connections are rare. Most interactions are transactional, always with an ulterior motive."

Mark nodded, "I sensed that, especially with your parents. But you, Sabo, you're different. You have a genuine heart."

Sabo smiled, "Thank you, Mark. I've always felt out of place here. Perhaps one day, you can show me your world."

Mark grinned, "I'd like that. And maybe, just maybe, we can bridge the gap between our two worlds."

The two continued their journey, their newfound bond strengthening with each step.

As they strolled, Sabo spoke of his life in the high town. "It's not all fun and games," he admitted. "There's a lot of pressure to uphold the family name and reputation. Sometimes, I wish I could just be… ordinary."

Mark nodded, understanding the sentiment. "It's funny," he mused, "I've always wondered what it would be like to live here, while you dream of a simpler life."

The sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the town. Sabo took Mark to a hidden spot, a quiet garden overlooking the city. "This is my secret escape," Sabo whispered. The two sat in silence, watching the sunset and the city lights come alive.

After a while, Sabo turned to Mark. "Promise me something," he said. "No matter where life takes you, always remember this moment. The moment two strangers from different worlds became friends."

Mark smiled, "I promise."

I'm already squeezed like a lemon updating 3 chapters in one day, but still have some drafts of the next chapter, I'll try to update the next chapter soon.

If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to write them in the comments. I'm not really going to edit the chapters at the beginning because I don't want to lose the pace of releasing chapters.

T. Armdi

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