
One Piece Starting with Uchiha Itachi's Template

Akira crossed over to the world of One Piece! However, not only did Akira have reincarnated in this world, he got Uchiha Itachi's template fused with him at the beginning. ... Facing the Mangekyo Sharingan, Sakazuki Akainu said: "My magma that can burn even the flame itself, it is getting burned out by Akira!" Sengoku said: "Sengoku the Buddha?! Hmph... It turns out that you are the real Buddha!" Fujitora: "How could your meteor be bigger than mine?!" White Beard: "Akira's punch can destroy the world!" -------------------------------------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/UVKWf6WC ___________________________ Author: Limitless Pirates Translator: 1stX_Z ------------------------------------------- Working days: 5/7 ------------------------------------------- Hi, TripleX_HS here. If you are here it means we share similar interests and you want to support us and for that, you have our Gratitude!. These are the Patreon pages for our current and future writings, which you can find here. Currently, we are translating many Fics: 1- Naruto God Modifier System.-patreon.com/HaOlu 2- HP: The legendary Successor System.-patreon.com/Zainal_BL 3- Marvel: I am Thanos. 4- One piece: Starting with Uchiha Itachi's Template. Unfortunately, translating is time-consuming, believe us, we have to rewrite, edit, manage the publishing sites, etc... That is why we need your support to hopefully make this a full-time job and make more and better content for our dear supporters and fans. However, if you want to make our day and be generous enough to support us; you can enjoy 30 chapter updates ahead of the current releases on Webnovel. We also have bought the VIP chapters of these Fics until their 900+ chapters. THEREFORE, we want your support to keep translating until the very end of these Fics. Welcome and more importantly Enjoy!

theTripleX_HSA · Anime & Comics
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169 Chs

Fighting Kaido (Part Five)

(T/N: If you want to see more chapters, go to my Patreon to see more chapters ahead.

You can see more than 30 chapters ahead of everyone in Webnovel on my patre@n:




The sea waves were hitting the island furiously, blowing Akira's hair.

A pair of cold eyes were looking at Kaido.

He didn't use all of Susanoo's power because with Kaido's recovery ability, even if he is fully used Susanoo's strength, he may not be able to kill Kaido.

Because the main attack method of Susanoo is a large-scale attack, and for a powerful individual like Kaido, the threat isn't that great.

And the reason why is Akira hesitating to use Susanoo's full strength is that his pupil power will be consumed very quickly.

In fact, he could maintain this state only for about half a day, and after that, his eyes will start bleeding, and he will go through hell-like pain.

"Do you think that only you can become stronger through special means, Kaido!"

After Akira said that, a majestic and terrifying pressure burst out of Susanoo.

Its color became more evil and dark. Akira looked like a devil from hell!

"Whaaa, what an amazing fight! Just seeing it makes my blood boil from excitement. I wish I could be part of it!" Shanks said with an excited smile.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

On the island, Akira and Kaido were continuously clashing.

They were moving and clashing at terrifying speed. Some ordinary navy and pirates can only vaguely see two figures colliding constantly.


The aftermath of the two's collusion was destroying the island.

The ground was smashed and filled with huge pits and holes. Smoke and dust were rising from everywhere.


After colliding with Kaido's fist, Susanoo pushed back tens of meters before he could stop.

Akira looked calm on the surface, but deep down, he was shocked.

He has been using almost all his strength, but he still couldn't win Kaido, which made him directly choose to continue to consume Kaido's stamina.

However, Kaido's strength is too terrifying, and no matter how much damage Akira's attacks will do to his body, Kaido will instantly recover.

Akira felt he was fighting a terrifying machine, not a human.

But fortunately, Kaido can't constantly use Armament Haki and the Ultimate Speed simultaneously for too long because this state gives Kaido terrifying strength, so it also consumes his physical strength at terrifying speed.

Otherwise, with Akira's current strength, Kaido wouldn't be able to push him back like that.

Kaido's current strength is terrifying, and honestly, Akira knows he can't win Kaido in the state.

And he may even lose if the fight continues like this.

The battle between the two lasted for an hour. The beautiful green island was completely destroyed.

Area 23 has become a lifeless zone right now.

All the residents and visitors were frightened by the battle between the two and fled away.

Akira was standing in the middle of Susanoo while holding Totsuka Sword with both hands.

A red light in a half-crescent shape flashed by as Akira slashed his sword at Kaido's shoulder.

"Uchiha's Swordsmanship!"

Blood splashed to the ground!

The slash directly cut a large piece of Kaido's shoulder.

Even though Armament Haki protected his shoulder, Akira's slash still cut open his shoulder.

The piece of meat was sealed by the Totsuka Sword inside the wine gourd.

However, Kaido didn't care about his injured shoulder. He didn't even look at his shoulder.

The mace in his hand howled and smashed toward Susanoo's head.

"Armed Thundering Gossip!"

With his mighty strength, the pitch-black mace instantly smashed Susanoo's face.

A hole was punched in the huge armor on Susanoo's cheek.

Susanoo suddenly jumped up to the sky and slashed the Totsuka Sword again.

The slash burst out terrifying pressure on Kaido's body.

The pressure was nothing to him, but what surprised him so much was how can a giant monster like Susanoo jump so high in the sky?

The information he gathered about Akira's strength isn't complete.

"I was careless!"

Kaido's face froze, and he couldn't care about his face anymore. He instantly jumped away like a monkey.

Rolling away, Kankan dodged Susanoo's slash. Then he activated his fruit ability again, and white clouds burst out of his mouth and filled the entire area.

"Kaido, the World's Strongest Creature, are you scared of me?"

Akira's cold voice came from behind Kaido.

As he said that, he slashed the Totsuka Sword in Susanoo's hand at Kaido's back instantly!

"Uchiha's Swordsmanship: Red Slash!"

"Roar! You fucken bastard, I will kill you!" Kaido opened his mouth wide and let out an angry roar.

Akira injected fire chakra and natural energy in the Totsuka Sword, hurting Kaido severely, and that's why Kaido screamed so angrily.

"I'm standing here. If you have the ability, come and kill me."

As Akira said that, a terrifying red aura burst out of his body.

"Dman!" Kaido cursed angrily and rushed toward Akira.

After the two attacked each other dozens of times, they backed away, gasping for air.

"Kaido and I thought your body defense was unbreakable. I think I was wrong. You are more like a turtle hiding in a shell!"

Hearing Akira's mockery, Kaido's face changed. He let out a roar and rushed towards him.

The fight between the two started again.


Susanoo's red light dimmed down, and Akira's eyes filled with tiredness. The high-intensity battle exhausted him completely.

He can't keep up with Mankeygo Sharingan's high chakra consumption.

His pupil power has been exhausted, and he can no longer support Susanoo in his current state.

A red light flashed, and Susanoo disappeared without a trace.

And two thick lines of red blood flowed out from Akira's eyes.

"Haha! I thought you would maintain this state a little longer, but now it seems it's me who won! "

Kaido said with a sneer. The ground under his feet cracked as he held the mace in hand tightly. He was ready to attack Akira at any moment.

The pirates and navies on the sea were looking at the scene in front of them with shock and fear:

"The fight is over. I never thought the fight between Akira and Kaido would last this long."

A strange light flashed in Doflamingo's eyes.

Red-haired Shanks frowned slightly. Although Akira Susanoo's power looked very extraordinary, he had this feeling that something was missing from the picture.

"Where is the problem? Is it because they fight for too long, or it's because of the execution?"

Shanks frowned and looked puzzled.

Everyone was looking at the battlefield in shock. Kaido suddenly raised his mace and smashed it at Akira's head.


Instantly, Akira's body became a cloud of smoke and disappeared.

"Huh? What is this?"

Kaido was stunned by this sudden change. Then his heart started chilling as if something extremely dangerous was about to happen to him.

"Where did he go...?"

Just as this thought flashed in Kaido's mind, a shadow appeared on his left in an instant, and his clothes were dancing with the wind.

"What is going on..."

Kaido's thoughts were in chaos, but Akira didn't give him any time and directly shot:

"Flying Raijin Slash. Uchiha's Swordsmanship!"

The crimson light in a half-crescent shape slashed Kaido's belly in lightning speed!

Under Kaido's unbelievable eyes, Sushui slashed his abdomen open.

"Your defense isn't invincible!"

Akira stretched out his hand and put it in Kaido's chest: "So you have one too. Heart!"

Then he pulled his arm with all his strength, and blood splashed into the air.

Akira's hand went empty, but when he pulled it, he was holding something.

He dug out Kaido's heart!