
One Piece: Starting with Tom

In a realm where the slapstick hilarity of Tom and Jerry collides with the grand adventure of One Piece, a unique tale unfolds. Witness the journey of Al, who transmigrated to the One Piece world, and started his pirate journey with the legendary Tom as his crewmate. Ps- this is mainly a comedy novel, the main standout is its funny plot. Disclaimer Everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Updates on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: Entertainment King 123 For mtl, you can go to mtlnation and search I Am A Pirate! Why Is The Crew Tom the Cat?. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patr*on: patr*on.com/CosmicKaminari (Replace * with e) Original name : 怎么船员 是汤姆猫?

CosmicKaminari · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

118. Al: Who Gave You The Guts! Still Pretending In Front Of Me?

"Whitebeard is stirring up trouble once more!"

"Hey, Mihawk, as the Marine Commander, I'm ordering you to put an end to Whitebeard's antics!"

Kong's thunderous voice resonated across Marineford.

Mihawk, deep in conversation with Shanks at the edge of the battlefield, paid no heed to Kong's directive. Without even glancing up, he continued his discussion with Shanks, ignoring the command for reasons that remained unclear.

Kong's expression soured slightly, prompting him to direct Doflamingo to intervene and prevent Whitebeard from wreaking havoc on Marineford.

Upon receiving Kong's directive, Doflamingo's grin slowly faded, his demeanor growing increasingly serious.

Just from Whitebeard's threat alone, we can sense the tension between them.


Are you crazy?

What technique am I using?

String-String Fruit technique?

It can't block it at all? Are you just letting me die?

I'm only here to enjoy the show in this war. Are you really going to let me die?

This is ridiculous!

There's no honor in this!

Who knows how many enemies will come after him if he's injured?!

And besides, the relationship between the Seven Warlords of the Sea and the World Government is just a mutual convenience.

"Hehehe, sorry, but I'm not interested in getting involved in a battle of this magnitude."

With that, Doflamingo casually slipped his hands into his pockets and sauntered away, paying no heed to Kong's commands.

As they watched, nobody moved to counter Whitebeard's impending strike.

Kong's expression turned extremely serious, and the force he exerted reached its peak!

Sensing Kong's rising aura once more, Shanks smirked wickedly.

"Feeling frustrated, are we?"

"Kong! It's a shame you're powerless to stop this now!"


Meanwhile, Nami and Carina found themselves locked in combat against Momousagi and Chaton.

As they witnessed the impending devastating attack from Whitebeard, a chill ran down their spines.

Regarding Droopy, they had only heard Al mention his prowess, but the extent of his strength remained a mystery to them.

"Isn't it supposed to be strong?"

"I'm not sure, but Captain Al claims it's stronger than Tom, so we should be fine... right?"

"Carina, can you hold it off? I'll try to distract them and buy us some time!"

"No, the distance is too great. My barrier can't cover that much ground!"

"Hey, you two, you'll end up dead if you lose focus in battle..."

Confronted with the surprise attack from Momousagi and Chaton, Nami and Carina couldn't help but frown, pinning their hopes on Al.

In their minds, Al was their only hope to rescue Droopy!

However, aboard the Black Pearl, Al remained remarkably composed upon seeing Droopy take the stage.

Hancock was unaware of Droopy's true strength. When she discovered he was a member of the Al Pirates, she couldn't help but inquire:

"Master Al, aren't you going to do something?"

"Why should I intervene?"

"Can't you sense the impending catastrophic strike?"

"I can, but I have faith in my crew!"

"Especially in him! He's always been the corefor our plans!"

"Since Captain Al is so confident, then I will trust him!"

At this moment, the way Hancock looked at Al showed no sign of the arrogance from before!

It was as if she only had the affection of a wife for her beloved!

Meanwhile, Gloriosa, who was far away in the Amazon Lily, had a drastic change in expression after witnessing the scene depicted by Hancock!

She gripped her crutch tightly, her heart filled with astonishment as she murmured, "I never would've imagined it! This thousand-year-old iceberg actually melted?"

Back at the heart of the battlefield...

Just as Whitebeard's terrifying presence reached its zenith...

The sound of shattering mirrors echoed one after another at the battlefield's edge!




Under the overwhelming pressure of Whitebeard's terrifying aura, the ice cubes covering the entire sea shattered into pieces!

Just as this devastating blow, capable of annihilating all of Marineford, was about to be unleashed...

All the Marines present couldn't help but furrow their brows, their hearts roiling with turmoil.

"Is Marineford... going to be obliterated?"

People across the world held their breath at this pivotal moment, their blood racing through their veins.

Many even cried out in despair.

"What will become of this world!?"

No one had an answer...

Since the outbreak of this war, the entire world has been plunged into relentless chaos.

And Marineford represents the last hope for these good-hearted individuals.

If even the Marine Headquarters were to vanish...

Who else could halt this runaway world?

Rely on that army?

Don't be absurd!

As the strongest arm of the World Government, the Marines hold the top position, with no other force able to challenge their might.

Yet, even with such formidable strength, the Marines cannot quell this spiraling conflict. So, who can this out-of-control world turn to?

Just as countless people were sinking into despair, something incredible occurred before their eyes.

They witnessed the peculiar puppy with a paralyzed face standing in front of Blackbeard, slowly lifting its arms, and then making a throwing motion.

The next moment, something unexpected happened to everyone present.

As Droopy swung his arm back, Whitebeard's terrifying finishing move, it vanished without a trace in an instant!

"What just happened? How did Dad's attack vanish?"

"Not only did the attack vanish, but even the terrifying pressure disappeared?"

Marco and Diamond Jozu exchanged puzzled looks, their minds filled with question marks.

Not only were their captains left speechless, but even Kong, Shanks, and others were dumbfounded!

Even Whitebeard himself, upon sensing his imminent offensive dissipate inexplicably, stood frozen in place!

As this unfolded...

Thousands of miles away from Marineford, an uninhabited island slowly sank after a loud bang!

At this moment, the entire world fell into a deathly silence!


The atmosphere became even more peculiar than when Robin made her move, instantly becoming tense!

No one knew what had happened, let alone how it could be connected to Droopy.

Can an ordinary dog handle such a terrifying attack with ease?

What kind of ludicrous notion is this?

Kaido, hovering in the air, unleashed a blast of flames, sending Gecko Moria flying, and eyed Whitebeard suspiciously.

"What's Whitebeard up to? Isn't he going to fight? Why's he just standing there all of a sudden?"

After a few moments of stunned silence, Whitebeard shook his head.

"Who's interfering with my attack!?"

With the fury in Whitebeard's voice, the entire battlefield once again fell into a deathly silence.

Everyone held their breath, afraid to make a sound.

At this moment on the battlefield, apart from the few top powerhouses still locked in combat, there was nothing but silence.

Only two loud voices remained to confront each other on the entire battlefield.

Seeing no response, Whitebeard angrily raised his weapon, Murakumogiri, in his hand!

The instant Whitebeard raised Murakumogiri, an even more terrifying aura surged straight into the sky!

It was palpable that an immense power, originating from the blade's edge, was gathering.

But in the next moment, Droopy casually extended two fingers and flicked them lightly in mid-air.

At the flick of his finger, the light emitted from Murakumogiri's tip shot into the sky like a cannonball, much to the horror of everyone present!

Kaido's eyes narrowed sharply as he hovered in the air, swiftly adjusting his position to dodge the devastating blow!

However, the attack was too swift, catching Kaido off guard!


A deafening explosion echoed through the air!

The moment the circle of light made contact with Kaido's cheek, its terrifying power crushed and contorted his face!

Then, under Whitebeard's furious onslaught, Kaido was sent hurtling downward from the sky, heading straight toward Droopy's location!

Witnessing this scene, Nami and Carina couldn't help but widen their eyes in astonishment.


As Nami's voice trailed off, they watched as the colossal Kaido abruptly halted mid-descent, suspended in mid-air!

Immediately afterward, to the horror of everyone present, Kaido's massive form suddenly shrank, crumpling into a ball before landing in Droopy's grasp!

In that moment, everyone realized that Whitebeard's formidable attack had vanished inexplicably, only to be neutralized by what seemed to be an ordinary dog?!

"What kind of monster is that?"

"The world's most powerful man's devastating blow nullified so effortlessly!?"

"And then it molds the world's mightiest creature into a mere ball?"

"You fool, is that the real issue here?"

"The real question should be, how did that dog manage to crumple someone as massive as Kaido into a palm-sized ball?"

"What's happening in this world? Why are there so many monsters in this war?"

"God knows! Why are you sitting there, half-buried in the ground, sighing away?"

"Can't I sigh for my daughter? By the way, have you found yourself a girlfriend yet, young man?"

Seemingly aware of everyone's gaze upon him, Droopy tossed out the "Kaido ball" with a hint of embarrassment, then cleared his throat lightly.

"Apologies, sir. My captain instructed me to retrieve him. I must take him back now."

Without waiting for any reaction from those present, Droopy casually retrieved a mace from behind and delivered a series of firm blows to Blackbeard's head.

After confirming that Blackbeard had been rendered unconscious, Droopy lightly clapped his hands and produced a urea bag from his belongings with a blank expression.

"Apologies, this bag is all I have at the moment."

As he spoke, Droopy grabbed Blackbeard by the collar and ascended into the sky.

Upon reaching a suitable height, Droopy deftly tossed Blackbeard into the air, then swiftly opened the urea bag. As Blackbeard plummeted into it, Droopy skillfully sealed the bag and carried it away.

Observing Droopy's smooth actions, Tom blinked and discreetly produced a urine bag from behind, glancing at his cousin Muscles. 

Of course, the aftermath of the soup incident was pretty severe... 

I wonder...

However, Al paid no mind to Tom mimicking Droopy ; after all, it wasn't the first time Tom had gotten himself into a mess. Instead, Al's focus remained fixed on Droopy . 

As Droopy held the urea bag with understated calmness, the entire world erupted into uproar. 

"Why does this feel a bit off?"

"What on earth is happening here? Is that guy really just an ordinary pug?"

"Are you daft? Since when can your average dog talk?"

"You're an imbecile, I didn't mean that at all!"

Just as the entire world gazed at Droopy with shock and confusion, he vanished into thin air in the next moment?

He vanished suddenly in the eyes of countless onlookers!?

At that moment, the whole world erupted into chaos!

Even the top powerhouses on the battlefield were left dumbfounded, their minds reeling from the spectacle.

Unlike Tom, whose speed merely creates the illusion of instantaneous disappearance, Droopy vanished along with Blackbeard, with no trace of his presence detectable, even to the keenest senses.

It was as if he truly disappeared into thin air!

By the time the powerhouses sensed Droopy's aura again, they found themselves on the deck of the Black Pearl!

"Captain Al, I've captured the individual you requested. May I take a break now?"

"Yes, but on one condition! Don't go wrecking the ship just because the hull's cramping your sleep!"

"Captain Al, you're pulling my leg. I'm just a regular dog. How could I possibly wreck such a massive ship?"

"Well... I know you're just like Tom and the others. Go rest, and don't forget to wake up for your meal later."

With a light hum, Droopy briskly trotted away on his two short legs and disappeared into the cabin in no time.

This heartwarming scene sent shockwaves throughout the world, leaving everyone in a state of disbelief.

"That monster is actually a member of the Al Pirates?"

"Brother, you still... have your wits about you!"

Meanwhile, on an island in the Grand Line, the news king Morgans found himself consumed by utter madness!

He raised his hands high and let out a hysterical exclamation:

"This war is truly insane!"

"Every single event is earth-shattering news that rocks the entire world!"

"The Al Pirates, of all monsters, have given birth to an emperor who reigns over both the sky and the sea!"

In the heart of the Marineford battlefield, Whitebeard fixed his icy gaze on Al, who stood on the bow of the Black Pearl.

"Little brat, hand over Teach, and I can pretend none of this ever happened!"

Facing Whitebeard's threat, Al slowly grasped Oto and Kogarashi in his hands.

Hand over? What a joke! If Blackbeard were to die, I'd have to scour the world for the Dark Fruit. Handing him over is out of the question. At least until Al gets his hands on the vacuum cleaner, Blackbeard the tool man can't die!

"Whitebeard, are you trying to lecture me?"

"Showing off in front of me?"

With Al's words hanging in the air for a moment, two terrifying Conqueror's Haki clashed fiercely over Marineford almost simultaneously!


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