
One Piece: Starting with Rumble-Rumble Fruit and Mangekyo

Lin Yan transmigrates into the world of One Piece, becoming a member of the Whitebeard Pirates. As the impending Marineford War looms, threatening the downfall of the Whitebeard Pirates, he activates the "Fishing Across the Heavens" system. [Ding! Congratulations to the host for fishing the Rumble-Rumble Fruit!] [Ding! Congratulations to the host for fishing the Mangekyo Sharingan!] [Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring 20 years of training experience!] With his newfound abilities, Lin Yan strengthens the Whitebeard Pirates, recruits powerful allies, and prepares for the battle at Marineford. As the tides of war shift, the Grand Line is reshaped, and a new Yonko rises to power! This is a Translation!

heishiken · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 40: The Challenge from Aramaki

"We've arrived!" Issho announced, shattering the serene silence that had enveloped Lin Yan and Zephyr. They stood before a secluded thatched cottage hidden deep within an ancient forest, where the rustic charm was magnified by the symphony of surrounding wildlife. This humble abode belonged to Aramaki.

Approaching the cottage, a series of loud snores that resembled a bull's roar filled the air, indicating the presence of someone unique. Lin Yan chuckled at the intensity of the snores and mused, "How deeply must one be sleeping?" Zephyr, with a knowing smile, replied, "Aramaki has three passions: sleeping, beautiful women, and drinking."

Pondering how to wake their host without startling him, Lin Yan watched as Issho, with a tactful gesture, placed a wine jar on a stone table outside and gently opened the lid. The rich aroma of the wine swiftly spread through the air, abruptly halting the snores from within. Moments later, the door burst open, revealing a man with unruly green hair and a toothpick perched between his lips. He looked both groggy and intrigued as he inquired, "Why does it smell so good here?"

Recognizing his visitor, Aramaki's initial sleepiness quickly turned into excitement. "Issho?" he exclaimed, stepping forward and playfully grabbing Issho by the collar. "What brings you here today?" Over a round of sake, Lin Yan and his crew revealed their purpose: they wanted Aramaki to join their pirate crew.

"We've faced many challenges, and I respect honesty above all," Issho spoke calmly. "Whatever your decision, yes or no, I will respect it." Impressed by this direct approach, Aramaki turned to Lin Yan, saying, "You persuaded Issho to come along! You must have quite the skills."

"So, what do you say?" Lin Yan eagerly awaited his reply. Issho's endorsement seemed to make Aramaki's decision easier. "Issho brought guests, so how could I refuse? It would be rude, especially as it could complicate my integration into Squad Seventeen. I'm in; I'll join your pirate crew!" However, Aramaki set one condition. "If you want to be my captain, you'll have to prove you're stronger than me."

With the challenge set, Issho positioned himself as the referee for their friendly duel in the nearby mountains. "Let's make sure this spar stops at the right moment," Issho cautioned, adding, "Be careful; punches and kicks don't have eyes!" Aramaki, hands in his pockets and wearing a mischievous grin, taunted, "Come on!" Lin Yan stepped forward, eager to meet the challenge.

Their clash unleashed a violent shockwave, setting off flames and shredding the nearby vegetation. Unfazed, Aramaki pressed forward, delivering punches with astounding speed. Lin Yan met his advance head-on, their fists colliding and generating a fierce wave of air, stirring the environment as if summoning a storm.

As the battle progressed, Zephyr observed, "Impressive, young man!" After several exchanges, it was clear that Aramaki was at a disadvantage in terms of strength. Adapting his strategy, he summoned his Earth Spike technique, causing roots to shoot up towards Lin Yan, who narrowly dodged them.

Aramaki, undeterred, transformed a vine into a spear and shot it towards Lin Yan, who blocked it with his armored Haki. Aramaki smirked, "You've been tricked!" as the vine wrapped around Lin Yan's arm, sapping his strength even through his Haki armor. "Is this the power of Aramaki's Devil Fruit?" Lin Yan wondered, facing a new type of challenge.

After a grueling duel, Aramaki declared, "Once my vines entangle you, escape is impossible. The battle is decided, little brother!" Lin Yan, maintaining his composure, countered, "Have I really lost?

The atmosphere was charged with tension, both competitors poised for the next move.

Aramaki, intrigued by Lin Yan's unwavering demeanor, stepped forward with his palms open, enhancing the absorption capabilities of his plants. "Since you wish to test your strength against mine, I shall satisfy you," he said, his eyes alight with competitive fire.

Just as Aramaki thought he had the upper hand, the ground beneath them trembled violently. "Boom!!!" A powerful aura erupted from Lin Yan, followed by a burst of blue light that spread outward, rumbling the ground and stirring the air with wind and thunder.

Under the gaze of Aramaki, Issho, and Zephyr, Lin Yan clapped his hands, and a blue skeletal framework rose from the ground, enveloping him within. A terrifying power surged forth, sweeping up all the dust around. The vines that had bound Lin Yan snapped instantly.

"What??" Aramaki exclaimed, blood spurting from his mouth as his vines, deeply connected to his being, had broken—akin to losing a limb. This unexpected turn inflicted severe pain and damage.

Lin Yan stood still, now encased within what appeared to be an initial form of Susano'o. This wasn't the first time he had used this powerful technique. When he first acquired the Mangekyō Sharingan, he had struggled with the immense energy it demanded, affecting even his vision. This was why he seldom revealed this power. Only a formidable opponent like Aramaki could compel him to deploy Susano'o. "What is this ability?" Zephyr murmured, shaken by witnessing a power he had never seen before, despite his vast experience.

As Lin Yan moved with Susano'o, the defensive power displayed far exceeded that of any ordinary Armament Haki. Aramaki's vines had penetrated strong defenses before, but nothing like this. Overwhelmed, Aramaki struggled to stand, now vulnerable to Lin Yan's onslaught. Previously injured and facing this new overwhelming force, Aramaki could hardly resist.

Aramaki, not one to concede easily, clashed head-on with Lin Yan's Susano'o. The day was destined to be catastrophic for the surrounding islands. Hurricanes roared, earthquakes shook the earth, and mountains exploded, sinking many islands into the sea. A massive chasm opened, swallowing parts of the ocean, marking the fierce showdown between Lin Yan and Aramaki.

Despite his defeat, Aramaki, pale and weak, let out a hearty laugh, thrilled by the challenge. "How many years has it been since I've fought so heartily? And to be defeated face-to-face by another! The pleasure it brings to my mind and body is incomparable," he confessed.

"I really didn't expect it to turn out like this," Aramaki continued, acknowledging Lin Yan's strength after the duel. With this acknowledgment, Aramaki officially joined Lin Yan's Team Seventeen.

From then on, the future of two admirals from the navy was in Lin Yan's hands. The implications of their departure would be significant for the navy, which now had to consider how to fill the soon-to-be-vacant spots.

Unknowingly, Lin Yan's smile grew thicker as he pondered the outcomes. "If two lucky ones successfully become the next admirals, no need to thank me," he thought to himself. The pressure was now squarely on the navy's side.

Before the challenge, it was only Lin Yan, Zephyr, and Issho. But on the return trip, they had gained a new, powerful member—Aramaki. At the port of the archipelago, Team Seventeen had been eagerly waiting. The many trainees looked on with keen interest as they observed Aramaki joining their ranks.

Lin Yan addressed his crew, robust and ready: "Set sail for home!" The sails rose, facing the sea breeze, as the group began heading towards the Whitebeard Pirates' territory. Lin Yan, perched on the mast, his gaze sweeping over the more than two hundred people below, was filled with emotions. When he had left the Whitebeard Pirates, he had merely hoped to try his luck at sea. He hadn't anticipated forming such a formidable team in just a few days. Now, with the presence of three admiral-level members in his team, Lin Yan felt a mix of excitement and anticipation for the challenges ahead, especially the looming summit war. The navy, indeed, had more reasons to be anxious and worried than his burgeoning force.


Please tell me if at any Point I used Green Bull instead of Aramaki, since he is not part of the Navy using his Codename seems weird,

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