
One Piece: Starting with a Brain-Brain Fruit

Mtl Over the past eight hundred years, the throne suspended in the sky has been impacted by figures of the past like Lox, resulting in a faint crack. Ambitious individuals are also beginning to stir. Who will ultimately claim the throne? The Four Emperors? The Navy? The underground emperors who operate in secrecy? Or the deeply established superpowers? Perhaps even the all-encompassing World Government that hovers above the nations of the world? No, it's none of them! The final victor will only be me, Caldo. The imminent Summit War approaches. As the king, Caldo commands his legions, taking advantage of the turmoil across the seas while the Navy and the World Government are preoccupied. With the speed of lightning, he engulfs the entire South Sea, altering the world's course and facing off against the World Government.

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11 Chs

Chapter 2: The Era of Fierce Struggle Like a Blazing Fire

The next day, around noon.

The scorching sun shone upon the vibrant land of the Kata Kingdom.

Within a luxurious palace.

Seated high upon the throne, Caldo's fingers rhythmically tapped the table's surface.

Creating a clear and pleasant sound.

Under his command were the Kata Kingdom's standing army, five legion commanders, and the three giants who managed the navy.

They all occupied their respective positions.

With solemn expressions, they looked at the man seated on the throne, who continued to tap the table.

Apart from the sound of tapping, the palace remained in a state of echoing silence.

For a moment, the atmosphere became quite heavy.


Despite this, everyone's faces were still filled with solemnity and coldness.

"Gentlemen, the experiment has been successfully completed."

"It's time to begin executing our plan."

"Start acquiring slaves on a large scale, as well as sea kings, and annihilate all pirate crews ravaging the South Seas."

"We've allowed those 'Smile' users to run wild for far too long. It's time for them to contribute to our Kata Kingdom."


"It's also the season for us to reap the fruits."

On the throne.

Caldo's merciless words resonated throughout the luxurious palace!

With just a few simple sentences, he determined the life and death of millions.

"As you command, Your Majesty Caldo~"

"As you command, Your Majesty Caldo~"


Everyone respectfully knelt on one knee.

Regarding the orders of King Caldo.

They would execute them unconditionally, signifying their loyalty to Caldo as legion commanders.

With an indifferent expression, Caldo gazed at the people below, his expression calm, not revealing any fluctuations.

"How is the army reform progressing?"

"Have the new weapons and armor all been fully equipped?"

"They have all been fully equipped!"

"Your Majesty Caldo~"

Upon hearing Caldo's words, Aix? Cage, the commander of the first naval legion, immediately stood up to answer.

"We've secretly gained control over neighboring countries' iron and other metal mines."


"Our kingdom is completely devoid of any shortage of rare metals."

Clap, clap~


As Aix? Cage's voice fell,

Caldo, seated on the throne, applauded with satisfaction.

His gaze towards Aix? Cage was full of admiration.

These were the subordinates he had painstakingly cultivated over the past six years!

Their efficiency in handling affairs truly put his mind at ease.

"Well done, Cage!"

Below, Aix? Cage heard Caldo's praise and his face brightened.

"Following your will~"

"Your Majesty Caldo!"

As a transmigrator, Caldo naturally understood how deep the waters of this world truly were.

It was definitely not as shallow and straightforward as depicted in animations.

Since he became king,

He had observed that those long-standing nations, especially the superpowers!

The depths of their accumulated reserves were unimaginable.

Not to mention the World Government that had dominated the world for eight centuries.

If it were as straightforward as the cultivation novels of his previous life,

A general-level combatant could easily rampage through the World Government's sacred land of "Mary Geoise."

The corpses of the Five Elders would have long decayed in some ditch.


Reality is reality.

It doesn't allow any room for even the slightest mistake by him, Caldo!

Otherwise, the price to be paid would be to drag the entire Kata Kingdom down with him.

"Alright, if there's nothing else!"

"This meeting is hereby concluded."


"Notify the major powers in the South Seas of the messages issued by our Kata Kingdom."

"Urge them to spare no effort in acquiring slaves and sea kings."

"As you command! Your Majesty Caldo~"

"As you command! Your Majesty Caldo~"


The crowd responded loudly.

As Caldo's voice subsided,

All the legion commanders of the army left the opulent and chilly palace.

They returned to their respective bases~

"Your Highness~"

"Can our plan really be realized? After all, we're up against the entire world."

"That colossal entity, its strength accumulated over eight centuries, is unfathomable."

A graceful figure emerged from the shadows behind Caldo.

She possessed an enviable delicate and beautiful face, and her cherry-like mouth kept muttering in Caldo's ear.

"Hehe, lovely Miss Lina"

"The World Government has decayed."

"At this moment~"

"It's like an elderly person on the verge of death, shrouded in gloom. Despite its profound accumulation over eight centuries,"

"Its strength simply cannot suppress the defiant superpowers and countless ambitious individuals on the grand seas."

"The era's wheels of destiny are slowly starting to turn."

"No one can go it alone~"

"If we stay in place without moving forward,"


"What awaits us is being submerged by the torrent of time."

"The World Government has suppressed nations for eight centuries, but any spark that ignites this powder keg!"


"What they'll encounter is the backlash of nations, like an abyss."

"Rebellion, slavery, pirates, Shichibukai system, Celestial Dragons, and the Tenryubito."

"One twisted policy after another."

"Constantly eroding the prestige accumulated by the World Government over eight centuries."

"Major powers and ambitious individuals constantly test the limits of this colossal entity."

"Everyone is getting restless~"

"Human desires are like a rolling boulder on a mountain; once it starts, it can't be stopped."

With a calm expression, Caldo described the world's situation to Ellie in a seemingly inconsequential manner.

As if it were a trivial matter.

His bright and clear eyes looked towards the distant outside of the palace.

His expression was filled with determination and coldness.

Within his eyes~

There was self-assured depth and boundless ambition.

On the other side~

Inside the military camp's training grounds.

All the soldiers were engaged in intense combat training, their sweat pouring like rain. Injured soldiers were carried to the nutrition chambers for treatment.

Such a scene~

Was just a microcosm of the entire army.

Within the camp~

Banners fluttered, rows of chilling and formidable cannons were arranged, showcasing their terror to the world.

Squads of soldiers armed with rifles newly developed by the Imperial Research Institute and clad in fearsome armor patrolled the camp ceaselessly.

Inside the military meeting room~

Aix? Cage was discussing the orders issued by Caldo with other generals.

They continuously refined and allocated their battle plans.

Within the smoke-filled meeting room, occasional arguments erupted.

They would eventually subside back into calm discussions.

After emerging from the meeting room,

Every leader's countenance was marked by an aura of sternness and hostility, warning others not to approach.

This war~

They had been waiting for six whole years.

Since Caldo became king and organized their military forces.

They had let those defiant pirates roam and rampage throughout the South Seas without restraint!

All for the sake of reaping the fruits now.

This was a veritable feast for their military, and everyone present.

Would reap immense benefits.
