
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 101

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 101

A war of war extinguished by sudden rain.

But the rebel army is not over yet. They witnessed the king's brutality in rape blossoms, and saw the king's army defeat Kosha! This is the truth!

The same is true for the King's Army. They saw that the rebel army hadn't given up on it and wanted to continue fighting, and they took up weapons to slay their country to the death.

But in the end, the King's Army was stopped by Gaka, and then Icarem appeared holding the little boy who was kicked down by Na Nefertari Cobra, who was pretending to be Xiao Feng in the rape blossoms.

Icarim did not die when he was rescued by Robin at Whiskey Peak.

The little boy explained the truth to everyone. At that time, the king's army and Na Nefertari Cobra who committed atrocities in rapeseed were fakes.

After that, Icarem explained the truth to everyone, and all of this was done by Crocodile.

Everyone finally put down their weapons.

Vivi hurriedly ran downstairs from the clock tower to find a partner.

But everyone at this time has already left.

When something happened, I went away and hid my body and name deeply.

"Hey! Can't you just leave?" Zoro looked at Usopp and said silently.

"Ah… this, listen to me, I have [the disease that I will die if I go on…" Usopp lay on the ground and raised an arm and said weakly.

"Then you stay here!"

"Eh! Don't!"

In the end, Zoro dragged Usopp away.

"Yo! Everyone is okay!" Hood Hill carried Luffy moved towards everyone waved and shouted.

Na Nefertari · Cobra followed Hood · Hill.

"Hill! Where have you been?" Nami shouted to Hood Hill.

"haha, Chopper, Luffy have suffered a lot of injuries, we must treat him well! Sanji, Luffy can do his best this time, I want to cook him a good meal!"


Hood Hill responded with a big laugh.

"Ah! I know." Sanji lighted a cigarette and took a sip.

"However, Hill, you have also suffered a lot of injuries." Chopper looked at Hood Hill and said.

"Me? I'm fine, let's take a look at Luffy first. But before that, let's take a break." Hood Hill waved his hand and said.

"Are you the group of Pirates who brought Vivi back to China?" Nefertari · Cobra looked at everyone and asked.

"Everyone!!!" Vivi found everyone, and then saw that his father was also shouting in surprise, "father?!"

Sanji looked at Na with surprise Nefertari · Cobra yelled: "Dad…father!! Vivi's father?"

"Are you the king?" Zoro asked.

"I was ready to die at one time!! It was the two of them who saved me!! Especially this brat," Na Nefertari · Cobra looked at Luffy, "I was wounded with Crocodile. , It can bring us back to the ground!! Unbelievable power..."

As Na Nefertari · Cobra said, Chopper gave Hood · Hill and Luffy a simple process. wound.

Then Zoro leaned against the wall and sat down and said: "Vivi, you go first!"


"Go to the square soon!"

Then Usopp also put his hands on his chest, said in deadly earnest: "It's hard to stop the rebellion! The king and Princess have to say a few words!"

"Well, Then you all come together…" Vivi wants to introduce everyone to the people and let the people know that the Straw Hat gang are the heroes of this country. They are too busy to help themselves protect this country.

"Vivi, do you know that too?!" Sanji took a cigarette, and then said with a smile, "We are notorious people!! Don't want to be involved in the national major event!!!"

"I'm so hungry!!" Chopper said with his little tongue out.

"We went to the palace by ourselves!! I'm going to die!!" Nami said.

After that, everyone could not hold on and fell to the ground until they saw that Vivi and Nefertari · Cobra had both left.

"It's really hard work." Hood Hill said, leaning on the wall and looking at everyone.

Hood·Hill is not as tired as everyone. After all, playing Mr. 6 and Miss·mother are all spikes, and Crocodile did not suffer too much injury, it was poisoned twice.

I still have some energy, I just want to guard everyone here.


On the other side.

"Marine!! According to intelligence, a rain boat has just been captured. A large number of dancing fans have been found in the Baroque Works room. The general manager of the Baroque Works room of the secret crime group is Pirate Crocodile of Oka Shichibukai . !!! In the name of Marine Headquarters directly under the World Government, I will issue you the [Enemy Ship Capture Permit] and the title and rights granted to you by the Government! All deprived!!"

Tashigi Station In front of Crocodile, he shouted at Crocodile who had fainted on the ground.


Kousha sat on the ground and bowed his head and said: "We… made an irreparable mistake…"

Vivi is sad Looking at them, they were not wrong in this matter, fighting for the happiness of the people, but this battle was designed by Crocodile.

Na Nefertari Cobra walked to Vivi's side, patted Vivi's shoulder and said to the people of the rebel army: "Of course regret!! Sadness is of course!!!"

"King Your Majesty..."

"We have things that many!! But we didn't get anything!!!"

"King Your Majesty!!!"

Everyone saw Na Nefertari Cobra yelled.

Cosa looked at Na Nefertari · Cobra, "The King…"

"But this is also an improvement!! No matter who the opponent is!!" Na Nefertari · Cobra walked away At the center of the rebel army, he shouted, "The war has happened, but now it is over!! No one can obliterate the past!! The important thing is to stand up after this battle!! Survive!!"

Everyone looked at Nefertari · Cobra and then burst into a huge shout in the silence——

"Long live Alabasta!!!"

After that, this A war that has been recorded in the annals of history… and another unknown war…

It's over! !

On the coast of Alabasta.

"Smoker, what's the matter with this rain, you wouldn't be...you used dancing powder?" Hina walked to the control room of the artificial rainfall boat and looked at Smoker sitting in front of the console. Tao.

"The soul is light!! What can and can't be done, I still know clearly! King Alabasta insists on not dancing fans! How can I break it?" Smoker yelled.

"I was impolite, Hina introspected! What Qian said, the man known as the White Hunter… Compared to the past, it seems to be a lot smoother?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

So far, we don't know if Smoker is a dancing fan.