
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 100

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 100

I am the Guardian God of Alabasta!!


The enemy of the Royal Family!

Completely wiped out! !


With a loud noise, the bomb exploded high in the sky.

Although Bell flew to an altitude of five kilometers, the huge impact of the bomb knocked down the Kingdom Army, Rebel Army and Marines who were fighting in Aruba.

Vivi walked out of the bell tower and climbed to the top of the bell tower.

This time because of the explosion, everyone calmed down and finally could hear Vivi's voice.

It should be like this, but the people of the Kingdom Army and the Rebel Army who were blown down by the blast wave didn't care what just happened.

Just got up and continued to raise the sword and weapon in his hand, preparing to continue fighting.

"Hold it, stop, you all stop!!" Tashigi shouted anxiously, trying to rush to stop them, but was stopped by his own hands.

Everyone got red eyes.

"Why…Is it really impossible to stop it?" Tashigi said desperately at the fighting person.

"Listen to me! Please don't fight again!!! Please don't fight again!!!" Vivi stood on the roof roar.

"Please stop calling!!!"

"Please stop calling!!!"

Nami couldn't help looking at Vivi's roar She shed tears, and she also knew that no matter what she was doing now was in vain, but…

Nami walked up to Usopp, Sanji, and Zoro and shook their bodies and shouted,

"What are you doing here!

"Try your best to stop the rebellion!

"Go, even if it only reduces one heartbeat!!!"

"Please don't fight anymore!!!" Vivi's roar continued.

"Please don't call anymore…"

But they all know that nothing is going to work now, and they have nothing to do.

"Please don't fight anymore!!!"

"Please...don't...make another fight!!!"

But or for Vivi , Ran up and joined the melee…


Luffy yelled and punched The punch hit Crocodile's body.

Kicked Crocodile in the face.

He attacked again and again, moved towards Crocodile attacked.

Crocodile was beaten on the ground and was very puzzled. This brat was obviously covered in wounds, and blood was no longer bleeding all the time. Why did he still have the strength to fight!

"The little-known stinky brat!! Who do you think I am?!" Crocodile stood up and shouted angrily.

"I don't care who you are! I want to surpass you!!!"

Luffy kicked Crocodile directly into the air.

"Hurry up and perish together with the temple! Heavy sandstorm!!"

Crocodile moved towards Luffy and attacked, Luffy directly resisted, and then jumped hard.

"Rubber rubber!!!"

"Desert!! Vajra treasure knife!!!" Crocodile directly moved towards Luffy's arm and slashed away.

But Luffy didn't care about Crocodile's attack at all, so he carried it hard, even if his arm was cut into countless wounds by the big knife turned into sand, it didn't hurt!


"peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~!!!!!"



Countless fists hit Crocodile's body, Luffy exhausted his strength and finally removed Crocodile from the underground temple He broke the wall all the way, came outside, came to the high altitude, and still didn't stop, until Luffy didn't have the strength to continue his attack before stopping.

And Crocodile vomited blood during this final attack, and could no longer withstand such damage.

Finally fell from the sky and hit the square in front of the palace.


"Hey, that's...Look at it everyone!!"

In the melee, Sanji was the first to find that Luffy was beaten up by Luffy Crocodile.

Vivi also found the Crocodile that was beaten by Luffy, and remembered what Luffy had said to him, [Anyway…just…just beat that Crocodile…! ! ]

didn't expect Luffy really did it!


And Luffy also fell to the ground with exhaustion.

Na Nefertari · Cobra looked at Luffy in surprise and said: "Fool, how many rock formations you have to penetrate to the ground…"

"I don't know why he flew out from there. !!! But… anyway… Luffy won!!" Usopp, Nami, Sanji, Chopper and Zoro shouted in surprise.

Vivi knelt on the ground and grasped the ground fiercely with his fingers, "The enemy is gone… I don't want to see anyone bleeding anymore… please don't… fight again!!!"

But even if Crocodile fell on the square, the people of the Kingdom Army and the Rebel Army still didn't notice, they were just fighting.



A drop of rain fell from the sky to the ground.

Tick ​​Tick Tick~

The rain from the two places landed on the ground from the air.

Tick ​​Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick

crash-bang ~~~

It started to rain heavily in the sky in Aruba.

This rain only wakes up the kingdom army and the rebel army.

Kousha caught the first drop of rain with his hand and shouted: "The battle is over!!"

And everyone looked at the pouring rain, all Putting down his weapon, he looked up at the sky.

Then they also discovered Crocodile.

"Enough!! Don't fight anymore!!"

They also heard Vivi's shout, roar.

"The war was subdued by the rain!"

"Vivi Princess!"

"Mr. Crocodile? Why did he fall here?"

People from the Kingdom Army and the Rebel Army asked suspiciously.

"Now... the rain! Same as before, it will continue to fall! Because of the nightmare!...It's all over!!"

Imperial Family Cemetery Underground Palace.

! Luffy opened his eyes because he knew that the Underground Palace was about to collapse, and he had to rescue Hill and the others!

"Thank you so much!!" Na Nefertari Cobra said.

"hehe! No thanks!!" Luffy revealed his mark: D-letter laughed.

"Straw Hat brat! If you can move, go and save your partner. He is poisoned by Crocodile, and he will be in that bottle on the ground. At home, your partner will be I'm going to die!" Robin lying on the ground shouted to Luffy.

"Ah! Why didn't you say it earlier!"

Luffy dragged the body of riddled with scars, picked up the antidote, walked to Hood Hill's side, and then solved it. The medicine was poured into Hood Hill.

"It's going to collapse, Hill bear it a bit. Uncle, and you!" Luffy held Hood Hill in his mouth, then carried Na Nefertari Cobra on his shoulders and stretched his arms around Na Nefertari Cobra, then picked Robin up again .

Finally stretched out his other arm and escaped from the collapsed palace.