
One Piece : Start As Celestial Dragon And Take Down Hancock

Traveling through the world of pirates, he also became a noble Celestial Dragons. Lakeman just wants to enjoy a luxurious life. Unexpectedly, as soon as he attended an auction, he met the three Hancock sisters who had just been captured, and the binding system was awakened at the same time. As long as you bind a genius, you can get the other person's daily practice benefits. 【You have bound Boa Hancock! 】 【You have bound Kizaru! 】 [You have bound One Piece’s deputy, Pluton Rayleigh! 】 【You have bound Doflamingo! 】 "Originally I just wanted to recruit talents from all over the world, but why are there more and more beautiful girls?" Lakeman looked at the group of beauties beside him and fell into deep thought. .................................................. This is translated work. Not my original. I have mainly fixed spelling and grammar errors while adding smut to story. ________________________________________________________________________ Support me at P@treon If you can. __________ patreon.com/UchihaRemant _______________________________________________________________________ Paypal _____________ Remant6@gmail.com Remant37@gmail.com __________________________________________________________________________

Uchicha_Remant · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Kizaru Licks The Young Master So Happily

"Why is the Vice Admiral so proactive?"

"There must be something here that we don't know about."

"Could it be that Master Celestial Dragon has made an offer that cannot be refused?"

"It's possible that the Vice Admiral prefers a job with more money and less work, which Celestial Dragons can provide."

"Is it possible that the Vice Admiral was simply conquered by Saint Lakeman?"

Everyone was talking nonsense and talking nonsense.

Although it was a joke, there was a hidden look of worry in everyone's eyes.

Vice Admiral's proactive attitude today made them feel uneasy....Lakeman's boat.

"Hey, here you go, Vice Admiral." Lakeman was also a little surprised and waved hello with a smile.

He didn't expect Kizaru to be so proactive today.

"I already like the high-end ingredients here." Kizaru smiled.

The two men were in position as always. Lunch is served from the kitchen. But this time, the atmosphere was completely different from before.

"Lakeman Saint goes to Sabaody Archipelago, what are your plans?"

"What does the Holy Land Mariejois look like?"

"Oh, I envy your life."Kizaru's attitude changed from his previous indifference, and he began to flatter him in various ways.

The butlers and servants around him had their eyes bulging when they heard this.

Is this the same Kizaru Vice Admiral? Why did you completely change your face today?

"Haha, the life of Celestial Dragons is just like that, simple and unpretentious." Lakeman pretended to shake his head, looking like he was not worth mentioning.

But the grin on his lips could not be held back at all. It feels good to be licked. Although it is clear that Kizaru is deliberately flattering, who doesn't want to hear good things?

Lakeman was delighted. Coupled with the continuous improvement of the binding progress, it was like a double thread design, making him almost ascend to heaven inside his head.

'Damn, I never held Teacher Zephyr's smelly feet so hard when I was young! ' Kizaru smiled on his face but cursed in his heart.

If it wasn't for the purpose of finding out the people behind Lakeman, why would he be here! A dignified Admiral candidate in his thirties is licking his face to please a ten-year-old child. Isn't this going to make people laugh?

'This young master of Celestial Dragons is smiling so happily, he should have lowered his guard against me. ' Kizaru looked at the laughing Lakeman and thought to himself.

at the same time.

The three Hancock sisters finished washing and eating lunch and went to the deck to eat.

They saw Kizaru licking Lakeman from a distance. The three sisters had goosebumps.

"So greasy!"

"So shameless!"

"How could he say that without conscience?" Kizaru's words made the three sisters stunned. 

Lakeman is handsome, burly, and graceful. He is full of the aura of an ancient king. Any glance at him will make people shudder, as if he is a king patrolling the world. He is a born ruler!

Can you say this with your eyes closed? The more serious problem is. Lakeman listened with a face full of intoxication and a smile on his face, as if he really believed it.

The butler next to him couldn't help but look away.

"The young master smiled so happily..." The three Hancock sisters twitched the corners of their mouths slightly. The scene was lively. The atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

'The time has come. ' Kizaru narrowed his eyes slightly, a gleam of light flashing under his sunglasses.

'A ten-year-old child, no matter how scheming he is, can't hide much. '

He was about to open his mouth to test.

Lakeman suddenly turned his eyes, saw Hancock appearing on the deck, and hurriedly waved: "Come here."

The three Hancock sisters: "?"

Although confused, the three of them walked up to Lakeman.

Kizaru choked slightly when he saw this, and swallowed back the tentative words he was about to say.

"I would like to introduce to you Kizaru Vice Admiral. This is the Admiral candidate. He has a powerful Logia Sparkling fruit, and his strength ranks among the top ten in the entire Marine!" Lakeman started to praise him fiercely.

Kizaru waved his hands hastily, saying that he was still far away.

The three Hancocks had strange expressions. This was the first time they heard Lakeman praise someone so sincerely.

"It just so happens that we just talked about the content of training." Lakeman continued: "You usually have a lot of doubts. Why don't you take this opportunity to ask Kizaru Vice Admiral for advice?"


Kizaru couldn't help but ask a question.

When did I talk about cultivation? From the beginning, wasn't it me who was flattering you and listening to you bragging about the boring daily life of Celestial Dragons? No, could it be said...An idea flashed in Kizaru's mind, his expression changed slightly, and his eyes when looking at Lakeman became extremely shocked.

'This young master of Celestial Dragons was not fooled? '

He suddenly realized something terrible.

Although Lakeman seemed very happy to be praised by him, what if he didn't let his guard down because of it?

"Can I ask for advice?"

Hancock raised his eyebrows first and asked, "Is that okay?"


Lakeman looked calm and said calmly: "Kizaru Vice Admiral and I hit it off immediately. We have had lunch and dinner together these days. The Vice Admiral will not refuse this small favor."

"What do you think, Vice Admiral?"

Lakeman turned his head calmly and asked Kizaru softly.


These soft words fell into Kizaru's ears like a thunderbolt. There were huge waves in his heart. This Celestial Dragons young master was indeed not deceived by him! On the contrary, he acted happy, as if he was completely blown away by his words and could not recognize himself.

'What a deep city! ! '

Kizaru looked horrified.

The butler standing by also looked at Lakeman in disbelief with a moved expression.

'The young master actually has such a plan! ? '

Even as an adult, it is difficult to withstand the praise of others. This is human nature. But Lakeman not only did not become arrogant, but was extremely calm.

When Vice Admiral Kizaru was about to reveal his secret, he smoothly changed the subject. There is no plan to give Kizaru any temptation. This method is simply appalling!

'Master, have you seen it? The young master is a genius! ! '

The housekeeper couldn't help but look up at the sky, with tears in his eyes, and felt extremely happy in his heart. But Lakeman didn't think that much at all.


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