
One Piece: Soul Possession System

After he crossed over to the world of One Piece, he became Roger's younger brother. Gol-D-Roger, who was in his fifties at the time, was taken aback to learn that he had a younger sibling. However, he was very frail. To his great good fortune, at the age of sixteen he discovered that he genuinely possessed a soul possession system. Through the powerful skill of the Hundred Step Flying Sword, he had tied himself not only to the master IP man but also to the White Phoenix and to Ge Nie. I f you believe that he is only able to buy these, then why? You are mistaken about it! As long as there is money, any soul can be Purchased, Pain Itachi, Ichigo Kurosaki. DISCLAIMER: This is translated version of the original novel One Piece Soul Purchasing PIrate.

Benevolent_Sage · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: I HAVE TO FIGHT!

The sea air was blowing gently with a hint of salty flavor, which caused the curtains to flutter as it passed through the room.

There was a cat sleeping underneath the desk; it raised its paw and stroked its face while its eyes were only half open before closing them and going back to sleep.

Rogen had a very good opportunity to get some rest this morning, but instead he was putting all of his belongings into a bag.

He had no choice but to run away since the people who were after him to collect the bounty were getting closer. Moreover, should he be caught, he will spend the rest of his life in a filthy prison. That institution is known as Impel Down Prison.

"Rogen, make haste! Those psychotic individuals are on their way!"

Outside, there was a little girl who went by the name of Lolita. Lolita was anxious as she yelled at Rogen to go faster.

"I know, I know!" Rogen gave a carefree wave as he walked out of the bedroom carrying the small backpack he had been carrying.

"Those groups of individuals are absolutely despicable; Roger had just passed away, and they had already come for you, only to earn the reward; you guys are completely beyond scruples."

Rogen just smiled. It was obvious to him that the only goal this group of individuals had in mind was to obtain the expensive reward.

After all, when compared to his older brother, Gol.D.Roger, his strength is pretty much nonexistent in comparison.

In spite of the fact that he has never skipped a workout in all of these 16 years, he finally had to come to terms with the fact that his natural ability did not allow him to reach his full potential in terms of physical strength.

"I can only help you get to the port, the rest depends on you, leave Loguetown swiftly, you must take care of yourself!" "Hurry up, I can only help you get to the port, the rest depends on you!" The little Loli girl uttered the words with tears in her eyes.

Rogen gave a satisfied nod while maintaining a smirk on his face. While he was reassuring the young Loli, he picked up the speed of his walking.

He was trying to avoid being discovered, but they are going to hand him up to the marines.

Don't worry about me and don't follow me because I don't want you to get involved in this situation.

"No, after what happened with Roger, the last thing I want is to lose you too." She stated it quite sternly.

Rogen shook his head and admitted that he had no choice but to accept her help because the ship was about to set sail and he was clueless as to what he should do.

After a period of time spent jogging nonstop, Rogen eventually found himself a significant distance from his house.

He took a stop. His eyes sent a perplexed glance towards the direction of his house, the location he had called home for the previous 16 years.

And as of this moment, he will no longer have a place to call home. It was incomprehensible how Roger, who was in the middle of his life, should have a younger brother who was far less capable than he was.

As soon as Rogen opened his eyes, he was aware of the environment that he was in, and he immediately understood why it was impossible for him to be a native of this world. At that time, he was feeling joyful and enthusiastic.

The world of One Piece consisted of this.

He is Gol-D-sibling, Roger's that's right! They shared the same surname, the same blood, and Roger had been his teacher ever since they were children.

Nonetheless, a dreadful event took place, and he discovered that he had very little strength, if any at all.

He followed Saitama's training regimen for the better part of 16 years, which included wild running, push-ups, training in the scorching summer while clutching a large quilt, and training in the winter while just wearing a vest and shorts. On the other hand, he was unable to improve his strength.

Whatever the case may be, the fact that he was training in such a bizarre manner led him to believe that he might improve his strength.

People flocked to Loguetown in large numbers the day before, which was the day that Roger was executed on the stand.

While Rogen was standing in his bedroom on the second story, he had a clear view of Roger's stage. Although he was aware that this day would ultimately arrive, he was not surprised.

When Roger died, a tremendous catastrophe befell him… The authorities would not allow anyone to live who had any sort of connection with Gol D. Roger, and his brother Rogen was the top priority despite the fact that he was feeble and ineffective like a regular person would be.

"Rogen, don't look back; just go!" the little Loli urged him as she hurriedly dragged him along.

She was able to make out a lot of footsteps in the tunnel.

When the little girl pushed him, she did not notice that he immediately began to shake, and that he had an odd look on his face.

During the same time period, a number of individuals could be seen brandishing swords near the tunnel's entrance. Their eyes were quite perceptive.

"Rogen, do not make any attempt to flee!"

"Remain where you are or we will put an end to you!"

"Your brother has passed away; at this point, it would be better for you to join him."

This group of individuals hadn't entered the building yet, but they immediately began screaming at the top of their lungs. The noise was intense, and it made the young Loli shake with anxiety.

"Hey, you cretins! Have you lost track of everything that Roger has done for you? Lolita possessed a lot of courage. They were admonished very loudly by her.

At that precise moment, the crowd came up behind them and completely encircled them.

Some of the individuals who were surrounding Rogen displayed an embarrassed expression when they heard Loli's speech; in point of fact, these individuals had been instructed by Roger. Despite this, the prize was quite alluring.

"Gol.D.Rogen, your bounty has been increased to 110,000,000!"

"Rogen, you are a menace to the Marines, this is the law, we must do this, we are sorry," the commanding officer said.

Even while several individuals in the audience continued to explain, it was still possible to make out the look of avarice on their features.

Due to the fact that Rogen was currently engrossed on the user interface of a magical system, he was unable to hear the dialogue that was taking place between Loli and these other individuals.

Immediately before to Lolita pushing him, he was immediately confronted with the sound of a robotic voice that was icy cold.

Congratulations to the host, as the most powerful system was successfully bound to the host.

"Using money from our world, the host has the ability to purchase the soul of a person who has

created his own mythology."

"Another option open to the host is to make use of the possession coins he has earned by trouncing his foe in order to learn abilities from the possessed soul."

"At long last, it's up to the host to decide what color the soul will be!"

Following the playback of the electronic music, Rogen observed the appearance of a vibrant user interface in front of him.

"One Thousand Belly, Ten Thousand Belly, One Hundred Thousand Belly, and Finally, One Billion Belly."

Rogen's face initially displayed a peculiar expression, but then a trace of a smile appeared on it.

According to the quality of these coins, the colors that define the power of the spirit are the seven hues of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Indigo is the final color.

He was only able to choose the color when he had the money to buy it, and he could collect possession points by defeating his opponent in order to buy the skills of the possessed soul with those points.

At this same moment, there were twenty avaricious individuals surrounding him in front of him, and he only had ten thousand Bely in his bag.

"Then there will be no pity shown to you!"

"The crimson soul is the one for me."

"I want a 10 thousand Belly soul!" you exclaim. "I got it!"