
One Piece: Sin of Sloth

Given godlike powers, Charlotte Snicker will strive to live his life to the fullest by doing .... absolutely nothing. After all, a life without worry is truly a good life.

pochi1738 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


<random pirate pov>

We were just celebrating. Our crew, the pink beards, just scored big and managed to rob a merchant ship. We had enough gold to last 10 years without work.

But then, he came.

He looked like some innocent kid, perhaps he got lost and ended up here. The whole island should have already known about us.

"Hey kid, whats some rich kid like you doing here ", my friend William asked, walking up to the kid. The kid was wearing black clothes that seemed out of place in a remote island like this. He had clean-cut hair and a handsome face, that just screamed nobility. We were planning on kidnapping him and maybe getting ransom from the family, but then all hell broke loose.

"Alright... I'm here to kill you, cause you attacked mom's ships, so coul you just stand still", the kid said, nonchalantly, as it this was a normal occurrence. That coupled with his bored expression, made it look like he was looking down on us. A pirate's pride is very important.

"The hell did you say, brat!", William roared, eliciting a few smirks from the other crewmates.

"Hey, Will teach the kid a lesson, but don't kill him. We still want that ransom.", a crewmate laughed.

"Sigh, why do you pirates never make it easy...", I heard the kid mouth, with a slightly annoyed expression, like we were flies.

The boy snapped his fingers and somehow blue circles seemed to materialize out of thin air. We were all slightly taken aback by this display, but it was the next event that truly shocked us. Out of these blue portals, some swords and lances seemed to pop out ready to fire.

"Alright last chance, either go painlessly or like this," the boy offered pointing to the dozens of blue portals, each with a bladed weapon on standby. William roared and attempted to punch the boy, resulting in an immediate shockwave.

We all were thinking the same thing at that moment, 'poor kid', after all no one ever survived William's rage punch

Suddenly, Will fell backward, his body becoming completely limp. There were three blades embedded in him, which completely dematerialized into gold dust.

"Guess you guys chose the hard way", the boy muttered. We couldn't even get our bearings, before we were showered with weapons. The incredible force these weapons were being shot at, made it nearly impossible to deflect. Our bodies were being riddled with hundreds of blades, that all dematerialized as soon as it hit.

Even the captain could do nothing. Benjamin Wech, an infamous pirate with a bounty of 1,000,000 beri. He attempted to parry the blades, however his sword was broken by a volley and he was immediately killed.

I barely survived by quickly lying on the ground, using deceased crewmates as shield.

After hearing the blood curdled screams of my crew mates, and the distinct sound of blades tearing through flesh, it finally ended. I thought I was finally safe.

<Third POV>

Staring at the massacre he had caused, Snicker couldn't help but grimace. The heavy iron smell from all the blood smelled horrible, and his shoes were getting stained with blood. Blood was incredibly hard to remove.

'Why'd I have to wear white today", Snicker sighed staring at his white shoes, now covered with splotches of red. He made his way past the innumerable dead bodies to a single corpse that seemed to be elevated of the ground.

"You can come out now, I know you're there"


"Yoohoo, I know there's someone there, I can sense it."

Still not a peep. Snicker began to feel slightly annoyed.

"Oi, if you don't get out, I will personally capture you and cut off all your limbs", Snicker threatened. This time, a reaction was elicited. The corpse began to move and slide over, revealing a skinny, weak looking man. He had a frightened expression and looked like he coul keel over any second.

"P-please spare me, I just joined this crew, I didn't do anything", the man pleaded, tears beginning to well up. To onlookers, this may look like some big joke. A fully grown man begging on his knees to, what looked like, a young child.

Snicker looked at the man with a hint of pity, but he still stood there with his bored expression, "Unfortunately, mama will kill me if she knows I spared you so I can't do that. But, I can grant you a quick death", he offered.

The pirate stared at the kid, seeing that his death was immenent the pirate merely nodded his death with his soul less eyes. His whole body had accepted his death.

The boy merely nodded, before a small portal materialized next to him. Snicker grabbed the object that was coming out of the portal, revealing it to be a massive, black pistol. It had an incredibly long barrel with the inscription, 'Jesus Christ is in Heaven now', in a thin, white font. Snicker pointed the gun directly at the pirate's face.

" just so you know I truly am sorry about your crew, it was nothing personal. You just got unlucky.", Sniicker attempted to comfort the pirate a bit, before he finally pulled the trigger.


The resulting noise reverberated through the island, causing some birds and animals to flee from the noise. The pirate's body went limp and it fell on the floor. Its head was missing, having been blown to smithereens by the powerful gun.

"Eww! I think I got brains all over my clothes!", Snicker exclaimed, trying to rub off the blood splatters on his clothes. "So gross, I think I'm going to puke", Snicker spoke holding what seemed to be an eyeball.

He quickly threw the organ aside and began to regain his composure.

'I'm definitely sleeping when I get home', thought Snicker. From out of a portal, materialized a gigantic spaceship, with a throne on top.

Throne of the heaven, soaring king: Vimana

Snicker mounted the ship and sat upon the throne. The ship immediately lifted off the ground and took off, as if listening to Snicker's thoughts.

It was 2 years before the Canon starts. Of course, he cared little about it. He was content to sleep while the whole world went to war.

Snicker was currently 14 years old, but he looked like he was 10. Why?

<four years ago>

<Snicker pov>

I was currently starting at a long, narrow white chalice that was filled with a clear, crystal water.

The fountain of youth. The same on that Ban drank in Seven Deadly Sins, making him into an unkillable immortal.

I already made up my mind to drink it now, or when I'm 17.

On one hand, I really don't want to be a little kid for all eternity, but hey if Sugar could do it so could I. On the other hand, I don't want any hormones and puberty distracting me from my sleep time. I already dealt with that in my past life.

If I drink at 17 my muscles will be more developed, but then again what's the point of muscles when I could just spam swords and lances all day.

An enemy has an army? Throw a couple swords or drop a noble phantasm

Marines are after me? Drop a noble phantasm.

Mom's trying to kill me? Noble phantasm.

I've been imprisoned in Impel Down? Bust out with a noble phantasm.

I haven't even gotten into other manga and video games yet! Yea... screw it, I'll take it now. If mom finds out I'll just tell her its a devil fruit. I mean Sugar somehow gained eternal youth with a devil fruit that turns people into dolls.

Damn, how did I get so smart. It sure as hell didn't come from mom.

<end flashback>