
One piece Shinigami: Reborn with a system

All Things of this World, Turn to Ashes, Ryūjin Jakka! Reborn in the One Piece world, eleven years after Gol D. Roger’s death, Roja becomes marine hero Garp’s nephew and obtains the Sword Soul system, which lets him gain strength without limits and learn various skills. Flowing Blade-like Flame (Ryūjin Jakka), Mirror Flower, Water Moon (Kyoka Suigetsu), Moon Fang Heaven-Piercer (Getsuga Tensho), Thousand Cherry Blossoms (Senbonzakura)…… Roja looked at Akainu in front of him and told him seriously “If this sword descends, you may be roasted to death.” ============= An: if you like the story you can support me on pat-reon, you'll give me the support I need to keep going and deliver more content and you will also get early access to at least 30 chapters patreon.com/Ancestorlord

Ancestorlord · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 3 : the blade of fire

Soon the blinking of the various colors started to slow down .

Roja finally could see the word in those flashing properties. generally they all were green physical enhancement they were all midiocre so they didn't attract him at all.

The slashing gradually become solwer and slower . Seeing that it will stop on a green attribute . Roja felt disappointed.

However Roja didn't expect that what seemed to stop on a green attribute sudenly flashed again then it turned into …

a purple attribute.

undefinedThen before He could see what was it , this purple attribute turned into countless starts circled in the air then disappeared into the property bar.

He got a rare attribute.

Roja was really excited after seeing this scene.

He thought that in the end He will only get a normal green attribute but He ddin't expect it to turn directly to purple which made his heart delighted.

at the next moment the property bar reapeared.

The second stage: the ancient sword of the soul +0

Attribute: Attack power +40, power +10

Special attribute : All Things of this World, Turn to Ashes (TL : j.a.pnese name is banshō issai kaijin to nase If you know what this means =D bleach Lovers) ( didn't meet the conditon for evolution)

(TL : i will change the enhanced energy to just energy )

Energy : 0/20.

Roja's eyes almost popped out when he saw that . He stared at the property bar for a while.

"Isn't this …"

Looking at the sentance in the special attribute . Roja thought that he heard it somewhere before . Then he suddenly remembered .

at this time Roja still wasn't sure ( Tl : i think he isn't a hardcore fan of bleach :p ) if what he thought about was really it so He focused on the special attribute after more description popped up .

Special attribute : All Things of this World, Turn to Ashes

Initial stage : Sword attacks get additional damage .

The first stage : active skill – Shikai : Ryujin Jakka – ( not activated ).

The second stage : active skill – Bankai : zanka no tachi – ( not activated )

(Tl : looool this is just a rare attribute what the h.e.l.l will he get in that golden one then ) .

Thi – This is …

almost directly after seeing this his mind stirred . No wonder he felt so familiar with those words .

All Things of this World, Turn to Ashes …

Isn't this the soul society's first captain ,the captain-commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto who has the strongest Zanpakutō .

The Shikai : Ryujin Jakka when used the temperature will rise to 6 000 degrees . It is as hot as the surface of the sun .

The Bankai : zanka no tachi when used the temperature will rise to 15 million degrees . This is the tempurature of the core of the sun this will dry all the water in the world and burn the world .

Such a power is worthy to be called the strongest in the wolrd and such a sword is worthy to be called the strongest Zanpakutō .

In contrast , This world's admiral Akainu magma devil fruit ability is like child play against Yamamoto . How could magma compare to the core of the sun.

Just looking at those properties Roja's mind was in fire he could imagine a sea of flame swallowing the whole world .

Roja couldn't restrain his heart and wanted to look at how to activate the Shikai : Ryujin Jakka .

The first Stage : Shikai : Ryujin Jakka …

activation requirements: the fifth phase of the soul of the sword.

The second stage : Bankai : zanka no tachi …

activation requirements: Get the Shikai to see the actiation condition for the Bankai.

after seeing those two line Roja's heart calmed down a little.

"Really not easy . I have to reach the fifth stage in order to use the Shikai"

"in Other world it's need to quickly strengthen myself to the fifth level or even higher …"

Early next Morning .

A ray of dawn rising from the horizon as it filled the world with vitality .

Roja exitement surged . He want to began training as fast as possible so he can strengthen the sword of the soul .

So , He got up early in a state of exitement.

There wans't any sense of fatigue .

it seem that because of the sword of the soul Roja's recovery is stronger then normale people .

It was really magical , as long as it's the next day no matter how tired he was he will look new . That made Roja best suited to training .

It's Garp.

he said that today he will start training Roja but now he is still sleeping . Roja was too lazy to wake him up . well even if he calls him he will not wake up .

Roja just walked out and begin simple punching practice.

This is the Marine's headquarter camp training method. Not anyone can learn the Rokushiki even in The marineford camp. well he will need a strong physique to use it anyway.

He was interested in Soru , The high speed movement technique in the Rokushiki . it will help him greatly when fighting with a sword.

as for a gun he won't need one since he decided to use sword . So he won't need to learn gun tricks and so on …

These two weapons will make who learn how to use them stronger.

But Roja will train with Garp . as long as his strength isn't lacking it won't matter.

For the present Roja he doesn't lack any practice method . So as long as he want something he probably will get it from Garp . Then all he need now is focus on training and get stronger as fast as possible and …

Strengthen the sword of the soul.

"Haa !!"

after exercising for about an hour . Roja's body was sweating all over . His shirt was soaked . So he stopped and breathed a sigh of releif.

and Now … Garp still didn't wake up.

Roja's was helpless . For him to be able to sleep until now … while in this noise .

Well it's probably impossible for him to wake Garp so Roja thought about the property bar agian and the bar appeared bfore him.

The second stage: the ancient sword of the soul +0

Attribute: Attack power +40, power +10,

Special attribute : All Things of this World, Turn to Ashes - sword attack have additional fire damage ( evolution condition isn't met ).

Energy : 1/20

In addition to the single point in energy there isn't other change.

"Isn't the energy rising slower than before , it only added one point ?"

after an hour of practice the energy increased just by one . Well Roja wasn't that surprised it seem that he expected this .

Then after thinking a little Roja picked the sword on the table.

One of the Nidai keitesu - Honoo no tsuki.

It's because this sword that he met the strengthening condition for the first stage and also because of it Roja got the Purple rare attribute.


a friction between the scabbard and the blade sounded . This is the first time he pulled the Honoo no tsuki out of it's scabbard.

Honoo no tsuki was slender and long . While the sun light reflected on it's surface it emitted a bright l.u.s.ter. With the blade is slightly red it looked that there is flames raging in the sword.

Seams that with him he would be able to use Ryujin Jakka . isn't this sword related to that attribute ?

This thought flashed in Roja's mind suddenly . He stood up and went to the center of the courtyard.

although Roja isn't a swordsman but looking at the sun reflected on his edge it made it exudes a hot aura.

Thinking about the special attribute . Before the Bankai and the Shikai there was the Initial stage .That pa.s.sive skill will let every attack have additional fire domage . Roja's eye slightly flashed with a trace of light.

"Let's see the attached fire domage effect" Roja looked at the sowrd in his hand whispered this sentence and gently lifted Honoo no tsuki.

the next moment .

The sword in his hand suddenly come down.

in the process Roja could feel some kind of power suddenly seeped out of his soul.

"aaaaaah" Roja suddenly yells.

when Roja's sword completed the swing motion . In the air suddenly there was a golden flame toward the direction Roja swong the sword . Then a bunch of debris from the couryard fell down.

The debris was instantly ignited.

raging flames rised to the sky which turned the debris into black dust and gradually extinguished.

Looking at this scen Roja felt satisfaction .

"If this is just a nirmale flame what will the flame of Ryujin Jakka do or even … zanka no tachi do ".

With this thought Roja was extemely happy.


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