
One Piece: Servants Summoner [EN]

"Hey, buddy, do you know? The title of the world's greatest swordsman has been taken away by someone else?" "What? Is that so? Who is the greatest swordsman in the world now?" "Oh, the person who replaced the previous title's owner is Miyamoto Musashi. Not only that, I have more interesting news." "The title 'The strongest creature alive' has also been taken by someone else, and that person is the queen named Scathach." "..." "Garp, the old man from another generation, has also been defeated by an old man named Li Shuwen." "So many strong people have sprung up!? Where did all those people come from?" "They all come from a group called 'Blueplanet,' by the way, Miyamoto Musashi and Scathach are my partners." "Really... no, wait! Who are you?!" "I am the leader of the Blueplanet group!" The protagonist said with a smile. This story is the story of a protagonist with a Summoner System, summoning powerful two-dimensional characters while sailing on a beautiful vast ocean. *** Advanced chapters available on; patréon.com/Mizuki77

Mizuki77 · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 43

The golden beam was immediately fired. To counter the opponent's movement, Kizaru immediately issued the same technique.


The two beams of light collided and produced a tremendous explosive sound. The surrounding dust immediately scattered from the two attacks.

As the smoke and dust cleared, Borsalino appeared right beside Kizaru. Mimicking the earlier scene, Borsalino lifted his foot and aimed at Kizaru's head.

"Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?" Said Borsalino with a playful expression.

Shortly after that, Kizaru was kicked by Borsalino!

A gleam of light flashed and then took the form of a person's body; Kizaru, who was kicked, appeared again. This time looking at his enemy with a serious expression.

"How was it? Do you like it? Haha!" Borsalino shows his rare laugh.

"This can no longer be described as a surprise, more like scary...you really are scary." Kizaru replied to Borsalino.

"Your ability is the same as mine. In this world, there should only be one devil fruit with the same ability... who are you?" Kizaru narrowed his eyes.

"Before answering your question, I need to ask my superior's opinion." Borsalino turned to Vermilion.

"Fleet Admiral, what do you think?" Ask Borsalino.

"Sure, why not. He won't be able to leave our clutches after all this is over, anyway." Vermilion gave his approval.

"Since Fleet Admiral agrees, then..."

Borsalino put his hand on his face, slowly tearing off Tsunade's ultra-realistic mask.

The face that is exactly the same as Kizaru's is finally shown!

Seeing Borsalino's face, Kizaru immediately fell silent. Shock and also disbelief immediately welled up in his heart.

"Who are you, what is your real goal?"

If that person only looked the same, he probably wouldn't be too surprised; after all, there are Devil Fruits out there that can change a person's shape and face.

But not only the appearance, but the ability of the opponent and the way of fighting are completely the same! This, of course, really surprised him.

"You don't need to know who he is, but one thing is clear... after we defeat you, he will be the one who replaces you as Admiral of the Marines," Vermilion said while showing a curious expression.

"So this is your real goal?" Kizaru stared at his opponent with a cold expression.

"Trying to replace me? Do you have any idea how hard it would be?" Kizaru said with an annoyed face.

"Well, let's see. After all, no one in this world knows your weaknesses better than yourself, right?"

"Borsalino, can you tell 'us' some of those secrets?" Vermilion asked his Servant with a playful expression.

"Um... Fleet Admiral, better not bring it up." Borsalino scratched his head.

"Let me keep those embarrassing things in my heart."

"Oh, well." Vermilion could only shrug; he wasn't going to push too hard.

"Though I'm sure you can handle it on your own, we need to get this over with quickly."

"Tsunade, Borsalino, we will join forces to fight him." Vermilion immediately gave instructions.

"Oh? How scary, you guys want to gang up on me. But..." Kizaru gave a stern look.

"After hearing your plan, I made a decision. I will kill you all, right now."

"Yasakani no Magatama!"

Kizaru's figure disappeared quickly, and then he appeared right above his three opponents.

Countless bullets of dazzling light immediately rained down on his three opponents.

Not standing still, Borsalino countered the opponent's attack with the same technique, namely [Yasakani no Magatama].

In the air, the light bullets clashed together before finally dissipating.

Before Kizaru could be surprised, he was attacked by a large number of flying swords controlled by Vermilion.

Quickly, Kizaru turned into a golden light and then dodged the opponent's attack that was targeting him.

When Kizaru landed on the ground, Tsunade thrust her fist right at Kizaru's face.

"Ordinary attacks won't work against m-"


Before Kizaru could finish his words, he was punched in the face causing his body to fly far backwards.

"Uff~ It must be really painful." Said Borsalino while looking at Kizaru, who was lying in a big hole due to Tsunade's attack.

"Of course, I shouldn't rely too much on my Devil Fruit ability." Kizaru stood up coughing, fresh blood flowing from his nostrils. This proved how hard Tsunade had punched him just now.

"Obviously I can't feel Haki in your hand, but why are you able to hit me?"

"Even though I haven't learned Bushoshoku Haki, but I am skilled in Chakra, an energy which is almost the same as Haki. That's why I can punch you." Tsunade said while cracking her knuckles.

"Chakra? What's that..."

"Don't ask too many questions." Vermilion interrupted his opponent's words. Appearing beside Kizaru, Vermilion slashed with [Ama no Murakumo].


Kizaru casts the same [Ama no Murakumo] to fend off the enemy's attacks.

"How is that possible?! You also have the same Devil Fruit ability?!" This time Kizaru was more surprised. Is he dreaming?


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