
One Piece: Servants Summoner [EN]

"Hey, buddy, do you know? The title of the world's greatest swordsman has been taken away by someone else?" "What? Is that so? Who is the greatest swordsman in the world now?" "Oh, the person who replaced the previous title's owner is Miyamoto Musashi. Not only that, I have more interesting news." "The title 'The strongest creature alive' has also been taken by someone else, and that person is the queen named Scathach." "..." "Garp, the old man from another generation, has also been defeated by an old man named Li Shuwen." "So many strong people have sprung up!? Where did all those people come from?" "They all come from a group called 'Blueplanet,' by the way, Miyamoto Musashi and Scathach are my partners." "Really... no, wait! Who are you?!" "I am the leader of the Blueplanet group!" The protagonist said with a smile. This story is the story of a protagonist with a Summoner System, summoning powerful two-dimensional characters while sailing on a beautiful vast ocean. *** Advanced chapters available on; patréon.com/Mizuki77

Mizuki77 · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 145

"There's something up in the sky." Robin pointed at the clouds that showed the shadow of a giant man.

"Ah, it seems we are close." Taking a sip of his wine, Vermillion looked up towards the sky, "We can visit that place, too; I wonder if the one who proclaimed himself a God is there?"

"Do you know anything about that giant human shadow?" Robin asked.

"Giant humans? Those are just the shadows of Skypieans; they're no bigger than the average person." Vermillion replied, "There are also Poneglyphs there. Want to see them?"

"Really? I want to!" Robin nodded vigorously.

"But, how do we get up there? Should we use Semiramis' Hanging Garden?" Robin turned to Semiramis, who was looking at the sky.

"Actually, we can go there using the Golden Hind, but why not try my Hanging Garden instead? Not only is it convenient, but we can also show off its beauty to our future 'friends' up heaven."

"Y-you possessed Hangin Gardens, too?" Robin asked doubtfully. Wondering if her Captain had the same thing.

"Everyone, let's go to Skypiea!"

"Eh?! But there's still plenty of wine we haven't drunk here." Musashi seemed reluctant. How could she leave before enjoying all the wine on board?

"Hold on a moment, Musashi. We can continue the party later anyway."

"Then it's time to go. Hanging Gardens of Babylon!" Along with the chanting of the magic he chanted, the legendary Hanging Garden appeared once again before everyone's eyes.

"I didn't expect there to be two of the same sky fortress." Robin sighed.

"With this, it can be confirmed that the Hanging Gardens is not one of the Ancient Weapons." She added.

"Although I don't know what you mean by Ancient Weapons, but I'm sure that our Hanging Gardens are no worse or even better than the Ancient Weapons you mentioned." Semiramis said proudly, "The last time it was used, I didn't even exhaust all that my Hanging Gardens can do."

"Everyone, come aboard." Vermillion invited his colleagues with a wave.

Drake and the others nodded, then climbed up to the Hanging Gardens using their own methods. In the end, only Robin was left, still had yet to go up, and seemed confused about how to go to the Hanging Gardens.

Seeing a confused Robin, Vermillion decided to help her.

Robin walked over with a sweet smile and embraced her hero tightly.

Using telekinesis, they both flew to the Hanging Gardens.

"No matter how many times I've seen it, the sight of it truly amazes me." Watching the Golden Hind disappear into beautiful beads of light, Robin expressed her shock.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? Basically, Golden Hind and Hanging Gardens are the same thing."

"The same thing?"

"Yes, they are Noble Phantasm; that is their collective name," Vermillion replied.

After landing, Vermillion led Robin toward his team, saying, "Alright, it's time for us to depart." Turning to Robin, he added, "Once you get there, you'll feel a little uncomfortable from the air pressure, so be prepared."

"Hmm~" Robin nodded.

Before long, Skypiea appeared before everyone's eyes.

Upper Yard.

Enel, who was resting, suddenly felt a familiar feeling, "This feeling... isn't that the island I felt last time?"


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