
One Piece: secret of becoming stronger after being beaten was exposed

Miller carries the system through the pirate, whoever beats him can get the opponent's ability. I thought that through the system, I could take a shortcut and set foot on the pinnacle of life in advance. The Navy announces Miller's secret to the world, don't beat him, this guy will copy the devil's fruit and domineering. The country of Won was smashed, the island of ghost was sunk, and Yamato was also robbed. Kaido did not dare to fight back. Baibeard loves his son very much? Looking at Marko at his feet, and then at the white beard who said that it didn't matter, Miller was lost in thought. After extinguishing a few Tianlongren, the five old stars respectfully sent Mi Le away, saying that they would never hold him accountable. After robbing the aunt's favorite cake, she was not angry. Instead, she sent it to a dessert factory, hoping that Miller would not come to trouble in the future. Miller was very sad. After the secret was exposed, people all over the world didn't dare to provoke them. How could they become stronger?

RAR_BLANK · Book&Literature
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132 Chs

The secret that I was beaten to become stronger was exposed by the navy Chapter 26

"I don't stand on either side. I only hunt for those with the Devil Fruit ability. Regardless of the white beard's shaking fruit or the navy's ability, they are all targets for me to replicate."

  Miller did not intend to join any camp.

  Save Ace? He is not interested in this.

  "Early tomorrow morning, let's leave the City of Seven Waters."

  Miller stretched out, and the repair of the Ark's proverbs was over.

  In addition, Bingberg also ordered people to help build five battleships, which will follow Miller by then.

  In the Battle of Judicial Island, Miller's pirate group expanded a lot.

  One of them also joined in.

  "Frankie, are you planning to leave with Miller."

  In Bingshan's office, he looked at this old friend complicatedly, his eyes falling into deep memories.

  He and Frankie became Tom's disciples together, and the two had a happy time in the past.

  But because Tom helped Roger, the Pirate King, build a battleship, he was persecuted by the world government.

  Both of them were disgusted by the world government. Miller defeated CP9 this time and destroyed the Judicial Island. Franky felt very happy.

  The battleships Miller needed were made by Frankie.

  "The world government has been coveting the Pluto design. As long as I leave the capital of the seven waters, you will feel at ease."

  Frankie resolutely said: "I have also inquired clearly, Lord Miller needs a shipbuilder."

  Bingberg sighed. Now that Frankie has decided, he has nothing to interfere.

  For Miller, Bingberg is also grateful.

  If it hadn't been for him to annihilate CP9, he might be able to stab him in the future.


  The next morning, Miller and his party set off.

  Miller was surprised when he heard that Frankie was about to follow.

  Own, seems to have taken away Wang Lufei's crew again? Robin is also one of them.

  At the moment when the Pirate Group is expanding, Miller will naturally not refuse Frankie. Besides, this guy is also useful to board the ship, and he will leave the ship repairs to him in the future.

  In addition to Frankie, one other person was also taken on the boat-Kalifa.

  On the blue sky, a huge spaceship flew by.

  In the waters below, several battleships of the Miller Pirates group smashed through thorns and thorns on Wang Yang.

  The Ark's Proverbs flew over the middle of the clouds, and Kalifa stood on the deck, looking at the disappearing capital of the seven waters, a touch of desolation couldn't help but rise in his heart.

  In the future, she might also survive as a pirate.

  The Holy Land Mary Gioia.

  There is still some advantage in bowing to your knees, and Spandam finally left alive.

  "You idiot still have the face to come back?"

  In the spacious and bright room, Spandam knelt on the ground, and all the five old stars looked at him coldly.

  The Judicial Island was sunk, and Miller and his gang were at large. This was a great shame.

  The five-star star looked at Spandham, why didn't this guy die?

  "Five adults, this has nothing to do with me."

  Spandham burst into tears and explained: "It's all CP9 disobedience. They refused to obey my orders. The guy Lu Qi was too impulsive. He could sneak Nicole Robin away, but because of his arrogance. Arrogant, we had a head-on conflict with the Miller Pirates, and the plan failed because of this."

  Spandam was extremely shameless and threw all the pot to CP9.

  In fact, this guy is eager to urge CP9 to arrest Robin.

  If not, Lu Qi and others plan to stay lurking for a while.

  "The Judicial Island has been destroyed, and the government's face has been discredited. Someone must stand up and take responsibility for this matter."

  The bald old star holding a sword said coldly.

  The others also nodded, it is inevitable to find a scapegoat.


  Spandam's head hit the ground directly, and he didn't even dare to gasp.


  A bright light flew in his mind, and he quickly said: "Several adults, Miller recognized our identity in advance. I suspect that CP9 is undercover."

  He paused for a while and continued: "Kalifa has followed Miller Yuan to fly high, there must be some unknown secret in this."

  "As a spy for the government, Kalifa controls too many secrets. If he takes refuge in Miller, the consequences will be disastrous!"

  The five-star blonde star examined Spandam for a moment, and then closed his eyes.

  "CP9 is unfavorable, and absconded in fear of crime, let the navy launch a wanted on them immediately."

  After these words fell, Spandam breathed a sigh of relief.

  My little fate was finally saved. As for CP9, I can only say sorry.


49.Chapter 49

  The news that Firefist Ace was caught swept the world.

  The new world and the first half of the great route, as well as everywhere in the world are full of trouble.

  "Ai Ai... Ace was caught?!"

  On a certain island on the great route, a young man wearing a straw hat looked at the latest newspaper and his whole body was petrified.

  "Luffy, do you think that Ace?"

  The young man with a green algae head looked at him strangely.

  "No, the other party is a pirate offering a reward of 550 million Baileys."

  The young man in a black suit shook his head, "Still the pirate of the white beard pirate group."

  The White Beard Pirate Group is a world-renowned super pirate group.


  Luffy looked at the newspaper blankly as if he hadn't heard anything.

  "Luffy, maybe your head is burnt out."

  The beautiful girl touched Luffy's head, the temperature was normal.

  "Aceta, Aceta, Ace..."

  Lu Fei couldn't help but burst into tears, "He's my brother, eh!"

  Luffy cried bitterly, and the rest of the people were dumbfounded.

  Everyone looked at each other, looking at Ace in the newspaper, and then at Luffy. They didn't look like it at all.

  "No, I'm going to save Ace!"

  Luffy quickly cheered up and wiped away the tears on his face, "No matter who it is, I will never allow him to hurt Ace!"

  "Are you crazy!"

  Nami jumped out first to object, pointing to the content in the newspaper and saying: "Ace is locked in that Push City. There are too many pirates offering a reward of over 100 million. We go to die!"

  "I must rescue Ace!"

  Luffy, with a stiff, couldn't listen to the advice at all.

  Sauron and Sanji were silent. They weren't as impulsive as Luffy, they still had brains.

  At least understand that attacking the city with their strength is to give away the head.

  But that was Luffy's elder brother after all, and it is understandable that Luffy, as the younger brother, saved people.

  "I object too!"

  Another long-nosed man walked out of the cabin and said in a panic: "Luffy, that's Pushing the city, the pirate's tomb. Almost no one has escaped from there!"

  "Are you going to take everyone to death!"

  Usopp questioned, he and Nami, who belonged to the timid category.

  Luffy's ideas are unrealizable, and they may take everyone's lives at any time.

  "Sauron, Sanji, you two persuade Luffy."

  Nami walked over and pulled Sanji's clothes corner.

  "Miss Nami, although there is a lack of strength, it is a matter of course to save people, and I can't speak." Sanji took a cigarette and said slowly, "I'm sorry."

  "Anyway, Lu Fei is the captain. Now that he has the idea of ​​saving people, he must execute it as a crew member."

  Sauron's eyes were sharp.


  Not only on the side of the Straw Hat Pirates, but also the waves in the sea.

  After receiving the news, the White Beard Pirates of the New World immediately took awful measures and sank all the naval warships that monitored them.

  It even destroyed several naval bases, and the response method was very intense.

  On the sea, every individual can smell the atmosphere of war.

  The battle between the navy headquarters and the four emperors is about to start.

  The navy is also shrinking its forces around the world, and elite personnel from each naval base are sent to the navy headquarters.

  Not only that, regarding Qiwuhai, the navy also issued an order to convene.

  A tragic battle is about to start.

  An island on the great route.

  Many warships were gathered on the sea nearby, and the entire island was bombarded indiscriminately.

  In the towns trampled by artillery fire, houses collapsed, and a group of people hid in the basement, roaring non-stop outside.

  They are members of CP9.

  Lu Qi and others had planned to go to the naval base to train, but the group of guys turned their faces directly and threatened that CP9 was a traitor to the government and wanted to capture them.

  This makes the members of CP9 extremely angry. Over the years, they have done too much dirty work for the world government.

  Now that he has turned into a traitor, isn't it ridiculous?

  "Lu Qi, what should I do?"

  Kaku and others looked at Lu Qi, who was silent on the wall, and asked him what he meant.

  It used to be Lu Qi's sole discretion, and it still is.

  "It's probably Spandham's bastard."

  A cold light flashed in Lu Qi's eyes, "When the navy gets closer, kill them all."

  Since the navy and the world government have turned their faces, he will not show mercy.

  "First find a safe place to recuperate, and then you will find the guy Spandham to settle the ledger."

  Lu Qi clenched his fist. They were all nine dead in the First Battle of the City of Seven Waters. Although one by one escaped, all the members were injured, even he himself was no exception.

  The top priority is to find a quiet place to recuperate.

  At the same time, in another place on the sea, Miller also set foot in an unfamiliar sea.
