
One Piece: secret of becoming stronger after being beaten was exposed

Miller carries the system through the pirate, whoever beats him can get the opponent's ability. I thought that through the system, I could take a shortcut and set foot on the pinnacle of life in advance. The Navy announces Miller's secret to the world, don't beat him, this guy will copy the devil's fruit and domineering. The country of Won was smashed, the island of ghost was sunk, and Yamato was also robbed. Kaido did not dare to fight back. Baibeard loves his son very much? Looking at Marko at his feet, and then at the white beard who said that it didn't matter, Miller was lost in thought. After extinguishing a few Tianlongren, the five old stars respectfully sent Mi Le away, saying that they would never hold him accountable. After robbing the aunt's favorite cake, she was not angry. Instead, she sent it to a dessert factory, hoping that Miller would not come to trouble in the future. Miller was very sad. After the secret was exposed, people all over the world didn't dare to provoke them. How could they become stronger?

RAR_BLANK · Book&Literature
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132 Chs

The secret that I was beaten to become stronger was exposed by the navy Chapter 24

Ainilu pursued and killed his company's members-Luqi and Kaku in the City of Seven Waters.

  "Really, come in."

  Miller sighed, originally wanting to sleep with Carlyfa.

  Bingshan directly slammed the door open. He looked at Mi Le and pleaded bitterly: "Your subordinates are chasing Lucy and Kaku. They are all my subordinates. I hope you will stop them."

  "Luck and Kaku were also hunted down?"

  When he heard this, Kalifa was desperate, if even Miller's men could not handle it, let alone the deity of Miller.

  The gap between them is too big.

  Why would Wu Lao Xing send them such a damn task? !

  Should let the admiral go ahead!

  "Why stop it?"

  Miller took a sip of the coffee on the table, "Bingberg, Ainilu is helping you solve your troubles."

  "I do not know what you mean!"

  Bingshan's face is livid, and the entire Seven Waters City has been smashed, or help him solve his troubles?

  What a joke!

  "Lucky and Kaku, and..."

  Miller pointed to Kalifa, who immediately lowered his head, "They are all CP9s of the world government. They sneaked into the Capital of Seven Waters only for the design of Pluto."

  "Anilu helped you fix these people, not what it is to help you solve the trouble."

  When these words fell, Bingshan's mouth was open and he could squeeze a fist.

  The shipbuilders who have worked under him for several years are all CP9?

  For the iceberg, it is nothing short of shocking and ridiculous.

  He looked at Carlyfa, who played the role of the perfect secretary in recent years.

  It would be terrible if it was pretended to be.

  "You have evidence?!" After calming down, Bingberg still didn't believe it.

  "If you count on evidence in everything, the prisoner will have run away long ago."

  "You can see their skills, they are almost all the same tricks, that is the Navy Six Type, where normal people learn this, obviously they have been trained in an organized way."

  Miller approached Kalifa and asked in a faint mosquito voice: "I'm right, Kalifa."

  "It's also very lively here."

  At the same time, Robin also came, followed by Bartolomio and others.

  They also escorted a person-Spandam, the strength of the five scumbags was too weak and was captured alive.


Chapter 45:

  "forgive me."

  After seeing Miller, Spandam was frightened and slumped.

  A smell of urine also escaped from this guy.

  "Why did the world government choose such an idiot as its chief?"

  Everyone was full of disdain for Spandam, even Kalifa's subordinates didn't look down on Spandam.

  What a shame.

  However, Spandam, who wanted to live his life, didn't care about other people's eyes.

  He knelt and climbed directly in front of Miller, kowtowing his head, "Master Miller, it's none of my business, it's all orders from the five elder stars of the world government."

  "They asked CP9 to arrest Nicole Robin, and I was also forced to help!"

  Spandam revealed the whole thing, and even the torture didn't need to be tortured.

  Facts have also proved that no matter how wise and martial, big people have time to be clumsy.

  "Five old stars?"

  Miller's eyes flicked open with cold light, and Mr. Bingshan on the side was also cold, staggering and almost falling down.

  "You, are you really CP9?"

  Mr. Bingshan looked at Kalifa with trembling eyes, while the latter looked at him with his head up and chest up, "You want to kill, you want to kill, feel free."

  These words can be regarded as a default.

  Mr. Bingshan heard the words as if he had been punched and fell directly on the wall. He clenched his fist tightly, sweating profusely.

  Once upon a time, he deliberately cultivated Lu Qi and Kaku as successors.

  They are all excellent shipbuilders and can support Carrera in the future.

  But the truth was too slapped, Bingshan's face was so hot and painful, it seemed that someone had taken a few big mouths.

  "Let me go, Lord Miller, I'm just an insignificant little person." Spandham hugged Miller's thigh and begged for mercy.

  "Trash, you actually bowed to the enemy, and the government's face was lost by you."

  Kalifa scolded angrily, but Spandham didn't care.

  He is a very realistic person. If he can survive, what kind of dignity is he?


  At this moment, the phone worm on Spandham's body rang, and he took it out to take a look, his cheeks were strained-the jet-black phone worm.


  Miller clearly saw the fear and panic in Spandham's eyes.

  "This, this is from the Five Old Stars." Spandam said weakly, "80% asked Nicole Robin what's going on here."

  When the voice fell, the entire office was completely silent, including Miller's breath.

  He has met the Admiral, the highest authority in the world-the five old stars, and still has never met.

  But what? !

  Miller grabbed the phone bug and directly pressed the answer button.

  "Spandam, how is the mission accomplished."

  A very majestic voice rang across the phone worm.

  "Is it because you old dogs who never die let CP9 catch my woman?"

  Miller cursed directly, and Spandam on the side was frightened and his legs weakened. That was the man in power of the world government, and even the admiral of the navy would bow to his knees.

  "Are you the replicator Miller?"

  The five old stars on the opposite side of the phone worm guessed Miller's identity after a little thought, "It seems that Spandam has failed."

  "Of course, you are expecting this kind of stuff to steal Robin, do you have water in your head?"

  "Don't talk about me, even my subordinates can't beat CP9."

  "Let me wait for the world government. Another day, this uncle will definitely make you pay a heavy price."

  Even in the face of the five old stars, Miller is still rampant and domineering.

  At this moment, the five old stars of Mary Joa are all very angry. How can anyone dare to talk to them with this attitude?

  But if the target is Miller, they really have to consider the threat of the other party.

  Because this guy is not a messy character in itself, even to some extent, it is more difficult than the four emperors.

  The whole world knows that Miller can replicate the ability of Devil Fruit, including the domineering, and the pirates or navy who have fought with him have almost all taken away their ability.

  If you really go crazy one day, it can indeed cause trouble to the world government.

  "We can talk in detail."

  The simple words of the five old stars shattered everyone's three views, including Kalifa and Spandham, who were dumbfounded.

  Nicole Robin also cast incredible eyes.

  To put it bluntly, isn't the so-called talk a confession?


  Hearing this, Miller was also stunned, and he didn't expect Wu Lao Xing to admit it at this time.

  The world government has always been lawless, and who has it cared about?

  What Mi Le didn't actually know was that the Five Old Stars also wanted to send multiple top combat powers to annihilate Mi Le, but then the Warring States came forward to stop it.

  "You guys don't want to see the domineering Sakarski, Polusalino, Kuzan, and Karp appearing on that guy at the same time, do you?"

  It was such a simple sentence that dispelled their idea of ​​destroying Miller.

  "I'll grab your wife, hang it up, tortured and humiliated, are you willing?"

  Miller asked sharply, the temperature of the entire room suddenly dropped to freezing point.


46.Chapter 46

  "Presumptuous, pay attention to your tone of voice!"

  "Don't think that you can shake the world government if you control the power of crooked ways!"

  "Standing in the world for eight hundred years, do you know how much territory we control!?"

  "Mortal, do you want to contend with God?"


  Miller's words deeply angered the five old stars on the opposite side of the phone worm.


  Miller pulled out his ears impatiently, and looked at everyone speechlessly and said: "These old guys are too good to talk. Their mouths are like machine guns. They talked a lot. The old man is really the most verbose."

  Nicole Robin and others: "..."

  "Then go to war."

  Miller said a few words lightly.

  When the Straw Hats rescued Robin, they were not afraid of the world government, let alone the current Miller.

  "You, are you serious?!"

  The voice of the five old stars on the opposite side was a little choked, seemingly shocked.

  Because no pirates have been so rampant, no one dares to use the word "war" on the heads of world governments.

  "Do you think Lao Tzu is teasing you?"

  Miller sneered, and said with evil interest: "Of course, if you send your wife over and let me beat me up, then I don't mind canceling the declaration of war."

  "Otherwise... Give me a good tremor!"


  Miller hung up the phone worm after speaking. Anyone who has a certain understanding of the world government knows how crazy Miller is.

  The most complicated of these is undoubtedly Robin.

  She also didn't expect this incident to go to the point of war with the world government.

  "The boss is so cool."