
One Piece: Ruthless

Rhine traveled to the world of One Piece, took advantage of Blackbeard and Ace's fight, steal the Yami-Yami no mi and took over the Blackbeard Pirates. The next thing to do is to deal with Luffy, hand him over to the World government, and turn the world upside down. For the crew, he is the perfect captain. For the protagonist group, he is the most terrifying villain. Source: https://wap.faloo.com/1255593.html

Aries_tana · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

This means War

"I thought we would never see each other again, but I didn't expect to see you again so soon, Sunny."

Less than two hours later, Rhine patted Sunny's lion head again and smiled.

After losing the Revolutionary Army gang to Akainu, Rhine still decided to take the Sunny to Marineford.

To Handed over Luffy to the Marine.

Although in addition to Area 66, Sabaody Archipelago has other Marine bases.

There is no guarantee that there are no people from the revolutionary army ambushing in other bases.

It would be embarrassing if the revolutionary army rescued the man just after they handing it over to Marine.

In fact, Rhine's plan was to hand Luffy to Sabaody Archipelago's Marine Base. And stay atSabaody Archipelago for the time being.

Wait for the government to issue a summons for Seven Warlords of the Sea,

Then take Marine's warship directly to Marineford and wait for the battle.

But unexpectedly they encountered the revolutionary army, so he decided to change the plan.

Lying on the familiar turf of the Sunny again, Rhine wondered if it's His Fate or What.

"We are about to reach the triangular current area under the jurisdiction of the government, and our ship can't go in."

Burgess at the helm said suddenly.

Enies Lobby, Marine Headquarters Marineford and Impel down

The three islands form a triangle geographically. And it is surrounded by special rotating currents.

And there are doors of justice blocking the entrance.

If a general ship wants to reach these three islands, it must obtain the permission of the government to open the door of justice.

In the Anime, the Blackbeard pirates were able to pass because Lafitte used Hypnosis to control the Marine in the control room.

"No need, Lafitte, just go and give Luffy to Marine."

Rhine looked sideways.

"I understand"

Lafitte pressed down the edge of his top hat, grabbed Luffy again and flew towards Marineford.

This time, no one came to get in the way.

"Next, let's just wait and see."

Rhine said with a smile.

"Captain , so Marine Headquarters will start a war with the Revolutionary Army?"

Perona held a small umbrella in her right hand and put her left hand in front of her. She gloated and said with a smirk:

"Hooeo horo horo~ If only that long nose could die on the battlefield."

"If you hate that guy so much, why don't you go and kill him then?"

Rhine pinched Perona's nose and smiled lightly.

"But..captain, for the combat power, the revolutionary army doesn't seem to be enough to fighting the Marine."

Burgess scratched his head and said.

Van Augur also nodded, and said in a calm tone:

"Although it is also a very strong force in the sea, but in terms of combat power, it is still far behind the Four Emperors-level pirate group. The strength of the revolutionary army lies in their thinking, intelligence network and the power to unite the civilians around the world. ."

This can be seen from the abilities of the several revolutionary army commanders who they just fought before.

Maury, the commander of the Western Army who is good at sneaking.

Lindbergh of Arms Manufacturing.

Karasu who has the ability to fly and surprise attacks.

None of them are the type of straight-up combat.

The only ones who can really reach the strength of a billion-level pirate are Dragon and Sabo.

And the place where the Revolutionary Army gave the World government a headache.

It is also more about the idea that they spread. the equality of all and overthrow the rule of Celestial Dragons.

If it's a straight battle, even if it is the most sloppy Big Mom Pirates in Four Emperors.

it's a bit overwhelming for the Revolutionary Army.

Not to mention fighting the Marine Headquarters and the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"I didn't say that only the Revolutionary Army who's participated in this war."

Rhine showed a dark expression on his face.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Perona also very curious, and she kept asking while tugging at Rhine's sleeve.

"You don't know the background of that kid in the Straw Hat ."

Rhine pretended to be mysterious.


Hear these two words.

Burgess and his team recalled.

Straw Hat's father is Monkey·D·Dragon.

It really took them by surprise.

And there seems to be a lot of friendship between him and the second in command Sabo.

In this way, it is certain that the revolutionary army will participate in the rescue.

Who else?

"[Fire Fist] Ace is the big brother of the Straw Hat remember?"

Van Augur said suddenly.

He remembered.

When Blackbeard was talking to Ace in Banaro Island before.

He once said that he would capture Luffy and give it to the World government in exchange for Shichibukai's position.

And this sentence also angered Ace, saying that Luffy is his younger brother.

"So the Whitebeard Pirates will also make a move?!"

Burgess suddenly became excited.

After all, the Whitebeard Pirates also have a lot of awesome abilities. It would be great if he could get one for himself.

"It's very likely."

Rhine laughed.

As long as Luffy is publicly executed, it is absolutely impossible for Ace to sit idly by.

Although the Whitebeard Pirates have nothing to do with Luffy, But they would definitely not watch Ace break into such a large-scale battlefield alone.

And Luffy's guide, [red hair] Shanks will he just sit idly by?

With any luck, this Summit War will be bigger than the original.

Do you understand how terrifying Luffy background yet?


That evening, Lafitte returned from Marineford.

He said that Luffy has been successfully sent to Sengoku, and absolutely foolproof.

Then Rhine thought for a while and decided not to go back to Sabaody Archipelago.

After all, there are a lot of pirates there, and there also a lot of disgusting Celestial Dragons.

Rhine considers himself a bad-tempered person.

If cannot hold back himself and killed one or two celestial dragon,wouldn't the plan will be ruined?

So before getting the government's call, Rhine decided to stay on the Sunny and wander around the nearby waters.

At the same time, in the room of the Five Elders, Mariejois, the Holy Land, a meeting was going on in full swing.

Five Elders can be seen sitting in the office of the room.

Discussing the disposal plan issued by Straw Hat Luffy with a solemn face.

he has been thrown into the Impeldown.

But there are two official execution policies.

One is to imprison him in the lowest level LV6 of Impel down and torture him for a lifetime like they did to Crocodile,

The other is a public execution!

That's right, although Luffy's reputation is slightly inferior to Ace's.

But the "treatment" is no worse than Ace.

If he just defeated Crocodile, that period when the bounty of 100 million was offered to him.

Then just they just need to locked him at LV6 for a lifetime.

Anyway, he still the grandson of Marine hero Garp.

They still have to give Garp some face.

But Luffy declared war on the World government at Enies Lobby, and won.

That is completely different story.

It was necessary to carry out his execution in public, to demonstrate to the world the absolute majesty of the government.

And after some discussion.

The Five Elders reached a unanimous decision—

Public Execution of Monkey D. Luffy!

"It has already been reported that Monkey·D·Dragon is preparing to rescue Straw Hat Luffy in the Sabaody Archipelago this morning. It can be seen that he still cares about this son."

Five Elders with a long white beard said in a deep voice:

"Putting Straw Hat Luffy to public execution would be as same as declaring war to the Revolutionary Army."

"The nail of the revolutionary army should have been pulled out a long time ago."

Five Elders who's holding a sword said coldly:

"Isn't it a good thing to use the son of Dragon as a bait this time to lure them out and catch them all?"

"Although the frontal combat strength of the Revolutionary Army is slightly inferior to the Four Emperors Pirates, we should not be careless."

One of them solemnly said:

"The highest combat power must be mobilized, and this battle will annihilate the revolutionary army."

The Five Elders, chose to execute Luffy publicly.

Not just to promote the authority of the World government.

They also wanted to use him to completely eradicate the Revolutionary Army and his Dad Monkey·D·Dragon.

However, Five Elders obviously underestimated the background of Luffy.

Two of the scariest of them,

That is, Luffy's sworn brother is [Fire Fist] Ace of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Secondly, his guide is [red hair] Shanks, one of the Four Emperors.

They don't know these two things yet.

Otherwise, about whether they execute Luffy or not, Rhine afraid that they will struggle to decided it for a long time.

Either way, their ignorance are definitely a good thing for Rhine.



"Big news! This is definitely big news!"

In the early hours of the morning, the headquarters of World Economic News.

As the president of [Big News] Morgans screamed like a eunuch.

After getting the news from Marine.

Morgans immediately ordered all employees to work overtime overnight.

In the early morning of the next day, countless newsbirds full of newspapers flew out from the branches of news newspapers all over the world.

Straw hat Luffy, who had declared war on the World government at Enies Lobby and won, was captured.

And this is not the most critical.

More importantly, he is the son of Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army.

This means that Marine will start an all-out war with the Revolutionary Army!

As News bird distributes this latest newspaper around the world.

Countless people know about this.

The whole world is boiling!



"Marine and the Revolutionary Army... will start an all-out war!?"

"That's right, this guy named Rhine grabbed the straw hat Luffy and handed it over to the government, becoming the new Shichibukai."

"The Straw Hat is actually the son of the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Dragon? My God! Never heard of it!"

"They both have the last name Monkey, I thought it was a coincidence!"

"The newspaper said that the World government has begun to summon the Seven Warlords of the Sea to Mariejois, which means that this will be a war of Naval Headquarters + Seven Warlords of the Sea VS Revolutionary Army!"

"My God, no matter who wins or loses this war, the world will undergo a turbulence!"


There is no doubt that the whole world was shocked.

The news spread like a plague, unbelievably fast.

And in the Windmill Village of East Blue, Alabasta of Grand Line, Capital of Water Seven and others.

Makino, Vivi, Iceberg and other people who have friendship with the Straw Hat Pirates all looked at the newspaper in disbelief.

The headline on the front page was publishing a photo of Luffy bound hands and feet by seastone chains and imprisoned in a prison.

Next to it, Rhine turned his head halfway, as if Dior had possessed him and sent a photo of turning around!

The first page of the newspaper wrote the news that Luffy was arrested and that Marine would formally start a war with the revolutionary army.

The second page is about Rhine handing over Luffy to the World government and becoming the new Shichibukai.