
One Piece: Ruthless

Rhine traveled to the world of One Piece, took advantage of Blackbeard and Ace's fight, steal the Yami-Yami no mi and took over the Blackbeard Pirates. The next thing to do is to deal with Luffy, hand him over to the World government, and turn the world upside down. For the crew, he is the perfect captain. For the protagonist group, he is the most terrifying villain. Source: https://wap.faloo.com/1255593.html

Aries_tana · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs



However, no one was able to answer Sengoku anymore.

The den den mushi closed his eyes after letting out a scream.

Obviously, the bug on the opposite side has been destroyed.

"Damn it! What the hell happened?"

Even though Sengoku is known as [The Resourceful General], he doesn't know exactly what happened on the other side without witnessing it with his own eyes.

But apparently Sabaody Archipelago's garrison Marine encountered a surprise attack.

Is it the group who call themselves the "Rhine Pirates"?

But as soon as that thought occurred to him, Sengoku shook his head.


Since the opponent's goal is to become Shichibukai, how could they kill Marine?

Wouldn't it be a waste of time to do so much preparation before that?

Since this is the case, it is more likely to be - a rescue! ?

Sengoku's expression changed suddenly.

Is it the remnants of the Straw Hat Pirates?

Or someone else?

Whoever it is, Sengoku can't ignore this!

"Call Akainu!"

Sengoku shouted with an order.

No matter what, Monkey D. Luffy can't be allowed to escape!



The hurricane and sword pressure gradually subsided.

The Marine Base behind, the turf on the ground, and the Yariman mangroves around it.

All were shattered by shock waves.

There was nothing but building debris surrounding the area

"It's... so scary..."

Perona hid behind Rhine, her hands on Rhine's shoulders.

Glancing at the area that had been completely turned into ruin , she was trembling with fear.

"Huh... so dangerous, so dangerous."

Burgess held Luffy in his hand, pretending to be surprised and saying:

"The kid almost flew away."

"That's the nomination certificate for the captain's promotion to Shichibukai, so be careful with it."

Lafitte remind him, then squinted his eyes and looked forward.

A tall man wearing a green cloak, after the hurricane subsided, stared straight at this side with cold eyes.

The tattoos on half of his face seemed to have been photographed by a slippers.

The leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey·D·Dragon!

And behind him, Zoro, Sanji, Franky and other crew members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Of course it also includes Nami and Robin who just left.

"Yo~ Nami, Robin, I didn't expect to meet you guys again so soon."

Rhine greeted with a smile.

Nami made up for it, and scolded indignantly:

"Don't act like we know each other very well!"

Rhine spread her hands and said:

"We've all been in contact at a negative distance, aren't we familiar enough?"

Negative distance contact?

Hearing these words, Zoro and the other couldn't understand what he meant for a while.

"Ahh! Shut up!"

Nami broke down and roared.

"I didn't expect you to be able to contact the Revolutionary Army. This is really beyond my expectations."

Rhine didn't continue to tease Nami either, and locked his eyes on the man standing in front, chuckled and said:

"Although he doesn't have the grace of nurturing, it seems that the father still loves his son very much, and he actually went out on his own."

Dragon closed his eyes, his eyes that were still sharp and said:

"If Luffy is captured, it will cause an imbalance in the world pattern."

You must know that Luffy is no longer just a pirate.

After he declared war on the World government and won it at Enies Lobby.

He is already an existence that makes the world government want to eat his flesh and bones.

If Luffy is handed over to the World government by Rhine.

He will never be put in Impel down to die like Crocodile.

Instead, he will be publicly executed.

Just like Ace in the Anime.

Rhine spread his hands and said:

"Although I really want to fight against you, but now is not the right time."

After his voice fell, Rhine ordered:

"Lafitte, send the Straw Hat to Marineford."


Lafitte's arms spread out and turned into wings, and he pinched the sides of Luffy's neck with his feet, and was about to fly away.

"Don't try to run away! Three hundred and sixty vexed phoenixes!"

Seeing this, Zoro pulled out the sword He used, and slashed out a sharp flying sword aura.

However, the half-dead Doc Q suddenly pulled out the huge scythe wrapped in rags behind his back, and lightly blocked Zoro's sword energy.

"Damn it! Demon Wind Foot!"

Sanji jumped up and spun his body like a spinning top in mid-air. His right foot ignited a flame and kicked hard.


Burgess grinned and swung his right arm wildly.

Undulating elbow!

The burst of fluctuating wind pressure instantly extinguished the flames at Sanji's feet.

And the aftermath poured down on him unabated.

"Sanji! Be careful!"

The other members of the Straw Hat Pirates yelled out loudly.


Just at the last moment when Sanji was about to be hit by Burgess's attack.

An afterimage flashed past, and at the last moment, it hugged Sanji and jumped back to the safe area.

"Oh? An unexpected guy has come."

Rhine raised an eyebrow.

The person who rescued Sanji was obviously one of the relatives of King Background.

The second in command of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo!


Luffy, who was soaring in the air with his feet pinched by Laffite, was like a lamb being held by an eagle.

However, the moment he saw Sabo, his eyeballs fell out of their sockets in shock.

But because his mouth was covered by the seastone chain, he could only make a sound of "Muuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

But it can be seen from his expression and the tears that continue to burst out of the eyes.

How emotional he is.

Sabo, who just saved Sanji and saw Luffy, gave him a reassuring expression and shouted:

"Wait for me! Luffy! I'll save you right away!"

Rhine raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

This guy, has his memory recovered in advance?

But it's nothing, for me, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

Like Ace, Sabo is a Brocon.

As long as Luffy is in crisis, he will definitely rescue him desperately.


Just when Rhine turned his eyes to Sabo, there was a momentary gap.

A huge tornado with a diameter not less than ten meters,aflying towards him like a dragon

Rhine's eyes moved slightly, and he slapped his palm on the ground.

"Dark Cave Road!"


The darkness erupted, and the dark energy rising from the ground seemed like a giant beast from the abyss.

Its Mixed with thehurricanes.

For a while, neither side could do anything to the other.


Lafitte and the others shouted involuntarily.

No wonder they were surprised.

After all, since they followed Rhine, they haven't seen anyone match Rhine.

There is even a faint tendency that the hurricane gain the upper hand.

Can it be said that as expected as the leader of the revolutionary army who makes the world government scared?

"Don't waste your time here, Lafitte."

Rhine remained calm and said:

"Send Luffy to Marineford quickly, this is the most critical part of our plan."


Lafitte also knew the importance of this matter.

Without further hesitation, he turned around and flew towards the periphery of the island.

"Let go of Luffy!"

Sabo yelled, twisted his right hand into a dragon claw and jumped into the sky, chasing Lafitte.

"Dragon Claw Fist!"

However, when Sabo's fist was less than five meters away from Lafitte.

A ray of light flashed in front of him.

Weevil's ugly face that could make people spit their meal suddenly came into Sabo's eyes.

"So fast!"

Sabo's face changed suddenly, and there were only these two words in his mind for a short moment.

Such a bloated body, how could it be so fast! ?

And Rhine's chuckle also sounded from below:

"Who is stronger, the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army or my second-in-command?"

As soon as the words fell, Weevil exploded with power.

The moment he swung his naginata, a violent flying sword energy like aura, roaring towards Sabo.

Sabo's expression turned violent, but under such circumstances, he could only fight back.

There was a roar.

Fist and sword aura clashed in mid-air.

It turned into a shock wave and continued to spread around.

In the next second, Weevils eyes turned sharp, and he suddenly increased his power output.

Sabo secretly gritted his teeth and wanted to persevere.

But he was still beaten and fell to the ground with a "boom".

Weevil fell from the sky, and the naginata slashed down.

Obviously, he didn't intend to let Sabo go just like this, and wanted to pierce his body just like this.

And in the blink of an eye.

Endless wind blades cut through the air, leaving a flash of green light in midair, attacking the falling Weevil.

Seeing this, Weibull had no choice but to change the direction of swinging his weapon.

He tried his best to resist those wind blades attacking him.

"Sabo! Back off, you are not this man's match yet."

One of the wind blades turned into a dragon and landed in front of Sabo, turning his back on him.

"Sorry, Mr. Dragon."

Sabo lowered his head in shame, and turned his gaze back to Laffite who was flying farther and farther with Luffy.

"Don't even try to chase."

Rhine's voice sounded like the judge of hell who sentenced Luffy to death.

The moment Sabo takes off again, Rhine activate his Dark Fruit's gravitational ability to forcibly attract Sabo to him.

Brutely tore Sabo from mid-air.

And Weevil try to slashed him again with his naginata.

Seeing this situation, Dragon had to deal with Rhine and Weevi alone.

His one hand blocking Weevil attacks using his Armament Haki.

And th other hand grabs Sabo, then uses the wind pressure to push him out, and releases a tornado hurricane to compete with Rhine's darkness in the next moment.

At this moment, Dragon was caught in between Rhine and Weevil.

A drop of sweat appeared on Dragon face that seemed to have been slapped by slippers for a long time.

"Even you, if facing me and Weevil the same time.you will feel pressure, right? Mr. Dragon."

Rhine smiled and said:

"If we want to play, let's play in Marineford in the future. The stage of Sabaody Archipelago is too small."

"What are you planning?"

Dragon looked at Rhine with cold eyes.

"I can't tell you this, please wait and see."

Rhine smiled as usual.

However, Dragon also suddenly sneered back at this moment.

"If the most critical part of your plan is to hand over Luffy to the World government, it's a pity that it will be ruined soon."