
One Piece: Rune Master

Woman?! Status?! And Wealth? Hm? Who put that?! *Clears Throat* Woman?! Status?! Power?! Nah I'm not interested in that ! Just let me relax in peace!

HeavensLight · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: Sigma

Next Morning*

inside of the cave Yohan just wake up

" yawn!* I really need the find a new clothes "

looking at his tattered clothes and remembering the wolves he killed and their shiny fur Yohan feel it's a pity

" damn those ' swear to my ancestor bullshit! "

" sigh* but what can I do? if I didn't do my promise then the heaven will punish me "

shacking my head and forgetting about this matter

Yohan started stretching and prepare to wash up in the river

running to the river for a few minutes

Yohan started to clean his clothes before jumping to the river

17 minutes later*

after cleaning his body Yohan started walking East to the Bear territory

this time he didn't hurry and just enjoy the peace of the forest and picking up edible fruits along the way

30 minutes later

after arriving at the Bear territory

looking at the Bear Cave

he didn't see any Bear coming out

" maybe they're hunting? "

climbing one of the trees Yohan decided to wait

10 minutes later

" yawn! "

" well it's still early anyway so,

I'll take a few minute nap "

finding a comfortable and hidden sleeping spot Yohan slowly fall asleep

3 hours later

slowly waking up he looked up at the sun

" damn! my plan is to take a few minutes nap but it's already a few hours! "

shaking his head he looked at the Bear Cave and still didn't see a Bear coming out of it

" I'm done waiting I'll just go inside and see the situation "

picking up a Defense Rune he started walking to the Cave

looking at the darkness preparing his Rune

he started walking inside

after a few meters of walking the Cave brighten up stopping for a moment and looking at the little light on the walls he noticed it's an unknown insects with glowing bodies

picking one of the insects and squishing it

' plop! '

' hmm it sounds nice '

picking another one

' plop! '

then another

and another

and another

a few minutes later

remembering his purpose of coming here Yohan proceed on walking

not before long Yohan arrived at a spacious space

in the middle of it there's a huge Bear

laying at it's own blood Yohan also noticed a small bear at the paws of the big Bear

walking closely at the Bear he noticed that this bear is not the one that he see last time

" this Bear fur is orange and much smaller than the bear I see "

the Bear he see in the past have black fur and is so big that if it stands up it will reach 5 times his height

looking at the Bear injuries one of it's hand is broken and it's body is full of holes

" I guess I'm late huh "

shaking his head Yohan looked at the little bear and noticed it's also looking at him

" what you want to fight? "

scared, the little bear hide at the back of its (mother?) but still show up it's little head to look at Yohan

looking at this little guy

Yohan is amused and started laughing

" Bwahahaha "

" well since you don't have a family anymore why don't you come with me little guy? "

the little bear doesn't understanding anything just looked at Yohan curiously

Seeing this Yohan used the the Gale Rune

and feeling the lightness of his body he gather his strength in his lower body and

disappear in his spot

seeing the hairless animal disappear the little bear looked around but didn't see anything

when suddenly!

Yohan appeared in the back of the little bear and hug it tightly!

" you're cute!, you are mine now Bwahahaha! "

the little bear tried to struggle but to no avail

Yohan hugging the little bear started walking out of the cave

the little bear looked back and looked one last time to his mother

the little bear knows without the protection of his family he won't survive in this island

Yohan excited of having a pet started running faster to the river to wash Sigma Bear

yup he named him Sigma Bear

after a few minutes of running and arriving at the river he started washing Sigma

because of the blood Sigma's fur look dirty

and smell terrible

few minutes later

Sigma shake his body to dry his fur

looking at Sigma, Yohan nodded his head

Sigma liked her mother have orange fur

but Sigma had a white x fur in his chest

" Maybe I should name him Sigma D. Bear? "

imagining Sigma shouting " I want to be the Bear Emperor and rule the heaven and earth! "

Yohan shake his head in amusement

picking Sigma up Yohan started walking back to his Cave

after arriving at his cave he place Sigma inside

" just stay here and wait for me Sigma "

after speaking and looking at Sigma's eyes

he get his stone knife and get out of the cave

Yohan started running back to the Bear Cave

after a few minutes of running

he didn't hesitate to get inside of the Bear Cave

looking at the corpse of the Bear

Yohan used Wind Blade to cut it's paws and started taking of it's skin

a few hours later looking at his work Yohan nod his head with a smile

puting all of the meat in the bear skin he started running to the river

after arriving he started cleaning the bear paws and the others

a few minutes later

done with his work he started running back

to his home

preparing to cook a Bear paw soup

Yohan started preparing his equipment made from stones

after that he goes out to get some fruits and wood

Sigma watched as the little human cooked

he want to cry but no tears come out of his eyes

looking at the Bear fur

Sigma started to feel scared of this hairless animal

Yohan looking at the trembling Sigma can't help but shake his head

" survival of the fittest is the rule in this island

so if you want to survive, you need to have a strong will Sigma "

stirring up the stew I also barbeque some bear meat

after a few minutes of cooking

Yohan taste the bear paw

" Delicious! "

chewing the bear paw and tasting how tender it is Yohan started eating with gusto

seeing the meat and his grumbling stomach Sigma also get a Roast meat and started eating

here in an island in the middle of nowhere

Yohan and Sigma eat their first meal together.