
One Piece : Rocks's Legacy

In the darkness of the night. Forest was burning!!!! Whole town was set ablaze!!! There were corpses scattered everywhere, but in this very horrifying scene there was a shack where a woman was hiding with a small child in her arms.

Play_it_cool · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

8.Only Dead!!!

"Ugh!! This headache is killing me." Arthur groaned as he sat on the bed.

"Shit!! I messed up big time yesterday" Arthur groaned once again as he remembered his yesterdays rampage.

"Yep, that you did." Robin said as she stepped into his cabin followed by ivy.

"Arthur nii-chan drink this you will feel better." Ivy handed him glass of lime water.

"Haa.. now I am feeling somewhat better. thanks ivy you are an angel." Arthur said.

"Hehe.." Ivy smiled sweetly.

"Rocks pirates surrender or perish" Arthur and company suddenly heard a booming voice from outside of the ship. Arthur arrived on the deck. Robin brought his captains coat and gently placed it on his shoulders.

Whole dock was filled with marine soldiers pointing guns at them and three more marine battle ships were advancing towards the dock.

"Is this how they greet good morning on this island?" Robin chuckled at Arthurs comment.

"Then we will greet them as well but...with THE ROCKS PIRATES style.." Arthurs captains coat fluttered behind his back.

"Robin you greet these extras which are on the dock and I will greet the extras which are on battleships." Arthur said.

"wh-what about me nii-chan." ivy asked.

"You my little princess guard the sunshine.." Arthur smiled.

"O-Okay if anyone dares to step on our sunshine I-I will feed them my secret recipe." Ivy cutely tighten her fists.

"That's the spirit my little princess. Now lets greet them shall we." After saying that he jumped on top of flying kas and flew towards the coming battleships. When he arrived In front of them. few of the marine soldiers were startled seeing him fly.

"So how should I greet you guys..?" Arthur started to tap his chin as he hovered in front of the battle ship.

"RIGHT!! hey kas lets do that attack.. we haven't tried it even once." Arthur said in excitement.

"As you wish master." faint lightning arcs started to appear on kas's blade but it did not affect Arthur the slightest who was standing on her blade. As the arcs grew brighter and brighter thunder clouds started to gather in the sky.



"Where did the thunder clouds suddenly came from." One marine extra said.

"YOU DICKHEADS!!! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING SHOOT HIM DOWN BEFORE HE COMPLETES HIS ATTACK." Marine captain yelled on top of his lungs but... It was already too late.

"Thunders descent." Arthur whispered as he brought down his hand.

Arthurs whisper was the final thing, the marine soldiers heard before 'BOOM' thunder started to rain down making the sea boil and tremble.




literal thunder storm started to form. Robin and marine soldiers stopped their fight after hearing the booming sounds of thunder. They looked at the spectacle in awe. some fearless islanders also started to gather on the dock. They looked at the thunder storm and Arthur who was looking like a thunder deity amidst the thunder storm and demolished marine ships.

Arthur glanced at the remaining marine soldiers on the dock. Those marine soldiers almost shat their pants.

"Ru-run..." marine soldiers started to flee for their lives.

Arthur flew towards sunshine and landed beside ivy. Completely ignoring the fleeing extras.

"Arthur nii-chan that was super duper AWESOME!!!." Ivy exclaimed.

"I know right.. your nii-chan is super duper awesome." Arthur smiled and gently squeezed her cheeks.

"That was quite the show indeed." said robin as she arrived on the deck.

"Thanks..." Arthur smiled.


Location: Marine Headquarters, Fleet admirals office.

"Did you called for me Sengoku?" Tsuru asked as she entered the office.

"Yeah come take a sit." sengoku said.

"'ZZZZZZzz' 'ZZZzzz'" Tick marks started to appear on fleet admirals forehead.

"GAAAARP WAKE UP!!!" Whole marineford shook but everyone expertly ignored it. They were used it by now.

"So where was I?.. Ah right. As you know tsuru four blues can only assign bounties upto 50 million. More than that, they need a permission from the Headquarters." Tsuru nodded.

Sengoku continued. " This morning, west blue marine station asked the permission to raise the bounty of a particular pirate to 100 million berrie." Tsuru raised an eyebrow at that.

"Yeah.. I was also surprised when I heard their request. How can there be a fledgling pirate worth of 100 million in four blues. So I Instantly asked for the full report and look what I got." Sengoku handed the report to her and garp.

"The rocks pirates... Rocks d. Arthur..." Tsuru muttered under her breath.

"HAHAHAHA.. so xebec was right." Garp laughed out loud.


"Sengoku what are you gonna do?" Tsuru asked seriously. ignoring their antics.

"I already reported this matter to the world government. I am just waiting for their reply now." Sengoku said massaging his forehead.

'pereperepere' 'pereperepere' Sengoku immediately picked up the call.

"Only DEAD and raise the bounty to 150 million. 'gacha'." They immediately cut the call after saying that. Sengoku looked at his companions after placing the transponder snail down.

"How did you conformed that this Arthur really is xebecs grandchild." Garp asked in a rare moment of wisdom. Tsuru and sengoku gawked at him.

"What.. Do you see me as an idiot." Garp shouted at them in irritation.

Sengoku just shook his and replied, " I sent our soldiers to investigate the island where Empress kartiki was last sighted which was the island where tsuru had fought her. There they found this..." Sengoku showed them a photo. The photo was of Empress kartiki's gravestone on that gravestone was written..


/ Best grandma ever

After a slight pause Sengoku sighed and continued, "When our soldiers showed Arthurs photo to the town's people. Do you know what they said, they said he was a very innocent and kind child always following his grandma around." Tsuru immediately closed her eyes and sat there in silence for a while.

"I think.. I should go now." Tsuru got up from her seat and walked out of the office. Garp and sengoku just stared at her empty seat.

"Garp... I think... we have orphaned another innocent child and created a monster." Sengoku said with a lost look in his eyes.

"Hmm.." Garp just sat there in silence closing his eyes.