
One Piece : Rocks's Legacy

In the darkness of the night. Forest was burning!!!! Whole town was set ablaze!!! There were corpses scattered everywhere, but in this very horrifying scene there was a shack where a woman was hiding with a small child in her arms.

Play_it_cool · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


After having one of the most thrilling experience, the rocks pirates finally arrived to challenge the grandline.

"Hoho, it seems new young blood has arrived to travel through storm that is grandline." Arthurs attention was immediately drawn towards the weird looking old man.

"Dock the ship here." Saying that Arthur jumped down the ship.

Old man eyed the man walking towards him curiously but looking at the young man closely his eyes widened in surprise. "Xebec..?" he muttered in disbelief.

Arthur stopped dead in his tracks after hearing his grandpa's name. "Do you know my grandpa?"

Old man's eyes twinkled in realization, "So you are his grandson." Until then whole crew was already standing beside Arthur.

"Come inside." Old man invited them inside.

"Bona make some tea for our guests." Old man said to young beautiful girl who was reading some book as he gestured his guests to sit.

"So how do you know my grandpa old man?" Arthur asked the man in front of him.

"First tell me your name boy and I am crocus a doctor." Old man crocus took the tea cup handed to him by bona.

"I am Arthur, Rocks D. Arthur... now tell me about my grandpa." Arthur spoke in irritation.

"Hohoho, Young generation impatient as always... Your grandpa was really ambitious man. He wanted to conquer this world and become its one and only true ruler... and he was also worthy for it as he had charisma that oozed majesty and power. You know he had current three emperors in his crew back then. World's strongest man whitebeard, world's strongest creature kaido, Big mom linlin and many more strong people. All these characters were under his command."

Everyone was amazed after hearing that. To control and command these strong characters he should have been hella strong.

Crocus continued, "He had almost conquered half of the world, so he placed his eyes on his next target Mary Geoise holy land of the world government the current rulers of this world. There the war of epic proportion ensued. That war was truly devastating more than half of the total forces of world government were wiped out by Xebec and his crew. but he still fell under the combine assault of king of the pirates and Garp who later got the title of marine hero after that devastating battle. After the death of Xebec world government wiped out his name from the annals of history. None of his descendants and family were spared from the annihilation--" suddenly room's temperature cooled down.

"So they were the ones who killed my grandma..?" Arthur's eyes went dark and red aura roared to life from his body, thunder started to rumble in the sky... everything started to shake due to the sheer killing intent he was emitting. Everyone's heart went cold.

"ART SNAP OUT OF IT. YOU ARE HURTING IVY." Robin shouted and Arthur instantly calmed down. Everyone was gasping for breath. In those few seconds they literally saw death in front of them.

"Wh-What was that?" Bona said with trembling voice.

"Conqueror's haki..." Crocus' widened his eyes. But he readily snapped out of it.

"I know what you are thinking young man. But let me tell you, you are not ready yet." Crocus said in utmost seriousness.

Crocus continued," You need to grow stronger much much stronger than you are right now. Remember your grandpa was the strongest in that era and he even had abnormally strong subordinates even then he couldn't accomplish his goal. And you even have a family now, you need think about them too." at the end crocus' voice got much more gentler as if grandfather giving life lessons to his grandson.

"I understand old man....thank you " Arthur

"Old man will you join my crew?" Arthur suddenly asked.

"HAHAHAHAHA..." Crocus started to laugh out loud.

"My era has already passed. There is no drive left to adventure the seas in these old bones now. Now this is you young one's era." Crocus told while laughing boisterously.

"But you can take Bona with you I have taught her everything I knew about medicine." Crocus suggested.

"Bu-but teacher.." Bona's eyes moisten.

Crocus' face became gentle seeing her expression. "Don't be sad Bona, There is nothing that I can teach you anymore. Now you need to leave my nest and spread your wings and soar into the vast sky." Crocus spoke in grandfatherly tone as he patted her head softly.

"O-okay teacher." Bona sniffled.

"Welcome to the family Bora.." Arthur said with a gentle smile on his face.

Bora immediately blushed." I-I will be in your care." Bona said as she bowed her head to hide her blush from him. Crocus looked at her with a knowing smile. Seeing that knowing smile bona fled in embarrassment to pack her things.

Seeing her flee crocus again focused his attention on Arthur. "You need to be extra careful from now on arthur. you should be on their radar already. And take this it will help you in your upcoming journey." Crocus handed him old worn book and a log pose. Arthur took it and handed it over to robin.

"Now be on your way brats shoo shoo.." Crocus turned around but suddenly Bona hugged him from behind, "Goodbye grandpa." Hearing her say grandpa he immediately teared up but he didn't turn around because he knew if he turned around he won't be able to let her leave.

"Set Sail. Onwards to the next adventure." Arthur ordered after everyone boarded the ship.

"AYE AYE CAPATAIN." everyone said in unison bona included.
