
One Piece: Road To Admiral

Have you ever thought being marine in the era of Gol D. Roger, Rocks D. Xybec and Future Emperors? Well this is that kind of a story. This story will follow Black D. Dante who was born 35 years before Great Age of Pirates. 1500 - Starts Great Age of Pirates 1499 - Roger Became Pirate King 1486 - God Valley Incident 1465 - Dante was born. (Same year as Oden was born) ---------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece, only OC in the fanfic is my creations.

Alekzi · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

13. Escape and Capture

''Hey Xebec~'' said Charlotte Linlin with a wink and creepy smile.

''Hey Linlin..'' said Xebec while hiding behind my back.

''Oh who is this little fellow, your new crewmate?'' asked Linlin with curiosity while looking at me.

''Ma Name iz Dande.. Dante.. and i am discipple of Xepec!'' i said while being totally shitfaced.

''Oh~'' she looked at me while licking her lips and i think this is my cue to fuck off.

''Welllll then, i won't interrupt you lovebirds~'' after saying that i stood up with my shaky legs and walked towards exit while barely able to stand and after passing Linlin she sneakily touched my butt and i am now terrified, i am really considering moving back to North Blue. Grand Line is too scary for me!


After Dante left to who knows where.

Inside a bar.

''Linlin.. what you doing here! Shouldn't you be in New World.'' Xebec asked while crying imaginary tears.

''You don't want me here? I am hurt~''

''Well, for the answer to your question, i would like to join your crew~''

''NO WAY!''

''Fine~ Let me join your crew and in return i don't want your seeds, but instead your disciple's~''

'Hmm, since i am his sensei he should willingly sacrifice himself for me' thought Xebec and he nodded and said ''Welcome aboard!''



Another deal was made and Dante wasn't aware of it.

Currently Dante was gambling with pirates.


''Ya fakin cheat!'' Dante yelled to the scar faced pirate.

''FUCK YOU, your poker face is fucking shit.'' yelled scar faced pirate

''Ah what da fack did you say?!'' Dante yelled and started hitting the scar faced pirate

''Motherfucker!!!!'' yelled scar faced pirate and he started fist fight with Dante

and this escalated quite quickly now entire gambling hall was fighting.

''YOU BITCHES, I AM NOT KNOWN AS CANNIBAL ROOK WITHOUT A REASON.'' yelled one of the pirates and started biting other pirates.



It was true chaos.

''YOU MADAFACKAS'' yelled Dante and jumped towards crowd of pirates who were fighting between themselves.




Pirates were flying out of the windows and entire gambling hall were filled with knocked out pirates and broken tables.

''NO MERCY!!!!!'' yelled scarface in other side of the hall who led other pirates for final battle.

''KILLL!!!'' yelled Dante and led pirates in other side to face against pirates led by scarface.

This was later known as Battle of Gamblers and it will be legendary tale in the future which sings praises of legendary marine Dante bravely attacking pirate paradise.


Next Day.

My head... where am i?

I looked around me while holding my forehead and i was currently laying on some alley close to the harbor.

Last night was fucking wild, but i barely remember even half of it.

I stood up and walked out of the alley and i saw the harbor where Rocks Pirates ship were currently.

I was about to walk there before i heard loud yell behind me.

''YOU BASTARD! GIVE ME BACK MY MONEYY!'' yelled some scar faced bitch behind me, i don't know why i call him bitch, but it's like natural way of calling him.

He walked towards me and grabbed me by my collar and said ''Give my money back you drunk bastard!!!'' ok that's it

I hit him to the face making him fall to the ground


''Y-y-y-you FUCKER! I AM GREAT CAPTAIN SCARFACE WITH BOUNTY OF 225 MILLION BERRIES, I WILL EAT YOU ALIVE!'' yelled the bitch boy and attacked me with his sword.


and part 2 of great battle of gamblers began.


Near the battle.

''What am i watching.'' asked Newgate

''This is youth.'' told Xebec with nod without any remorse knowing that Linlin will attack his disciple to try to steal his seeds.

Linlin stood next to the Xebec licking her lips while watching Dante.


''Why i feel like i am about to be molested?''

Must be my imagination.

''You done yet?'' i asked from the bitch boy in front of me who is currently holding his broken arm.

''YOU ARE FROM NOW ON MY MORTAL ENEMY, I WONT STOP UNTIL YOU ARE DEAD!'' bitch boy yelled at me and walked away towards his crew i guess and getting my own arch nemesis is quite cool~

I was about to walk to the harbor until i noticed Xebec, Newgate and Linlin closing on me and i saw Xebec look at me with pity and Linlin looked at me lecherous gaze.


''Dante can we have a word.'' told my sensei who obviously sold me out so without further ado i ran towards one of the pirate ships.

''Hehe~ you can't run from me sweety~'' Linlin murmured and i was already at the pirate ship and about to fuck off.

I dropped the anchor and pushed the ship away from the harbor.

''Come back here~'' said Linlin and jumped towards me.



I am fine being hit by earthquakes and fighting men twice my size, but if i am about to be r*ped by some giant bitch, that is my bottom line.

White Hole!

I made rift with color of white and pushed Linlin few dozen meters back and managed to set sail.

''Set sail Captain~'' Linlin said to Xebec

''Alright..'' Xebec murmured and started the great chase.

This would be later known as Great Escape, it will be legendary tale later about how legendary marine Dante escaped the pirate paradise!


So currently i am escaping Rocks Pirates which is not easy, their ship is fast! That's why i threw everything which was too heavy and that was about 90% things on the boat so i am currently little bit faster than them, only little, because i am using my powers at the same time.


I heard my Den Den Mushi ringing, either my father or marineford is calling me


''Hello, this is Lieutenant Dante and i need backup!'' i yelled

''Oh what's wrong.'' Oh i heard my father's voice.

''Rocks Pirates are currently chasing me and i need backup!''

''Use my vivre card and come to me, i shouldn't be too far from your position.''


After that i stopped the call and took vivre card from my pocket.

To the east!


''Hmm, he is heading to east suddenly.'' said the ship's navigator.

''Chase after him.'' Xebec told


[Jack's Ship]

''Dante is currently coming here! Prepare the seastone cuffs!'' yelled Jack to the soldiers.

''Vice Admiral, but why?''

''So he won't escape! No more questions he will be here shortly!''


2 Hours Later

I finally saw the ship of my father.

And taking glimpses behind me, i saw Rocks Pirates ship were few kilometer away.


''Tsk, lets retreat.'' said Xebec after seeing Jack's ship

''Fufufu~ if i won't get his seed then yours~'' Linlin told with sharp gaze.

''We will get him shortly! Jack won't be protecting him forever.'' Xebec told while sweating furiously.

''I won't wait for too long~''

'Look what you did my dear disciple! Why you gotta be so stubborn!' yelled Xebec in his mind.


I arrived at my father's ship and first thing i saw was his crafty smile, what is he planning?

''Hey son.'' my father said to me, but he feels suspicious..

''Hey dad?''

''You must be tired, go take a rest.'' ok this is very sus.

I used my Presence Sensing and i saw some marine soldier walking here with seastone cuffs.


''Congratulations sir Dante for getting married.'' one of the female marine soldiers told me with smile.


''Oh.. sorry son, but it has to be done.'' my father told me and walked towards me.

I am screwed.

It didn't long for me to pass out after my father, no i won't call him as my father anymore, i won't acknowledge it anymore! Well he knocked me out.

''Let's take course toward Nero Kingdom!'' was last thing i heard before passing out.


[Nero Kingdom]

Jack's ship arrived at the harbor.

I walked from there with seastones cuffs on my legs and on my hands looking like criminal.

''Son, trust me, this had to be done.'' Jack told me some bullshit which i ignored.

We arrived at the Royal Palace and Royal Guards let us in after looking at me strangely, last time i was here i was Hero who saved the Kingdom and now i look like some kind of war criminal.

Arriving at the King's Hall i saw whole place decorated and it had very festival feeling, but i know what it means, this is my wedding..

''Dear~'' after Yui saw me she turned as beautiful young girl in love with blushing cheeks.

She ran to me and hugged me and i felt like few of my bones crack.

''He is here! Take care of him alright daughter-in-law.'' fuck you Jack

''I will father-in-law!'' Someone save me.

''You are here! Good let's start the ceremony now.'' King said while Queen was smiling next to him.

I pretty much look like dead fish right now, this is not how i imagined my marriage was going to be.

Married or Great Escape part 2, you decide!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Alekzicreators' thoughts