
One Piece : Reborn

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Haew_Nguyen · Fantasy
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4 Chs

C1: Destiny

"Alright, successful already"

"Yes, we succeeded. Although partially injured, compared to the previous seven souls that were all smashed to ashes when passing through the barrier between the two realms, this is indeed a powerful soul. "

"Put his soul right in" The Spirit Tree "before it disappears forever"

"That bastard Roger also opened up the Age of Pirates that the" D "guys were caught up in, fighting for life and death against each other over the ridiculous One Piece"

"It's also quick, but in the near future. Can't let any" D "go to" Spirit World "to bother" Mother "at all"

"Well, it's not like the Gorosei have turned us on! They took advantage of when 'Mother' was injured so we couldn't leave Rafael, then tried to erase history and dominate the World."

"Just a bunch of traitors, don't pay too much attention. As long as" Mom "recovers, we'll get it all back sooner or later."

"Yes, the most important key we've got, now the next step ..."


3 years later

East Blue, a small city south of the Goa kingdom.

It was winter, the city was covered in white snow.

The cold wind spread everywhere, on the way only a few people passed, but each of them looked in a hurry because they all wanted to quickly return to their home.

The streets were deserted, perhaps only those who died, those who had no family, died of starvation, buried in the cold snow, no one cared and remembered.

And for the cleaning staff, this is extremely annoying because when they rake the snow they will see an icy, dirty corpse, and they have to add another part of transporting them to the nearby cemetery until throw it away.

This is also something that has become extremely familiar here.

Another guy is about to be like that. In the garbage dump at the other end of the block, a small figure was there. There was still breath, but it wouldn't be long because snow was still falling, coldly covering that body.

Seemingly out of complete hope, a person appeared, a young and "special" person.

"Special" because in such a white snow, thin, ragged cloak covering his body, a crude cloth, bandages covering half of the face only leave out strangely calm eyes. With his somewhat arbitrary short cut and the cat sleeping on his shoulder, it was all pure black ...

Footsteps printed in the snow but not in the direction of the dying girl. Maybe he knows, but he doesn't seem to care.

Snow keeps falling, people who walk, people who die must die.

But the wheel of destiny has turned, everything will change. Miraculously, the cat on his shoulder woke up but the first thing it did was not lick and rub his head intimately against his cheek, it jumped off his shoulder and started running towards the other end of the road.

He saw everything but didn't mean anything. Lifting his head, maybe, the god wanted to tease him again. Shaking his head, his eyes steadily steadfast, his cat moved forward, towards the dying person.

Approaching the body about to be covered with snow, pulled out, here is a little girl, about 10 years old, thin, face flushed, very hot due to high fever and long cold.

Unconscious, the baby's mouth sometimes vibrates with "Mom Olvia, Uncle Saul ...".

Just seeing him point his two fingers at his forehead, a pure stream of energy escaped and infused the baby, the fever passed, his body warmed and his breathing stabilized. He hugs the child into his robe.

"Okay, let's go", a deep voice said, the small cat as if he understood what he meant, jumped over his shoulder, licked his face, expressed gratitude when he saved her.

Silhouette people go away, fade away in the snow. A small soul was saved, but what could be changed?

He still has to go ...