
One piece: Reborn to be the strongest

Anton_Leon · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Sudden turn of events Chapter 03

Always expect the worst

Oh shit I am going to get caught I still can't believe I am going to caught by cipher pol agents 

In earlier this day

the trainer: Child you are good at body skills and remember today evening you will be transported by the agents. You had already mastered the seven techniques and your initial mastery over swordsmanship will be helpful for you and you will be a great asset to the cipher pol organization.

Leon replied thanks sensei. With out your guidance I will not be able to reach this level of strength with my age. Thanks for your guidance.

good now take a good rest and prepare for your departure.

Leon went to his room started to pack his things and took the cutlass and worn black dress and used a cloth to cover his face.

He went across the corridor. The corridor of the orphanage was now deserted because of the children who are playing outside of the building and workers in the orphanage are busy in other works.

Leon considers it as an perfect opportunity for him to kill the matron of the orphanage.

Leon manages to enter the room with out detection and went near the orphanage lady when Leon was about to drive the cutlass through the matron's chest at the last moment the matron feeling the killing intent dodged the attack even though she dodged the killing blow but there was a large gash stretched across her back

Due to her years of experience in fighting pirates and protecting celestial dragon now due to her old age she was wounded when she looked up to see who is her assailant 

All she was an empty room her instincts are screaming at he to duck but before she could do anything her head started to spin and her world upside down.

Leon who success fully killed the matron now he should he and kill the master who had taught him swordsmanship and other important skills even though it hurts to kill it's even worst when you want to kill someone you who had helped you.

 Leon made up his decision and started to move towards the location of the old sword master

the reason he is doing this is simple 

it's to hide his capabilities as well as his identity in the hole orphanage these two people are the only people who worked for the world government.

Leon reached his destination beside that it seems like his master is waiting for someone 

that's when he decided to go in 

his master is sitting there waiting 

so you finally decided to come and challenge me Leon ?

yes sensei it's inevitable 

then so be it 

Both Leon and the sword master brandished their swords.

there was a pregnant pause on the dojo then both of them disappeared both of their blades collided and sparks flew and they soon disengaged and stepped back and both of them started to exchange blows 

the sword master sent a vertical air slash and which Leon countered with a horizontal slash and before Leon could stabilize himself from the posture but the sword master could strike Leon was already aware of the sword master's move and he moved with precision and with a strong horizontal slash 

which sent the sword master flying out of the dojo and seriously injured due to his age 

and Leon was also completely lost his stamina who is running on fumes due to his inexperience compared to the sword master.

The sword master brandishing his sword preparing himself for the final attack.

Noticing this Leon also preparing himself for the final attack.

then there was a leaf slowly falling towards the ground when it touches the ground. Both of them rushed at each other Leon who is using his observation haki to his absolute limit now felt a another different sensation which rushed to his swords through his arms. With his horizontal slash. The sword master was cut in half due the force of the attack.

With that attack the cutlass Leon carried was shattered in to pieces.

Leon dropped his sword when he was about to leave his OH<observation haki> started to pick up on many people coming towards this place Leon was alarmed by this development. Leon started to run towards the other side of the island to avoid the cipher pol agents. 

Leon sensed that his pursuers are near him. Leon made a quick decision and went into a house and suppressed his presence to that of a minuscule level did you know where that kid went ?. A voice came form outside.

He quickly realized that it was the agents who are speaking 

no the kid escaped 

damn it not only we failed to capture the kid we also lost the undercover agents.

Spread out and search for that kid he necessary for the cipher agents.

some other underworld organization is after that kid due to this we have to get out hands on the kid soon or other wise we will killed go and search for that child quick.

Every agents who are gathered on that top of the roof suddenly disappeared.

Leon who came out of the house checked his surroundings to make sure there are no pursuers behind him.

After confirming this with the help of observation haki Leon started to run towards the sea that's where he belongs. The feeling he has when he is looking at the sea.

He feels serenity calmness and main thing freedom which is something he really longs for.

When nearing the sea he felt it the there are ten cipher pol agents surrounded him.

Before Leon could retreat from the position he was surrounded 

He has not other choice but to fight the cipher pol agents.

His heart is thumping because of both fear and excitement.

Hey child come with us we will take you to your parents yes we are friends of your parents.

Leon who was momentarily stunned wanted to play along with how things will play out with these fools.

do you know my parents?

yes they are our friend and if you come with us we can take them to you. (inwardly the cipher pol agent is laughing like a maniac)

with that the cipher pol agents started to approach Leon

Leon started to walk towards the agent who is speaking 

When he was near the cipher pol agent he saw the Katana on the waist of the agent.

before cipher pol agent could react Leon drawn the Katana sliced the head of the agent and the agents drawn their weapons and five agents started to shoot him from a distance with a gun and the other four agents started to use the swords to fights.

Leon was tired from fighting a battle from before started another battle due number of the enemies he started to struggle.

Leon ducked and avoided a blow from above and jumped to avoid a blow form below when Leon was in the air he used tekkai strengthen his body kicked both of the agents in the face and grabbed one of the agents swords and slashed at one agent's neck who was running with face could not dodge the attack and sliced through his neck easily.

Leon parried one of the sword attacks from other agent Leon who was pushing his observation haki to limit started to feel his perception of widens and he started to face another phenomena which is prediction of attack from the agents and he predicts that the other agents will shoot.

which he dodged again to he started to with other three agents soon he realized that the agents were trying to make him open for attacks but the problem is he started to tap in to the future sight and he doesn't came out of the daze yet he has to maintain the daze to make sure that he has to push the limits as much as possible.

 Soon he started to get overwhelmed by the agents due to the cautious nature of the agents due to the fact that he dealt with the two CP5 agents in the matter of minutes.

Just when he was about to be seems to get captured 

Leon's P.O.V

what, am I going to be captured 

I don't want to be mindless puppet 

I don't want to be a slave

his previous life scenarios crossed though his vision

His anger started to boil 

Who are these pesky insects who dared to catch me 

With that a momentum swept across the field every other cipher pol agents who weary of the Leon suddenly stopped fighting 

Leon who saw this as an opportunity killed the agent near him and took the gun he is carrying killed the two gunners and sent a sword slash due to the effect of the conqueror's haki event though it not strong enough to knock them out it is enough to make them paralyze in fear.

with the last two agents as waiting as the sitting duck Leon quickly killed them.

Leon who was tired, because of the depletion of the haki and fatigue and tiredness due to the fight and killing he has to commit today is too much on his psyche.

He slowly walks towards the small dock Leon's body marred with scars because of the battle went toward the raft that tied near the dock Leon who already placed his things in that ship quickly got to the ship and started to sail.

Due to the fatigue and tiredness he slept and the boat sailed towards the next adventures of the sea for our MC.

Please inform me about any over cringeworthy words or any situations in the chapters.

I am open for receiving criticism

Anton_Leoncreators' thoughts