
One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother

This is the story of a man from earth who dies and reborn in One Piece World as Eustass Kid twin brother. Follow the story of the two brothers as they sail the Grand Line and make a name for themselves. =-=-=-=-=-=-= The mc and Kid will be co-captains of the 'Eustass Pirates' (instead of Kid Pirates). Notes: -No system. -No cheats. -No harem. I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

The Stars of the "New Generation"

A Week Later,

[The Rocky Port Incident!]

[Wang Zhi and Silver Axe defeated in Pirate Island, the Eustass Pirates and Emperor Blackbeard clash and a new Hero emerge!]

[It didn't take long before such big news spread across the world like wildfire. The two young pirate captains who were directly responsible for taking them down and putting an end to their decades of piracy were issued a remarkable bounty of 2 billion berries each by the Government…]

=-=-=-=<WANTED >=-=-=-=

<'Red Demon' Eustass Kai>

<ℬ 2,000,000,000 –>



=-=-=-=<WANTED >=-=-=-=

<Eustass 'Captain' Kid>

<ℬ 2,000,000,000 –>



[The involvement of the young Marine Captain Koby and his role in saving civilian lives during the incident earned him the title of "Hero" as he came to be regarded as a hero by the ones he saved…]

[…As for Trafalgar Law, he managed to earn himself a seat between the Seven Warlords of the Sea after sending the hearts of one hundred pirates to the World Government]

[New World, Wano Kuni – Onigashima]

Inside the Skull Dome, the large castle and the main landmark of Onigashima resides one of the Four Emperors of the Sea Kaido, the world's 'Strongest Creature'.

"*Gulp*-*Gulp*…huh?…Wang Zhi and Silver Axe lost? and to those little punks from the Worst Generation?..." Kaido questioned while holding a giant bottle of sake in his hand that he proceeded to drink from "*Gulp*-*Gulp*...I don't recall them being this weak, I guess that's what happen when you spend your days lazing around…"

[One of the Four Emperors of the Sea and the Governor-General of the Beast Pirates – Kaido of the Beasts, Dead or Alive ℬ 4,611,100,000 – ]

"…to die by the hands of some upstart brats, what a shameful way to end your journey in this world" Kaido remarked, peeping down at the wanted posters of Kai and Kid placed on the ground in front of him "Death is what truly completes a person, it is the moment where you achieve true glory thus it should be epic! Worororo!! I really envy them, Roger and Whitebeard, they pulled off quite the death…" he said, turning to the figure standing on his right and addressing him "Tell me King, how many of them have submitted to me already?"

"Right now, both Apoo and X Drake are working for us" King calmly answered, the flames on his upper back burning intensely.

"Not gonna lie, they're pretty useful, Kaido-san" Queen said, standing on Kaido's left side while smoking a large cigar.

"Hmph, what a hyped-up generation of weaklings. If they're as tough as they claim, then they'll surely come after my head in the future…I just hope they'll be strong enough to entertain me when that time come, Worororo!!"


[New World, Totto Land – Whole Cake Island]

Inside the Whole Cake Chateau, the three-layered massive castle located at the center of Sweet City, the capital of Whole Cake Island…

"Mamamama…not bad, not bad, the little rookies have proven themselves to be capable enough to defeat those two…" Said an enormous, round obese old woman with a chin hidden by her torso, moderately round, orange eyes, prominent eyelashes, and wears thick purple eyeshadow. She has a very wide mouth with full lips sporting red lipstick. She also has long, curly, and wild pink hair that falls halfway down her back, as well as a long beak-like nose, and plump, round cheeks.

[One of the Four Emperors of the Sea and captain of the Big Mom Pirates – 'Big Mom' Charlotte Linlin, Dead or Alive ℬ 4,388,000,000 – ]

"To think those brats would manage to get both Crocodile and even infamous captains that used to work for Whitebeard on their side, maybe the rumors were not exaggerating about them, the Eustass Brothers" said a very tall and slim man with brown eyes, a pointed nose, pink lips, and a very long, thick tongue. He wears a long, yellow coat with a tall lighter colored collar and the top buttons resembling large, purple and pink striped pieces of wrapped candy.

He's the eldest child of the Charlotte Family and an officer of the Big Mom Pirates, Charlotte Perospero.

"They even put 2 billion on Red Demon and 'Captain' Kid's heads. Isn't that too much for the likes of them? Even brother Katakuri have only half of that"

Gig Mom grinned wickedly, her mouth gaping wide as saliva dripped from it "Mamamama! For Wang Zhi and Silver Axe to fall at the same time is something unexpected, but I can't have these brats going around and doing what they please while I'm around. This is the New World after all, you will eventually either submit to one of the Four Emperors…"

"…or you will die"

[New World, Navy Headquarters – New Marineford]

In the Fleet Admiral's office, Sakazuki was going through his usual paperwork when an officer delivered him today's newspaper.

"The same names keep popping up on the news again and again! These Worst Generation punks, I won't let them have it their way!..."

"...If only you did your job right back then at Sabaody Archipelago, Kizaru, we wouldn't be having this headache right now!" Sakazuki erupted in anger, then shot a glare at Kizaru, who lounged on a nearby sofa, absorbed in the newspaper.

"Oh!...I didn't expect them to reach this far in such a short period of time, maybe you're right about that, Sakazuki-san" Kizaru replied, folding the newspaper and placing it on Sakasuki's desk corner "I can go get them if that's what you want"

"Forget it, we have more important matters on our hands right now. We'll have plenty of chances in the future, they're surely gonna rear their heads again it's only a matter of time before their next target becomes apparent"


[Somewhere in the Grand Line…The Floating Islands of Merveille] 

In the hidden archipelago of floating isles of Merveille lies the base of operation of a once legendary pirate that used to be a rival of the Pirate King Gol D. Roger back in the days.

Merveille includes a lush forest, with numerous mountains and ruins. The mountain peaks are extremely high, reaching up into the clouds and each island have its own flora and ecosystem, as well as several bodies of water.

Inside a large castle located somewhere in the primary island in the archipelago, a figure could be seen sitting in a large Japanese themed room with a newspaper on his hand.

"This is a new variable that I wasn't expecting, invading Pirate Island and defeating both Wang Zhi and Silver Axe…*Puff*…maybe this New Generation have some worthy individuals after all" said a very tall elderly man, reading the newspaper while blowing smoke from his mouth, he's dressed in traditional Japanese clothes consisting of an orange trimmed, a red and black kimono robe tied together with a dark green sash, and a golden chain around his waist. He has golden mane-like hair, reaching down to the ground, and on the top of his head is part of a steering wheel.

[Admiral of the Golden Lion Pirates – Shiki the Golden Lion]

"You look intrigued" Doctor Indigo questioned, he's a very tall man with a clown-like appearance "Do you have something in mind?" 

"Hmmm…Our plan is still ongoing, Indigo…" Shiki responded, before he added "Since that shithead Roger died and the world in constant changes. The Great Age of Pirates, and after Whitebeard's death we have this so called "New Age" with these wannabe pirates trying to make a name of themselves in the New World, what a joke…those treasure-hunting, empty headed pirates are just a nuisance on the seas…however, there are still a few individuals that picked my interest" 

"*Puff*…I need good subordinates under me if I desire to rule the world, but I also need to cut down the roots before they grow and become a problem for me in the future. It all depends on how things go, either way things are getting interesting, Jihahahaha!"

[A Certain Island in the New World]

"They've put 2 billion on their heads?!" Someone said while standning among a group of black robed men surrounding a large man with small white wings on his back "Monk Urouge, he's from the same generation as you"

"They sure love rampaging, those two" Urouge remarked with a wide grin on his face "I wonder who their next target might be"

Somewhere else,

"Eustass Pirates you say?"

On top of a pirate ship with a voodoo doll-like figurehead with a giant nail through it, Basil Hawkins could be seen sitting on a crate, shuffling tarot cards while his crew standing around him.

"It is the fate for those two infamous pirates to fall under such circumstances…" Hawkins started placing his cards mid-air with neutral expression "…now let us see what fate store for us today"

[New World, Crocodile's Headquarter on Tora Island]

The Eustass Pirates, Crocodile, and the Whitey Bay Pirates convened outside the castle, seated in an open space by the shores where their ships were anchored. 

"Two billion berries?!" Bonney exclaimed with her eyes and mouth wide open from surprise as she looked at her captains' bounty posters "Your bounties have skyrocketed!"

"Amazing boss!!" Wire exclaimed in excitement.

"Hey, let me see it closely as well!" Heat snagged the newspaper from Bonney and inspected it closely "Wow! The marines surely gonna be on our ass more than before after this!" 

"Faffaffaffa! If I'm not wrong, Blackbeard's bounty was two billion as well. If you keep on like this, you'll even surpass an Emperor of the Sea, Kai, Kid" Killer remarked.

"Well, the bosses plan to take down Big Mom anyway" Wyper mentioned while standing nearby with his arms crossed.

"Kahahaha! Don't be surprised guys, that shit is gonna go even higher in the near future, mark my words. I'll make the World Government and the Marines piss themselves at the mention of my name" Kai exclaimed excitedly while sitting on top of a sizable boulder, surrounded by Kid, Crocodile, and Whitey Bay.

Whitey Bay smiled at hearing those words, then raised an eyebrow and asked him with a smirk. "Those are some bold words; do you think you can surpass Oyaji?" 

"You'll see"

"Tsk, I'm still pissed at what happened at the end…Blackbeard, I'm fucking killing him next time I see his face!!" Kid clenched his fists in rage, his forehead and arm veins bulged "The sneaky bastard took advantage of the situation to get what he want without even fighting for it!"

"In the end you couldn't get your hands on Wang Zhi's devil fruit nor keep Pirate Island" Crocodile said, blowing smoke from his mouth.

"At least we got Silver Axe's fruit. We have to be alerted in the future to prevent something like this again" Killer spoke with a serious tone of voice before glancing at his captains "He's smarter than he looks"

'He also mentioned something about the information I gave him last time, could it be that he already got his hands on Zou's Road Poneglyph? If that's the case, then that will make things harder than it already was' Kai contemplated.

"By the way, how much did the rest of your bounties rise?" Kai asked.

"Let's see…" Heat who was still holding the newspaper on his hand proceeded to turn to the next pages and read the updated bounties for the rest of the crew "First we got Killer, Crocodile and Whitey Bay…"

"…The three of you got a bounty of 800 million berries a piece"

"800 million? That's more than Kai and Kid's previous bounties" Saga commented.


=-=-=-=<WANTED >=-=-=-=

<'Desert King' Sir Crocodile>

<ℬ 800,000,000 –>



=-=-=-=<WANTED >=-=-=-=

<'Ice Witch' Whitey Bay>

<ℬ 800,000,000 –>



=-=-=-=<WANTED >=-=-=-=

<'Massacre Soldier' Killer>

<ℬ 800,000,000 –>



"You're very lucky to have such a strong person on your side" Whitey Bay said to Kai.

"I am, I don't think I would've reached this far without everyone's support" Kai replied with a smile.

Kid slapped Killer's back, urging him on. "Cheer up and enjoy this moment!" he exclaimed, grabbing an empty cup and pouring sake into it. He handed the cup to Killer and poured one for himself. "Let's drink and celebrate!"

"Thanks" Killer proceeded to drink it in one go before Kid poured him more.

"Don't hold back!"

Heat then proceeded to turn the next pages and read the rest of the bounties out loud.

=-=-=-=<WANTED >=-=-=-=

<'Big Eater' Jewelry Bonney>

<ℬ 581,000,000 –>



=-=-=-=<WANTED >=-=-=-=

<'Berserker' Wyper>

<ℬ 570,000,000 –>



=-=-=-=<WANTED >=-=-=-=

<'Moon Knight' Saga>

<ℬ 510,000,000 –>



=-=-=-=<WANTED >=-=-=-=

<'Foul-Play' Krieg>

<ℬ 256,000,000 –>



=-=-=-=<WANTED >=-=-=-=

<Gin the 'Man-Demon'>

<ℬ 245,000,000 –>



=-=-=-=<WANTED >=-=-=-=

<Heat >

<ℬ 180,000,000 –>



=-=-=-=<WANTED >=-=-=-=

<Wire >

<ℬ 175,000,000 –>



=-=-=-=<WANTED >=-=-=-=

<'Witch-Doctor' Kureha>

<ℬ 130,000,000 –>



"What the hell?! It only went up a hundred million!!" Krieg shouted in disappointment "And why the hell is the little brat worth more than me?!!" He exclaimed flashing an annoyed look at Bonney.

Bonney smirked in return "Because you're weak, and a dumbass on top of that. Even the Government know that now"

"The hell did you say?!"

"Huh? You want to fight?!"

"Cut it out you two" Gin interfered, stopping the two before they escalate the argument into a fight like usual.

"The last thing I expected is Trafalgar becoming a government dog" Kid said before he noticed Crocodile's intense gaze "No offense…and what's with the hero of Rocky Port bullshit? I don't even recall the marines taking part of the battle"

"Koby the Hero, huh? Could it be that he has some kind of connection to the 'Hero of the Marines' Garp?" Killed pondered.

"Ohh! That guy, I noticed his presence during the battle, he was helping out civilians and slaves but since he wasn't fighting against us, I paid him no attention" Bonney said.

'So, he still managed to become a hero even under different circumstances' Kai thought in his head.

"So, what's your plan for your cut of Captain John's treasure?" Crocodile inquired. Obviously since he helped in the whole fight, he got a fair share of the spoils.

"Let's see…I have some preparations to do before attacking Big Mom"