
One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Amazing cover made by Lord Valmar, who has somehow managed to make a great cover for all the books of mine that he's read :))) Huge thanks to him and his pp is humongous~! ___________________________________ Alexander Nikolia, is a person of many talents, a genius in the eyes of many. After a bizarre string of events, he ends up getting reincarnated into his favourite anime into the body of one of the most underutilized overpowered villains in the story. The world was bound to change in some way, whether that change is positive or not... That's up for interpretation really.

VeganMaster · Anime & Comics
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303 Chs

Sharing and Beginning

_________ POV Narration_________

Enel somewhat expected Robin to come to him, he was the one that had extended the invitation in a sense.

What he didn't expect was for her to drop by so soon... He had barely started resting his eyes a bit, and his room was an absolute mess as well...

His usually silked backwards short hair was now messier than usual, and his shirt was unbuttoned as well.

He didn't bother fixing those things though, nor did he bother tidying up his room.

'Well, no need to try and keep up any appearances with her...'

After so many weeks spent together, Enel knew that Robin was a person that appreciated honesty. And he also didn't feel like cleaning everything up so quickly...

Robin looked about as tired as when Enel had first seen her when arriving on the island. It still seemed like something was bothering her, but she also looked almost asleep.

'... I guess she's a bit cute like this?...' Enel blinked a few times, as he realized that was the first time he ever found a woman 'cute'. He usually reserved that term for small children.

But something about her just looked... Harmless? Yeah, that would be the right word.

"Robin... I'm glad you're here! I was going to visit you soon..." Enel then looked at the dark sky above them as they stood in the doorway.

'Shit... How many hours was I studying for?'

"I guess I was going to visit you tomorrow..." He corrected himself as he scratched the back of his head and invited her inside his temporary home.

"Thanks..." Robin said as she entered Enel's room and sat on his bed, ignoring the countless books and documents that littered the floor.

"..." Enel sat down, pulling his chair in front of her and looking her in the eye for a bit.

The two of them awkwardly sat in silence for a while, before Enel finally spoke.

"So... Are you going to talk about what's happened? Are the revolutionaries not treating you right?" Enel asked as he tilted his head.

'I may be good at picking up social cues... But that doesn't mean I am great at comforting people... Guess I'll just have to wing it.'

"... It's nothing. I'm just being stupid... Maybe a bit childish even. I didn't think I was capable of that anymore..." Robin shook her head, seemingly ashamed to even tell Enel what had happened.

But it was clear that something was on her mind, and that she wanted someone to talk about it to.

'Otherwise... She wouldn't be here, now would she?'

But how exactly could Enel go about getting her to open up to him?

"You know... I've always looked at the world from a neutral stance. I've always been afraid to show my hand, in fear that the world would take advantage of that..."

So, he decided to open up a bit about himself.

"Whether it was studying, fighting, or archaeology... I've always succeeded in every field. But I've yet to actually ever feel fulfilled by any of my discoveries...

My curious nature always prompts me to go forward, to try and uncover more... Ignoring dangers, and ignoring my own health at times."

Enel crossed his legs as he started thinking more about his past, the way he had acted in his previous life.

"My curiosity has always been my strongest and most defining characteristic... It's what brought me where I am today... But I also fear that it will one day be the very reason for my death."

Enel blinked a few times as he continued in his mind after a few seconds. 'It already has once...'

Robin looked up at Enel's face with a confused gaze. She seemed to think about a few things before sighing.

"But you still let your curiosity drive you forwards... Right?" She asked, looking down at her legs.

"... Always have, probably always will be. I want to see how the world reacts to the truth, I guess. I want to know the truth for myself as well... All of my goals ultimately spawn out of curiosity."

"Isn't that somewhat self-destructive? What do you plan to do after achieving your current goals?" Robin asked, raising her eyebrow as she looked Enel straight in the eye and tried to explore more and more about his mind and thought process.

"Well... I guess I'll have to live and see, won't I? Probably whatever else my curiosity turns towards next." Enel simply shrugged, breaking eye contact for a few seconds as his gaze became unfocused.

It was at that point, that Robin seemed to huff a bit.

"Hmph... Well... Maybe you'll find something else to live for afterwards..." She coughed into her own fist as she also broke eye contact and looked around the room, her Pokerface not breaking for one second.

Enel thought about those words a bit, before simply smiling.

"Maybe I will..." His words rang in a much more confident tone, almost melodic and high-spirited.

Robin coughed again, and Enel looked back at her, with a relaxed smile.

"Since you're willing to open up to me like that... I guess I should as well..." Robin's words made Enel even happier, but she seemed to suddenly become fidgety, for some reason, rubbing her shoulder while breaking eye contact and looking at the ground.

"Well, I learnt recently that Larthy... Was technically raised by my biological mother... While I was being raised by my aunt and her family..."

Enel blinked a few times as he tried to remember details about Robin's childhood.

'Nothing was mentioned about Larthy in the show... And Nico Olivia's life and adventures are about just as well known...'

Enel couldn't quite remember much about Nico Olivia, besides the fact that she and Robin had missed each other by seconds when Ohara was destroyed.

'It's hard to tell if Olivia failing to find Robin on Ohara actually saved her life...'

"I see... Does that thought make you feel strange?" Enel asked with a knowing smile, trying to get into her mind, to empathize with her as well as he could.

"I-I guess. It's not like I hate Larthy or anything... Not like I hate my mom either... But I don't know... It just doesn't seem... right." Robin seemed to be in a worse mood the more the conversation went on, so Enel simply sighed.

"It's ok to feel like that, I guess... I've never met your mother, nor do I remember ever meeting my parents... But I can understand if you felt like this situation specifically is unfair..."

Enel smiled as he patted her back, trying his best to comfort her.

"Unfair... I guess that's the word I was looking for." Robin sighed as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"My mother, Nico Olivia, was a travelling archaeologist, you see... She didn't spend any time at home. She barely spent any time with me... So I found it unfair when I heard that she apparently had the time to raise an orphanage... "

Enel smiled even more when hearing that, only sitting down beside her and listening to her.

"Apparently, Larthy even learnt a bit about Poneglyphs from Olivia... She is apparently what sparked her interest in archaeology..." Robin contained to speak more and more about her thoughts, and her feelings.

She found it unfair, she didn't want to hate her mother, nor did she want to hate Larthy. But she just wanted to complain.

And Enel listened, he listened with a smile on his face, comforting her as best he could.

Then, after a while, she felt liberated. The more she talked about it, the better she felt.

Enel's understanding gaze and words helped her see her problems as important, it helped her feel like they mattered.

In the end, before either of them even realised it, Enel's arm had stopped rubbing her back randomly, and just rested over her shoulder, pulling her to his chest into a hug of sorts.

She didn't reject it, but she did pull away when feeling her heart beat faster...

Enel didn't mind though, he simply smiled. He opened his mouth, about to say something...

---- BOOOM----

An explosion rang throughout Baltigo, as Enel's eyes widened. The ground trembled as the foundation of his home seemed to rattle alongside it.

Enel's haki quickly spread out beyond the island's borders, as he felt the explosion had hit the right side of the island.

In the distance, he could feel a number of unrecognized ships popping up on his radar as he also started spreading electromagnetic waves around him.



Hope you liked the chapter!

Shit's starting up ey? Well, the next few chapters will be quite long ;)

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