
One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Amazing cover made by Lord Valmar, who has somehow managed to make a great cover for all the books of mine that he's read :))) Huge thanks to him and his pp is humongous~! ___________________________________ Alexander Nikolia, is a person of many talents, a genius in the eyes of many. After a bizarre string of events, he ends up getting reincarnated into his favourite anime into the body of one of the most underutilized overpowered villains in the story. The world was bound to change in some way, whether that change is positive or not... That's up for interpretation really.

VeganMaster · Anime & Comics
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303 Chs

Poneglyph and More Training

_________ POV Enel_________

Ok, I don't know what the fuck that was.

But I really don't think I should hang around this place anymore.

I had felt watched in the past, but I hadn't expected something like this to happen.

Big Mom herself said that I have no soul, I was able to listen in on her conversation as I was leaving the castle.

This doesn't make any sense, honestly. Whatever God did, it turned me into this. Problem is, I have no actual answers as to what I am now.

I'm sure that God was there, it likely scared Big Mom away. But I don't know why it decided to do that...

I feel... Dirty? I think that's the right word for this. There isn't anyone that can explain this to me either.

There are countless religions in this world, so I guess that thing is also present in this place.

It only makes sense for it to watch me, it most likely sent me here for its own entertainment. Even if it's something I ultimately wanted...

Regardless, I had never seen Big Mom in that state in the show. She was always prideful, with good reason as she is a Yonko. But, now she looked almost docile...

I do remember that god looking creepy as fuck, but I don't know if a Yonko would react like that if they were just slightly creeped out like I was...

I will try to find out more about this after the war. I will have to look into more religions and see if I can find out more about souls in general. I might also have to ask Big Mom a bit more about souls...

But for now, I will follow Linlin's words and stay away from her and her children. I wanted to make friends with some of them, but I guess that's not possible anymore... At least not yet.

Well, Oven is still technically my friend, but I don't know how much he'll help in the future... As he is now, he will be a decent ally, but not someone I can take to the more important battles.

I still left him those schematics though, no reason to burn bridges for no reason. If anything, after today, it's improbable that Big Mom will make an enemy out of me...

Although, I guess she's also unlikely to become my ally. Well, you can't win them all.

Still, a win on my part was passing by the Road Poneglyph and copying its writing. No one even knows I was there in the first place, the treasure room was heavily guarded, but I was able to enter it without much issue thanks to my devil fruit.

I'll have the time to translate it later on, for now, I need to leave the Cake Islands and find some random island to train myself for a bit...

_________ POV Narration _________

Enel's departure from Big Mom's territory was smooth, no one actually stopped him because he left really quickly, and he didn't really bother sightseeing either.

It wasn't that hard to find an uninhabited island afterwards, Enel also didn't bother using a ship, as he simply turned into lightning and travelled through the clouds.

It took him around 15-20 minutes to reach another island outside of Big Mom's territory.

The island he chose was also apparently filled to the brim with wild beasts. This was optimal, as Enel then spent the rest of the month training on it.

The beasts helped him train in both Shigan and Kami-e.

By the end of his island training, Enel had some mastery over all of the 6 powers, through his mastery of Kami-e he also gained mastery over Seimei Kikan, which allowed him to control his body almost perfectly.

During that month, Enel also trained his Conquerer's Haki on the wildlife everywhere on the island. He could easily knock them out, but he wasn't all that consistent in using it at first.

Only after a few weeks of trial and error did he start gaining some semblance of control over it. Not without complications, of course. Nothing too concerning for now though...

His Armament Haki was also stronger than ever now, as he trained by destroying a mountain on that island.

It was a long process, that lasted for the entire month, basically, half of his day was spent punching away at a mountain. He only slept for around 3-4 hours at night, and he didn't sleep most nights.

The mountain training method was also something that Enel had taken from Garp, who had levelled 8 mountains for training at some point in the past.

Enel didn't really know how much time that had taken the Legendary Marine Hero, but he could only assume that Garp had a lot more time to train than he did...

Enel was currently running on a rather tight schedule, at this point he believed he was rather prepared for the War of the Best, both physically and mentally.

At this point, Enel was well aware that Ace's execution was a few days away. Extremely close to happening.

He had timed his training properly, waiting for the right moment.

Now, he was about to leave the island and return to Marineford, where most marines were gathering in order to prepare for the war.

Well, Enel would've gone there had he not received a call from Sengoku a few hours from his departure.

He contemplated not answering the call for a few seconds, Sengoku hadn't contacted him ever since the Dressrosa incident.

At this point, Enel was technically supposed to be heading back to the base already.

Sengoku didn't really take into consideration how quickly Enel could travel around or the fact that he would stop to train for a month, so he most likely believed Enel was already somewhat close to Marineford with his flying ship.

In the end, Enel decided to just answer, whatever happened would happen anyway, no reason to keep postponing the conversation.

"Hello! Enel here, go for it..." Enel said, getting straight to the point.

"Enel! Glad to hear from you. I called to ask about your whereabouts and the state of your mission..." Sengoku's voice could be heard on the other line, sounding rather calm.

"Mission was completed, don't think the Big Mom pirates will start a war either. Currently heading back to Marineford." Enel said as he twirled one of his earlobes around.

"Exceptional! I knew you could be trusted with such a mission... I'm sure you saw the news, that a war will be happening in a few days at Marineford." Enel could feel Sengoku's stress through the recording.

The Rear admiral could only guess... The amount of paperwork that had to be done for that specific event. The entire thing was to be broadcasted to the world, so Enel knew that Sengoku had a lot of people to talk with and many things to arrange for it.

"Yep, a bit difficult to ignore the news. Seriously, we went from not wanting to start a war with a Yonko to purposefully starting a war with the strongest Yonko..." Enel said while rolling his eyes a bit.

He knew the truth though, he knew that Ace was Roger's son, so the circumstances were completely different in this case.

"... Yeah. Things are a bit different here though. You will understand during the execution. For now, I need your help with a little something." Sengoku didn't seem keen on explaining everything through the transponder snail, Enel also didn't bother to press him.

"Sure, I still have some free time... What do you need help with?" Enel didn't really know what else he needed to do, but he assumed it was relatively important since he was contacted so suddenly.

"Well, we are currently gathering all of the remaining warlords to Marineford... I need you to drop by Amazon Lily on your way to Marineford and pick up Boa Hancock.

I was going to send Momonga, but he seems preoccupied with training right now, and since you're already close and can travel faster, I figured it would be better this way."

Enel just stared at the transponder snail for a bit... 'Fucking great'


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