
One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Amazing cover made by Lord Valmar, who has somehow managed to make a great cover for all the books of mine that he's read :))) Huge thanks to him and his pp is humongous~! ___________________________________ Alexander Nikolia, is a person of many talents, a genius in the eyes of many. After a bizarre string of events, he ends up getting reincarnated into his favourite anime into the body of one of the most underutilized overpowered villains in the story. The world was bound to change in some way, whether that change is positive or not... That's up for interpretation really.

VeganMaster · Anime & Comics
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303 Chs

Marshall D. Teach and Adversity

_________ POV Narration_________

'What the hell is this guy doing here?' Enel pondered as he looked at the massive figure that had just pulled up to the scene.

Enel could clearly see Blackbeard and his gathered crew waltz into the ongoing war.

Even their giant had shown himself, as he had been hiding behind some tall buildings.

The former Rear Admiral was utterly flabbergasted that the idiot had actually shown up at Marineford...

'In the original, he showed up only when Whitebeard was missing half of his head... Why is he here now?'

Enel thought he'd have to hunt down Blackbeard after the war, as that would've made the most sense with how things had been developing.

Shuriyu was also there, the psychopath looked a bit less calm than usual though, as his gaze met Enel's.

"OLD MAN!" Teach spoke out, with an arrogant grin on his face.

The marines were all shocked when seeing so many criminals gathered around Blackbeard. He had truly gathered an all-star crew of criminals so feared that their names had been erased from history.

"Shiryu!?! What is the meaning of this? What happened to Magellan? Why are all of you here?!" Sengoku slowly got up in the distance, the anger in his voice was rather obvious.

"... You'll find out what happened to him soon. Anyway... I've decided to team up with these guys." Shiryu said as he smoked his cigar and looked around the battlefield, his hand was already on his blade as he prepared for the worst.

Sengoku kept questioning them about how they had passed through the gates of justice and whatnot, but Enel was no longer paying attention to that.

He didn't care all that much for Blackbeard's crew currently.

But that wasn't the case for Whitebeard. As he was the first one to walk up towards his former son.

"Teach..." The older man said as he looked down at his disowned son.

Blackbeard was speaking haughtily about the way he had overcome the Gates of Justice, about how magnificent his plan was. At least until he ate a shockwave from Whitebeard's naginata.

All of his crewmembers who were nearby were sent flying into rubble, but all of them got up rather quickly.

Marco was quick to turn into a blue phoenix and was about to rush and assist his father. "MARCO! Stand back!" Whitebeard stopped him instantly though.

Whitebeard then continued to make his way toward the newcomers. "You broke the one iron rule on my ship... Let's settle this, Teach!"

Akainu also started flying towards Whitebeard. 'While he's distracted, we must at least kill Whitebeard!'

Akainu was still injured due to receiving attacks from both Enel and Whitebeard, but he didn't let that hinder him much. He dashed forwards, heading straight for the legendary pirate with malicious intent.

Enel wasn't about to let him interfere with the father-son reunion though, he was genuinely curious as to how Blackbeard planned to defeat Whitebeard under these circumstances.

The lightning man was quick to dash towards Akainu's back, what he hadn't expected was to be intercepted right when he got near the Admiral.

"YOU BRAT!" It was none other than the old Garp. His blackened fist cocked backwards and struck at Enel's face.

The old man had likely anticipated that he'd go after Akainu, so he had enough time to act.

Although Garp sounded mad, he had a large smile on his face, it was clear that this was nothing more than keeping up appearances to him.

In truth, the old man was currently feeling like crying tears of happiness. Both of his grandsons had survived. Who cared if they were pirates? To him, they were family.

And Enel had made a sacrifice and protected that family when he was too conflicted to do so himself.

Although he acted mad, deep inside, he felt that he owed Enel quite a lot on this occasion.

Enel also knew that Garp was likely not mad at him. So he decided to not try and injure Garp in any way.

With skilful movements and using his observation haki to bend himself around Garp's body, paralyzing him in the process and still going straight for Akainu.

Garp fell to the ground, unable to use Geppo as his body refused to listen to him for half a second, the old man smiled as Akainu's claw was intercepted by Enel's staff.

Akainu swore loudly as sparks arose from their Armament Haki enhanced strikes. His claw seemed to be winning though, as it was starting to cut into the staff.

This wasn't just a contest of strength though, it was a battle. So Enel was quick to bind the staff around the Admiral's arm, Akainu struggled, as he was then hurled towards the ground, his body weakened by the Seastone-laced staff that Enel wielded.

Enel didn't stop there though, he managed to bind Akainu in thick chains, and then he sent the admiral flying with a strike of his staff.

Sengoku acted quickly, catching Akainu and sending a volley of shockwaves toward Enel and Whitebeard.

Enel simply winced, as his staff quickly turned into dozens of tendrils, aiming to intercept each shockwave before they reached him.

The air blasted the tendrils apart, but the shockwaves were successfully stopped.

At this point, Enel was pushed a bit more, and he was standing back to back with Whitebeard.

The old man huffed a bit, observing the Rear Admiral from the corner of his eye.

"Doing such useless things... Still, thank you... For saving my son!" Newgate gave Enel his gratitude in a short exchange, as he turned his attention back to Teach.

"Don't mention it. Now, if we could both get the hell out of here after you deal with this bastard..." Enel said as he continued to block whatever incoming attacks he could with bolts of lightning.

Teach had also dashed towards Whitebeard at this point. He already had spread out his darkness underneath the two of them, it wasn't doing all that much, besides preventing the old man from moving.

Unfortunately for Teach, Whitebeard had no intention of moving his legs. The large man instead swung his naginata, a white halo covering the blade of it as he intercepted Blackbeard's fist.

"ZEHAHAHAHA!" Teach laughed loudly as his fist seemed to hinder the Quake powers that Whitebeard wielded.

But that didn't do all that much in the end, as Whitebeard's naginata still cut through his arm. The old man's haki being a few leagues above that of Teach.

That slash sent Blackbeard tumbling towards the ground, as he screamed in pain and held his bleeding arm.

Whitebeard simply huffed, a white halo covered his fist, as he seemed to crush Teach underneath it.

The air started cracking rapidly, and Teach was being squashed into the ground, blood spilt out of his mouth as the bones in his body broke rapidly.

The cracks spread all over the ground, and the shockwave that wave produced shook Marineford and pushed back most of Blackbeard's crewmembers.

"W-what!? Are you trying to kill me?!" Teach shouted as he struggled underneath Whitebeard's fist.

Edward Newgate simply huffed at that shameful display. Retrieving his fist and staring down at the pathetic form of his former son.

Enel also raised an eyebrow at that display.

'This buffoon was supposed to be the main antagonist of the show?' Enel thought to himself as his palm parted into lightning bolts and blocked off a few light rays and even more shockwaves.

'This can't keep going forever...' Enel thought to himself as he wondered if grabbing Whitebeard and escaping was an option.

At this point, most of the important figures in the marines were heading his way, trying to both take him down and kill Whitebeard.

Ace and Luffy had already managed to jump onto a submarine, and Jimbei had helped them navigate through the water and break the ice in order for them to retreat successfully.

At this point, the marines had 0 chance of actually killing Ace or Luffy.

But Whitebeard hadn't left Marineford yet. He planned to be the last to leave, to make sure not one of his children was left behind.

He was covering their retreat by catching the attention of the Marines. And Enel was doing the expert job of blocking every single attack that was heading for his back, as he dealt with his former son that had just appeared on the battlefield.

Enel knew that he would slowly start getting tired if the situation continued like that. Both of his injured hands were pointed forwards, lightning raining everywhere in front of him, blocking and pushing back all of the marines nearby.

"Shit! Why do we have to deal with both Rumble and Quake in the same war?!" A few marines couldn't help but express their grievances.

One invincible fruit was more than difficult enough to fight, now they had two island-destroying beasts to deal with at the same time.

Still Enel didn't aim directly for them, Enel wanted to avoid bloodshed as much as possible. But the lightning bolts sent currents through the ground, paralyzing more and more marines.

Whitebeard's tremors also created great cracks, as the whole of Marineford trembled under the attacks of the two devil fruit users.

Blackbeard was quick to call for the help of his newly assembled crew, and all of them started trying to attack Whitebeard.

Whitebeard winced, as his body stopped momentarily due to his sickness. Blackbeard's crew quickly took that opportunity, many of them pointing their guns at the strongest man in the world with nasty smiles on their faces.

Blackbeard also took out a gun hurriedly, and in sync with all of his subordinates, they all started shooting at the old man.

Marco shouted in the distance, as he quickly turned into a phoenix and rushed towards his father, disregarding the previous orders. The other captain followed after him.

But Whitebeard wasn't alone in this, metal tendrils extended from behind him, perfectly blocking all of the incoming bullets.

"Gather your wits, old man! I'll take care of the small fry, you punish your son!" Enel jumped up and tapped Whitebeard on the shoulder as he turned towards the Blackbeard pirates.

"WHITEBEARD PIRATES! HOLD BACK THE MARINES FOR A FEW SECONDS!" Enel's order reverberated throughout the battlefield, this kicked into gear the rest of the captains, as they all quickly started trying to fight against the marines in a desperate rush to save their father.

The old man was going to complain about the insubordination, but he refrained when seeing the mad look in Enel's eyes.

"I get that you want to protect your kids... But this isn't the time for that. This is a winning battle, retreat only after everything is won." Whitebeard simply smiled at Enel's words.

"Fine... But I don't like you ordering my children around..." Whitebeard said as he stared at Teach with a cold look.

Enel also started twirling his staff, metal tendrils from his gauntlets still blocking all of the bullets coming toward the two of them.

Enel looked at the bastards that made up Blackbeard's crew.

'Now... To deal with this trash...'


Hope you liked the chapter!

This one was a bit smaller, but not by much(1.9k words)

Good old Teach made an appearance too :)

Also, huge thanks for the power stones ))) This is the highest ranking I've ever gotten on any fic, so thank you all!

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