
One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Amazing cover made by Lord Valmar, who has somehow managed to make a great cover for all the books of mine that he's read :))) Huge thanks to him and his pp is humongous~! ___________________________________ Alexander Nikolia, is a person of many talents, a genius in the eyes of many. After a bizarre string of events, he ends up getting reincarnated into his favourite anime into the body of one of the most underutilized overpowered villains in the story. The world was bound to change in some way, whether that change is positive or not... That's up for interpretation really.

VeganMaster · Anime & Comics
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303 Chs

Kings of Seas and Skies, Reunion and Guests

_________ POV Narration _________

The Palace was about as grand as one would expect from a royal family.

It certainly had the grand architecture and golden look of a regular royal palace, its decor was more sea-oriented. But that much was to be expected.

The throne room itself was quite extravagant and large as well. Pieces of furniture made out of shells and decorated with shells littered the grand halls of the Palace.

The Royal Family and its servants seemed to be scrambling a bit to put together some sort of welcome for the Emperor that had visited them abruptly.

It wasn't exactly a surprise for Enel, as he could feel them scrambling from the moment he announced his identity.

The other patrols must've reported his presence directly to Neptune while he was sightseeing with Prince Fukaboshi.

But Enel wasn't the only man being guided towards the royal palace, though he did arrive before the other guests, namely the Straw Hats, who were being led by the other two princes, Ryuboshi and Manboshi, the second and third.

Enel had to look quite far up to meet King Neptune's gaze, the Seafolk King looked even bigger than the Emperor remembered him to be.

He was even significantly bigger than the likes of Kaido and Big Mom, and Big Mom was almost a giant herself...

Neptune was a giant-sized and muscular merman. A man with a downward's pointing red nose, small eyes, and long thick orange curly hair and beard.

He was hairy in general, and he seemed to dislike wearing shirts if possible, he only wore a large jewelled golden crown and a pair of golden bracelets. He had no need for pants, as his lower body only consisted of his deep blue fishtail.

His gigantic golden trident sat by the side of his throne, where his pet Whale, Hoe, was currently sleeping.

The King slowly stood up from his throne, floating towards the Emperor as if in water, with the use of a bubble ring that wrapped around his lower body.

Around them were plenty of mermaids, all bowing towards the king and the Emperor.

It was not that grand of an opening, all things considered, the King didn't throw a banquet or anything, but he did bring out some people to make things more respectful.

The First Prince seemed to be a bit taken aback by the greeting and probably hadn't been informed of the preparations that were being made.

But he was able to roll with it, going off to his father's side and bowing a bit. Before whispering something about going to collect his sister and leaving.

Neptune nodded to his son before turning back to Enel.

"It is rare for me to greet one such as yourself in my castle. An emperor and an ally of our Island." Neptune bowed slightly, his back arching a bit while his head still angled downwards to meet the Emperor's gaze.

"I am glad you consider me an ally already. I'm guessing it's because of my relationship with Whitebeard, correct?" Enel nodded towards the king, signalling him to straighten his old back.

"Indeed. Any friend of old Whitebeard is a friend of mine." Neptune closed his eyes and nodded, his tone melancholic.

He didn't dwell on it for too long however, he opened his eyes and looked at the Emperor once more.

"We owe a lot to him, many owe him a lot. You befriended at least half of the New World by saving him and Ace back then. You certainly befriended those in his territories."

Neptune's voice was loud but gentle. The King spoke in a respectful tone, but he was also quite blunt. He didn't seem that uptight about the Emperor's presence.

'I guess there are a lot of people that respect Whitebeard... Quite the stark contrast when compared with Shiki, they're from the same generation, and the Golden Lion is mostly forgotten...

Though he may have been able to go under the radar because the World Government were trying to hide the fact that he escaped prison in order to save face. Regardless... Doesn't matter anymore...'

"Has Whitebeard contacted you at all recently?" Enel crossed his arms while Neptune clapped his hands together, commanding some merfolk servants to bring a few drinks and an appetizer.

They brought a huge golden chalice for Neptune and a regular-sized one for Enel. Regular sized for Fishmen just so happened to be about the perfect size for Enel too.

"Whitebeard is always busy, and news from the outside world has somewhat stopped in the past year. My scouts told me of scary things, Sky King...

Fishman Island is far too removed to help out the other kingdoms, unfortunately...

So I don't blame him for the lack of contact. He is old and sick at the end of the day, still, we benefit from his protection."

Enel nodded, realizing that Whitebeard's crew had likely not contacted them regarding Kaido's attack previously.

If they had, then Neptune would most likely be aware of what had happened that day.

So Enel decided to give him a summary of what had happened. He had read Francsico's reports on the situation after all, and he felt that the Neptune Family was deserving of such knowledge.

Needless to say, Neptune was quite surprised by what he had heard.

Although old and sick, Whitebeard had held back Kaido for a long time, leaving him with plenty of injuries before eventually defeating him with help.

Kaido, the King of Beasts, was now assumed dead. And no major news source had even attempted to write a story about it... The world was truly in the dark.

It was a scary concept to Neptune, to live in a second void century... It made him grit his teeth. But there was nothing he could do.

At least Enel brought good news.

Besides the death of Kaido, Whitebeard was back to his youth thanks to someone in Enel's army.

Sickness was not an issue anymore and it likely wasn't going to be for a few more decades.

His doctors were also there to stop the disease from spreading as severely as before since they knew that Whitebeard was predisposed to it.

Neptune was more than happy to hear that.

Both because he would now have the chance to meet his friend, Whitebeard, again, and because their people weren't going to run out of protection anytime soon.

"Hoh hoh hoh hoh~ You bring such joyous news! This deserves a banquet!" Neptune's voice roared as he shook his fist to the ceiling lights.

The servants didn't need to be told twice, they immediately jumped into action, running off towards the kitchens to inform the royal chefs and setting up tables.

"Well, I won't refuse some good food. A lot has happened recently, a good celebration is indeed in order." Enel nodded, quietly matching the King's enthusiasm as his eyes shined a bit with blue light.

The King seemed more than elated to see that, he laughed once more before patting the Emperor's back in a friendly manner.

"No worries! You'll get as much food as you can stuff yourself with! Hoh hoh~" The King of the Sea laughed out again, and two more people entered the throne room at the same time, startled by the King's loudness.

"F-father? I-Is something wrong?" A shy and timid voice spoke out first.

Enel's gaze immediately followed the sound, although he already knew what to expect.

A gigantic mermaid was the one to speak out. The King's youngest child and only daughter. Also, ironically the biggest one, being only a bit shorter than her father.

She had very long, flowing pink hair with a fish-shaped hairgrip.

She wore a yellow halter top covered in pearls with a strap that stuck out at the back of her neck. She also wore clam earrings and belly chains with a cloth hanging down in front.

Her tail was very long, light red and pink striped.

And, most importantly, she also happened to be the modern incarnation of an ancient weapon.

Just seeing her made him remember a bit more about her character.

'1. She's supposed to rival Hancock in beauty... Although I still think Robin is more beautiful...'

"D-did I do anything wrong?" Shirahoshi's eyes watered a bit as she looked at the ground.

'2. She's an absolute crybaby...'

It couldn't be helped, the girl was 16 at the end of the day, just some teenager that lived a somewhat sheltered life.

"Nothing of the sort dear Sister! It's just that we have a visitor, and Father wanted us all to be present..." The First Prince was the one to lessen her worries, he acted so quickly that he didn't even give Neptune the time to think about responding.

"Oh! I understand!" She immediately sprang up from her depressive streak, immediately looking around like a newborn chick, before her gaze finally settled onto Enel.

Her eyes widened as a smile rose on her face.

"The man that helped Uncle Whitebeard! Hello, I'm Shirahoshi!" She clapped once as she assessed the situation for herself.

The King looked at Fukaboshi for a second, silently asking.

'Why didn't you tell her about this before dragging her here?'

To which, the first prince responded with his gaze.

'Didn't want to ruin the surprise...'

The Emperor noticed their silent exchange, but he struggled to make sense of it for a second. And during that time, the little(huge) princess got closer at unexpected speeds.

The Emperor's head snapped back at her as she immediately laid down in the throne room, her gigantic tail swinging around behind her.

"Do you have any interesting stories with Uncle Whitebeard? He never visits us anymore..." The mermaid princess smiled as her chin rested on her palms.

Her elbows pressed into the ground that her cleavage also pressed so into so heavily to the point where the stone cracked a bit.

Enel sweated a bit as he lamented her clumsy nature.

"I do have plenty of stories, you'll definitely hear some of them during the banquet, princess." Enel nodded to her before his right ear twitched.

"More guests have arrived!" Enel smiled as the huge wooden doors of the throne room swung open once again.

In came the other two princes, Ryuboshi and Manboshi.

Ryboshi was an oarfish-like merman, he was tall and thin. He had wide eyes, long wavy dark pink hair, and beaverlike teeth.

He also seemed to be the one wearing the most on his upper body amongst the entire royal family...

He donned a fancy robelike garment with sleeves that are puffed at the shoulders and wrists. He carried two swords behind him, held in place by an orange sash, signifying that he was a swordsman.

Manboshi was quite the opposite of his brother physically. He was quite a bit shorter and extremely corpulent... Round? Fat, he was fat. It was likely due to his race, however.

His arms were much smaller and thinner than one would expect.

For clothing, he only wore a blue hat and a yellow sash.

"Father! We're back with the guests! They are the ones that rescued Megalo!"

Behind them, riding a huge black shark with a bubble ring wrapped around its body, were the Straw Hats.

Well, most of them anyway, Sanji was incapacitated somewhere at the shores of the island due to blood loss, unfortunately.

'It's better that he doesn't see the Princess... He may actually die...' Enel shook his head as he remembered the cracking marble under the princess's 'weigh'.

"Oh, perfect! Everyone is here it seems!" Neptune smiled as he looked at the newcomers.

The Strawhats immediately got off the shark, which rushed over to Shirahoshi, gently twirling around her in the air.

'So that was Megalo...' The emperor mused as he scratched his chin.

Meanwhile, the Strawhats were taking in the views of the Royal palace, before they finally noticed his presence.

"E-Enel!" Ussop and Luffy were the first to notice him, both looking at him in surprise, then the rest of the crew mimicked their reaction with the exception of Zoro and Robin.

Zoro just raised an eyebrow, looking at the Emperor with a confused gaze.

'Did he get lost? How did he get here before us?'

Meanwhile, Robin smiled warmly when seeing him, a smile which he returned.

"Straw Hats! Great to see you've all made it to the Fishman Islands." Enel turned around completely to greet them, spreading his hands out and smiling at all of them.

Shirahoshi also clapped a few times, thanking them profusely for saving her pet gigantic shark.

"How come you're here?!" Luffy was the first, and loudest one, to respond. He pointed at Enel with wide eyes.

"I felt like paying a visit to the Neptune Family, have some matters to discuss still. But now that we're all gathered here, we may as well celebrate our reunion, right?"

"Shishishi, you weren't even gone for that long!" Luffy chuckled at the Emperor's proposition, but it was impossible for him to refuse.

Free Meat was free meat.

And the part started almost right away, Shirahoshi seemed to cling to Enel like an octopus, constantly asking him to tell her stories about his adventures.

The Sky King relented most times, especially since he didn't have anything better to do.

Robin noticed the two of them spending a lot of time together, but she didn't mind. She trusted Enel and knew that their connection was rather special.

She continued hanging out with Nami, not wanting to leave her alone in an unfamiliar place. From time to time, the Emperor would scoot over and they would exchange a few words.

She didn't ask about the strange thunderous sounds that had engulfed the New World, she only cared that he was safe.

Nami also seemed quite keen on making the two of them spend time together, even trying to set them up to dance during the party.

It was clear that the cat burglar was trying to play matchmaker, which was slightly adorable.

Unfortunately, the celebrations didn't last long.

As Enel felt a large object, a two-headed axe, whizzing towards them, spinning towards the throne room... Headed straight for one particular person.


Her eyes widened as her head turned towards a window, which broke that very moment. She put her hands on her head as she cried out.


Luffy also noticed that, and was about to enter second gear and help her, before he noticed that Enel was already near her.

She was not in danger, however. Before the axe even touched her, Enel appeared in front of it and simply reached out for its blade, his hand turning black.

The axe stopped in an instant, unable to press on for even an inch.

It trembled, struggling, as if it still wanted to go forward, to reach its target. Enel just sighed and grasped it harder, cracking it and breaking the blade of the axe completely.

Shirahoshi had barely managed to react to what had happened before Enel spoke out.

"... It seems we have even more guests..." Enel's voice rang out coldly as the music in the hall stopped.


Hope you liked the chapter! Finally got around to writing an all that :)))


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