
One Piece: Reborn as a D

A young man is fortunate enough to be reborn into the world of One Piece after his untimely demise and with the mysterious name of D. no less. Follow him on his journey to become pirate king. Assembling the strongest crew to ever sail the seas as he does so. Notice: This story will be slightly AU.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 72: Brunch Cooks

(3rd Person: POV)

Seeing Brunch stepped forward Kobo snorted.

"You really think you can beat me, you fucki-Hiieee!!!!"

Kobo suddenly began shouting, as Brunch closed the distance and delivered a powerful kick with his left leg straight in between his legs.

Seeing this Roberts couldn't help but give Brunch a thumbs up, and put a proud smile on his face.

As Kobo began falling to his knees from the kick Brunch gave him Brunch grabbed his face with his left hand and then slammed it straight into the ground. A savage smile on his face as he did so.

"Payback's a bitch, isn't it?" Brunch asked rhetorically.

Not caring one bit of Kobo responded to his words.

All Brunch cared about at the moment was how good it felt to beat down on his childhood bullies. A chance he was getting thanks to Roberts and his friends.

'Maybe they aren't so bad after all.' Brunch thought.

Then just after he did so he noticed the naginata in Kobos' right hand moving towards him.

Seeing this Brunch released Kobo's face from his grasp and jumped back, dodging his attack without any issues.

As this happened Kobo jumped to his feet, a furious expression marring his face as he did so. 

A face that also have blood leaking from it.

Yet Kobo ignored the bleeding wounds on his face and instead raised both his weapons in the direction of Brunch and pointed their tips at him. "Die!" He shouted.

Kobo then charged at Brunch and stared slashing both his sword and naginata at him.

In response Brunch began dodging all of the strikes, while parrying a few in the process.

Seeing this Roberts noticed the cracks in the ground Kobo's weapons made when they hit it after Brunch dodged or parried them.

'Chalk boy has some strength. Unfortunately that's not going to be enough to save him in this battle.' Roberts thought.

Brunch continued dodging Kobo's strikes, then when he saw an opening he delivered a punch with his left fist to his chest.

Receiving the full force of Brunch's punch Kobo was sent flying back, his feet skidding across the ground.

Placing the bladed tips of his weapons into the ground Kobo stopped himself from skidding. But just as he did so Brunch closed the distance and began raining down a flurry of punches on his head.

Not letting up for even a moment Brunch kept punching Kobo over and over again.

"Arghh!!" Kobo yelled after some time. Swinging his weapons furiously after he did so.

Jumping back Brunch dodged the slashes without trouble.

Then just as he did so Kobo rush forward and attempted to stab Brunch with his naginanta.

Though just as Kobo reached him Brunch stepped to the left side and dodged the stabbing attack. He then grabbed the pole of the naginata and brought down his right elbow with incredible force. This attack snapped the naginata into pieces.

Seeing this Kobo was shocked, yet didn't stop in his attack. He took his sword and swung it at Brunch, giving him a gash on his stomach, and finally landing his first hit of the battle.

Yet Kobo didn't know that would be the only hit he would land on Brunch.

Ignoring the wound he received Brunch closed the distance to Kobo and grabbed the sides of his head with both hands. He then slammed his skull right into Kobo's. "Take this you bastard!"

"Ahh!!" Kobo cried.

Brunch's headbutt knocking him right on his side.

The second after this happened Brunch stomped on Kobo's left wrist, an audible crack reverberating through the air after he did so.

Brunch broke Kobo's wrist.

"Agh!!!" Kobo shouted at the top of his lungs.

Yet Brunch ignored it and went back on the attack. He began delivering punch after punch to Kobo. His knuckles becoming bloody as he did.

Brunch continued this, until eventually he saw that Kobo had passed out. So when he noticed this he stopped punching him. Brunch then got up and spat on Kobo. "Fucking piece of trash. Stay there on the ground, it's where you belong." He said.

After he did this Brunch got up from the ground and walked over to Roberts, who is wearing a neutral expression on his face.

Reaching the pirate captain he placed a hand on his shoulder. "Thanks for that." Brunch spoke.

"No problem. It looks like you need it." Roberts said.

Since through his observation haki he could sense how much Brunch hated Kobo. So he wanted to give the long-nosed oni a bit of cathartic vengeance. 

Removing his hand from Roberts shoulder Brunch gave him a curt nod. One which Roberts returned.

After they shared the moment both Roberts and Brunch went back to focusing on the situation at hand.

Since there was still much to do to resolve it.


(Roberts: POV)

Finding myself in Konpekiss house I stood in the sitting room from earlier with my crewmates, Konpeki, Brunch, and finally Nosh.

All of us have gathered to discuss what our next move is going to be now that Shinku and his forces have located the hidden village.

"It seems we can no longer hide." Nosh spoke.

"Yes." Konpeki agreed.

"Alright, then it's time to finally take the fight to that red bastard and put him down for good!" Brunch exclaimed.

"I'm sorry cousin, but with the amount of forces we have right now we simply cannot." Konpeki spoke. A defeated look on his face.

Because it is a harsh truth he does not want to admit. Though a truth nonetheless.

During the attack earlier the warriors of the village couldn't protect everyone. In fact it was only thanks to me and my crewmates that no one on our side died.

And the forces Shinku sent to attack the village are only a small part of his overall forces. 

"Then you're saying we should just stay here and wait to be slaughtered?!" Brunch exclaimed.

"Not at all, but we must take caution in our next move lest we lose everything we are fighting to protect!" Konpeki loudly retorted.

"Both of you, that is enough!" Nosh shouted.

As he did so both Konpeki and Brunch started to calm down.

Once they completely were I stepped forward. "So now that you both have calmed down I have a plan to propose."

"Oh, and what might that be Roberts?" Konpeki asked me.

"Simple. You allow me and my crew to deal with Shinku." I said. "After all we are allies and dealing with him gets everyone what they want." I spoke.

"While I appreciate your idea, I don't think the people would accept you if you and your crew simply took down my brother." Konpeki explained.

"I already thought of that. Allow Brunch to come with us and that solves the issue." I spoke.

Since if Brunch is with us people will believe us when we say we are allies of Konpeki. Thus there won't be too many issues when we hand Shinku his ass.

"I'll do it." Brunch immediately spoke up.

"Wait Brunch, let's talk about this." Konpeki said.

"Yes, let's." Nosh said.

"Grandpa, Konpeki, I appreciate the warrior but I can do this. No, I need to do this." Brunch said. A serious expression on his face.

Seeing it both Konpeki and Nosh withdrew their objections.

"Alright, now that that's all settled let's get a move on." I spoke.

Since the longer time passes the longer Shinku has to realize his initial attack failed and for him to plan another one.

We discussed a few more things in the meeting before it ended. We then went to collect Rean, Reiju, and Bepo from the Black Pearl before heading to Shinku's location.

Time to us to put down this rip-off Hulk permamently.