
One Piece: Reborn as a D

A young man is fortunate enough to be reborn into the world of One Piece after his untimely demise and with the mysterious name of D. no less. Follow him on his journey to become pirate king. Assembling the strongest crew to ever sail the seas as he does so. Notice: This story will be slightly AU.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 57: Foul Mouthed Doe

(3rd Person: POV)

Launching herself at Reiju Apacci delivered several attacks using her bladed chakram, each attack more ferocious than the last.

"You like that you pink-haired pirate bitch! Well there's plenty more where that came from!" Apacci shouted as she attacked Reiju. "I'll make sure to pay your ass back ten, no hundred-fold for my comrades that you and crew slaughtered!"

"My, what a foul mouth you have." Reiju spoke.

Blocking each and every one of Apacci's attacks as she did so.

Though Reiju is having some difficulty doing so.

Especially since Apacci is enhancing her attacks using basic armament haki.

To counter this Reiju has to use her own armament haki.

Which is actually a lot more difficult than it sounds.

Though Reiju is able to do so and is slowly continuing to improve as the seconds tick by.

'I guess this is what the captain meant by real combat improving our haki.' Reiju thought.

Seeing her attacks weren't working and getting a strange feeling Apacci proceeded to back off from Reiju. The blue-haired marine then threw one of her bladed chakram at Reiju. Who easily dodged it.

But the moment this happened Apacci rushed forward using Soru and swung the bladed chakram she was still holding toward Reijus' stomach. "Got you you little bitch!" She cried out.

Though just before Apacci chakram made contact with Reiju's stomach it turned black due to armament hardening.

Seeing this Apacci was left speechless.

(A/N: So I'll say it once more for people who don't read but this is an AU novel, where people can actually see haki like armament haki and it's not invisible like in the original work)

As the chakram blade made contact with Reiju's haki coated stomach it bounced off, leaving her completely unharmed.

Right after this happened Reiju sensed the other chakram coming towards her back thanks to her observation haki, so she performed and black flip and dodged it.

Leaving Apacci to catch her weapon as it returned to her.

As the two went back to staring each other down Reiju's stomach returned to normal, since she dispersed the armament haki protecting it.

"To think a fucking pirate upstart like you knows haki." Apacci said.

"I do. And?" Reiju asked, putting a smirk on her face as she did so.

Seeing this Apacci began grinding her teeth. She then stopped a second later. "Time for me to wipe that smirk off your face." She spoke.

A second after Apacci did so she transformed.

Fur grew all over her body and she sprouted two antlers atop her. Her feet also transformed into hooves.

In almost an instant Apacci's transformation was complete.

Seeing it Reiju only had one thought of how it was possible.

"Devil fruit." She muttered.

"Ding, ding, ding, give this little pirate bitch a prize." Apacci said. Her voice laced with sarcasm.

Even though Reiju was right.

Apacci's transformation was thanks to a devil fruit. A zoan-type devil fruit to be precise. The Ushi Ushi No Mi; Model Antelope.

Which is the true reason she and her fellow captains are referred to as the Three Beasts. Each of them has eaten and possesses the power of a zoan-type devil fruit.

Apacci cracked her neck from side-to-side. "Now then, time to make good on my promise and wipe that smirk off your face. As well pay you back for the death of my comrades!" She cried. Apacci then lowered her head in Reiju's direction and a second after she did so her antlers become coated in armament haki.

Sensing danger Reiju prepared to move.

But she was too late.

Using Soru Apacci closed the distance to Reiju and rammed her haki-clad antlers into her chest.

Taking the impact Reiju was thrown across the deck of the marine ship. Rolliing like a ragdoll until finally she came to a stop.

But just as she did so Apacci was upon her once more, having closed the distance using soru again.

Her two bladed chakram in her hands Apacci coated them both in armament haki. She then swung her haki-coated blade in Reiju's direction.

Picking herself up Reiju managed to dodge, but not before obtaining two cuts to her body. Some of the first real damage she had taken since the fight began.

Turning around Apacci smiled viciously at Reiju. "Where do you think you're going? We're far from finished here." She spoke.

Apacci then launched herself at Reiju again using soru.

But this time Reiju used soru to evade.

Eventually the two of them were moving as blurs, leaving after-images in their wake as they moved across the deck of the marine ship.

While this happened they engaged in combat.

Apacci attacked Reiju with her haki-coated antlers and blade chakram and Reiju countered. She then struck back against Apacci using punches and kick laced with haki.

The two of them continued speeding around the deck for some time until they eventually stopped, both of them tired from using soru so much.

Both Apacci and Reiju breathed heavily, both now with several wounds on their bodies. However from what Reiju can see the wounds on Apacci's body are already starting to heal faster than her own.

'Zoan regeneration truly is broken as the captain says.' Reiju thought.

She also knew if the battle continued at its current rate she would lose.

Reiju wanted to end this by poisoning Apacci, but she knew the moment she tried her opponent would evade her attack. So she began thinking of ways to land her poison attack without that happening. Then an idea popped into her head. It was a crazy one, but it just might work.

"Hey, I thought you said you were going to make me pay. I guess that all just talk wasn't it?" Reiju spoke to Apacci. "Seems all you can do is spout words hollow words."

Hearing this a vein popped on Apacci's head. "Get ready to die bitch!" She shouted.

Apacci then lowered her head and closed the distance with soru, delivering another blow to Reiju's stomach using her haki-coated antlers. This time puncturing it with their tips and cracking two rips as well.

However the instance this happened Reiju grabbed ahold of Apaccis' antlers.

"Hey bitch, let go! Let go!" Apacci shouted. She then started violently shaking in an attempt to throw Reiju off. But it didn't work. Reiju held on.

As she did so Reiju started secreting poison, finally landing a poison attack upon Apacci.

"Fuck! No, gah!" Apacci shouted at the poison Reiju produced coated her body and started affecting her.

Upon seeing this Reiju pushed herself off of Apacci's antlers and then kicked the marine captain in the face with her left leg. Sending her flying across the deck in the process.

When Apacci finally stopped flying across the deck her body reverted back to fully human and she passed out.

Allowing Reiju to claim victory in the battle.