
One Piece: Reborn as a D

A young man is fortunate enough to be reborn into the world of One Piece after his untimely demise and with the mysterious name of D. no less. Follow him on his journey to become pirate king. Assembling the strongest crew to ever sail the seas as he does so. Notice: This story will be slightly AU.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 36: Color of The Supreme King

Looking at the Happo Navy ships approaching us with Don Chinjao leading them of all things I started sweating a bit.

'Shit! Shit! Shit!' I thought.

This is the worst situation possible.

Just to be clear I am not afraid of Chinjao. But given my crews present strength if we were to engage him and his forces in battle I am certain all of us would die.

That's one of the reasons I actively had my crew avoid Kano Country while here in the West Blue, so there was no chance we would run into Chinjao and the Happo Navy accidentally or otherwise.

Yet here they are, approaching us.

Which once again, fucking bullshit!

"Roberts, who is that?" Alfia asked. Coming to stand at my side.

"An opponent we can't beat with our current level of strength." I replied.

"Captain, are you serious?" I heard Bepo asking me.

Turning around I faced the rest of the crew, a serious expression on my face. "Deadly." I replied to the polar bear mink.

"Who exactly is coming at us right now to have you like this captain?" Law asked me.

"The Happo Navy. A fleet that protects a country here in West Blue known as the Kano Country. And although they are an actual navy they are also a pirate fleet that regularly sails the Grand Line, specifically the New World." I explained to everyone. "But that's not the worst of it."

"What could possibly make this situation any worse?" Weisz asked me.

"The current leader of the Happo Navy is aboard the ships currently heading in our direction. He's a man who goes by the name Don Chinjao. He's a pirate with a bounty of 500 million, a man who made a name for himself during Rogers Era, and he's a recognized rival of the legendary marine hero Garp "The First"." I explained.

"So basically we're fucked." Reiju spoke.

"In a sense. That's why right now our only option is escape." I told the others. "So get ready."

Since from the looks of things Don Chinjao and those Happo Navy ships are gaining on us just like those marine vessels earlier.

Meaning no matter what we're going to confront them.

But unlike before there is only one plan.

Escape, with our lives intact no matter the cost.

As I explained this to the others they started moving to prepare.

While I did the same.

Wondering just how big the current gap is between me and my crew and a pirate who has regularly sailed the New World.

Looks like we're about to find out.


Before I knew it the Happo Navy ships had caught up to the Black Pearl and surrounded the ship in a semi-circular formation.

When they did so my crew made no sudden movements.

Since Chinjao and his forces didn't immediately attack us once in range we decided not to give them any reason to.

Though I am a bit curious as to why they didn't.

As I pondered this I directed my gaze to Chinjao.

Whose ship was the only one not part of the semi-circular formation.

Instead it was inside the circle along with the Black Pearl directly in front of us.

Glaring right back at me Don Chinjao has a grin on his face.

"Hello there." I said to old veteran pirate. "Tell me, what did me and my crew do to earn a visit from the legendary Don Chinjao?"

"Yiahohoho! So you know me brat." Chinjao spoke. Looking quite pleased with himself.

"Yes." I replied. "So once again I ask, what do you want from us?"

"Oh, it looks like you've got some backbone. That's good. I would expect some from a captain who leads a crew that stole from a marine base." Chinjao said.

Revealing he knows it was us who robbed the 69th Marine Branch.

But I'd expect nothing less.

Given that the Happo Navy is the strongest force in the entirety of West Blue and have been for generations there information network is vast.

Finding out something like that would be child's play for them.

No matter how much the Marines would try and cover it up.

Which they basically have.

"Once again thanks. But seriously get to the point already." I replied. "What do you want from us?"

"Simple. I want you." Chinjao said pointing at me.

As he did so I slightly backed up and wrapped my arms around my body.

Stranger Danger! Help, I need an adult.

"No thanks old man. I like women. And even if I didn't you are not my type." I told Chinjao.

As I did so my crew burst into laughter.

While many of Chinjao subordinates did the same thing.

Chinjao himself looked ready to spit up blood.

But once he came back to his senses the old pirate angrily yelled at me. "You damn brat! That's not what I meant and you know it! What I want is for you and your crew to become my subordinates!"

Yeah, I suspected it was something like that. But I couldn't resist the urge to troll Chinjao.

Call it one of my only flaws.

After Chinjao made his statement I put a serious expression back on my face.

"You want me and my crew to become your subordinates. If that is a joke old man you need better material because none of us are laughing." I told Chinjao.

"I am not joking and you damn well know it." Chinjao replied. "Your actions in robbing the marine base tell me your not afraid to take risks and from what I can see you and your crew seem to be growing in strength quite well. I can tell you will be a force to be reckoned with one day. That is why I want you to serve under me. And if you refuse. Well you can guess what will happen. So, what will it be brat?"

"First off my name's not brat. It's Soren D. Roberts. The man who will one day stand at the top of this world. Second fuck all the way off baldie. There's no way my crew and I will ever become your subordinates. Instead how about you become ours?" I spoke.

Getting more pissed off by the second dealing with Chinjao and his patronizing tone.

This old bastard acknowledges our potential but doesn't see us as a threat.

Even if it is somewhat true the fact Chinjao is treating me and my crew like this makes me extremely angry.

And through my observation haki I can sense my crew also feels the same way.

Yes, that's good.

We can use this anger to fuel our growth.

Then one day we will turn Chinjao and his Happo Navy into our bitches.

That's a promise.

"Baldie and subordinate." Chinjao mused.

A second after he did so he got an expression of pure anger on his face and his beard started floating upward just like it did during the Dressrosa Arc.

"It looks like you brats need a lesson in how to respect your elders!" Chinjao roared.

He then spammed his palms together and the second after he did so I felt an immense pressure wash over me.

A pressure that is touching my very soul and is making me want to submit and give up my resistance and defiance.

This can only be one thing.

Conqeurors haki.

Feeling it for the very first time I can say it's way more intense than I ever dreamed.

Currently it feels like there's a boot pressing down on my neck.

Before I realized it my breathing was labored and it was hard to stand.

"Shit!" I muttered.


Then right after I did so I heard a thud behind me.

Turning my head I saw Robin on her hands and knees barely conscious.

The others don't look much better off.

'Dammit!' I thought.

Whipping my head back around towards Chinjao I saw him glaring at me with a triumphant smirk on his face.

"This is what happens when you're all talk brat. You aren't even a fish in the sea yet. So know your place and lie down like a good little boy." Chinjao told me.

As he did so I felt the pressure from his Conquerors haki increase.

When it did so I started to drop to my knees.

'Is this it? Is this the extent of my drive? Of my will to succeed and achieve my dreams? Am I this much of a pushover?...No. Fuck no!' I thought.

I won't ever submit to anyone.

I won't ever give up on my dreams.

I'll live free and do what I want. I'll go where I want and let no one stand in my way. Absolutely no one!

A renewed vigor I stopped myself from falling to my knees and stood back up to my feet.

As I did so the pressure of Chinjao Conquerors haki increased once again.

As it did so I felt my consciousness start to fade a little. But even so I stood firm and tall.

Because I will never bow to anyone.

As I made this resolve and pledge deep in my heart I suddenly felt something deep within myself awaken.

And I knew exactly what is was.

The Conquerors haki.

Looks like I do possess it after all.



A/N: Surprise! Three chapters in one day. Now you really need to give me power stones🤗

Also what will happen between Chinjao and the Thanatos Pirates.

Tune in next time to find out.