
New Mission

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Brontes, with a lit cigar clamped between his teeth, stood resolute on the heaving deck of the warship. The sea air mingled with the smoke, creating a haze that seemed to mirror the murky waters of the mission ahead.

He fixed his gaze on the man before him, whose casual stance, hands buried in his pockets, belied the gravity of their conversation.

"I should have known a mission like this would fall on my head; it was you who pulled the strings." Brontes said helplessly, the smoke curling around his words.

The man, a cigarette dangling from his lips, exhaled a plume that was quickly swept away by the sea breeze.

"It was supposed to be Sakazuki's task, but you're aware of his impulsive nature. And this time, we're in a delicate dance with pirates. If Sakazuki lashed out in one of his fits, he'd sever the supply line we're here to secure."

Brontes smiled and asked: "That's true, but aren't you afraid Sakazuki will come after you for this?"

The man's response came with a dismissive flick of ash over the railing: "After this mission, I'm heading back to Marineford. If he wants to find me, he'll have to bide his time until he comes to headquarters. Besides, he won't catch even a whisper of this operation; it's a direct order from the World Government, which means it's off the books."

No introduction was needed; the man's identity was as clear as the emblem on his coat. He was Borsalino, one of the trusted adjutants to Marine Admiral, Sengoku.

Brontes knew his presence here wasn't mere chance. Borsalino's recommendation had landed him this mission, a task of such significance that it wouldn't typically be entrusted to a mere Rear-Admiral.

"Seastone is a strategic resource, vital to both the World Government and Marine. It's a shame that large deposits of seastone can't be found all over the world. Only Wano Country possesses it, and yet, this country isn't affiliated with the World Government. Luckily, we have established a connection with the pirates; otherwise, we wouldn't be able to obtain the Seastone." Borsalino said in a helpless voice.

"I understand, but what about the risks of this mission? You sought me out, so I assume the risk is not low." Brontes said, his tone taking on a serious edge.

"Correct. The news of the Seastone sale is circulating in the underworld. The World Government also learned of it through the underworld channels. So, many big players in the underworld are aware of the Seastone's existence. This transaction will definitely attract a lot of attention, and whether it will be a trade or a plunder is yet to be seen." Borsalino replied, his eyes narrowing.

"So that's how it is. Who will the enemies be? Do you know?" Brontes inquired.

"The Beasts Pirates." Borsalino said, his voice dropping to a solemn timbre. The name of the pirate crew struck Brontes with surprise.

The Beasts Pirates, notorious in the New World, were a force to be reckoned with. Though they didn't stand shoulder to shoulder with the four most formidable pirate crews of the moment, their reputation in the New World was fierce and uncontested.

Kaido, the captain of the Beasts Pirates, was a leviathan among men, a monster in human form whose might defied all conventional measures.

To speak plainly, even the legendary pirates might falter in a direct confrontation with that monster.

Only the mightiest of forces—the Roger Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates, the Golden Lion Pirates, and the Big Mom Pirates—could stand against him with any semblance of confidence.

Kaido's reputation as a madman was well-earned, yet beneath that veneer of insanity lay a strategic mind that recognized and valued raw talent.

His crew was a testament to this, comprised entirely of Zoan-type Devil Fruit users, each as ferocious and unyielding as their captain.

"So it's him." Brontes mused, the weight of the name settling on his shoulders: "That complicates matters. With Kaido's personality, he will definitely try to take the whole cake without sparing a dime."

"Exactly!" Borsalino affirmed, flicking away the last of his cigarette into the ocean's depths: "He wants all the smuggled Seastones for himself, which is why we must tread lightly. Our operation will involve two warships and two marines—chosen for their strength and their ability to blend in. Admiral Sengoku chose me, and I, in turn, recommended you."

Brontes nodded, his mind already turning over the details: "This mission isn't suited for Sakazuki's... direct approach. But tell me, who would dare smuggle Seastone out of Wano? Such an act is tantamount to suicide there. Discovery would mean execution at the hands of the Shogun."


Borsalino raised an eyebrow, impressed by Brontes' insight.

"Indeed, it requires an insider. In a country as vast as Wano, not all are loyal to their land. It seems only a traitor or someone with grand ambitions could pull this off. Our insider is a man named Kurozumi Orochi, who's in cahoots with a pirate crew that recently entered Wano. Orochi craves weapons, the pirates crave wealth, and the only currency of worth they can trade is Wano's most guarded resource—the Seastone."

Brontes absorbed the information, his strategic mind already calculating the implications: "The World Government won't pass up the chance to secure such a bounty of Seastone. There's even a chance for a lasting corporation."

"Yes, that's the outcome the World Government is banking on. Furthermore, Dr. Vegapunk has made significant strides in his research, which will enable us to harness Seastone more effectively. This will revolutionize our efforts to subdue Devil Fruit users." Borsalino added.

"And the pirate crew we're dealing with?" Brontes asked.

Borsalino's lips curled into a sardonic smile: "Just an unknown group of sea rovers."


The two warships, their marine insignias shrouded beneath layers of disguise, sliced through the treacherous waters of the New World.

It was imperative that they not be recognized, for the mere sight of marine vessels near Wano Country could send ripples of alarm through the pirate-infested waters.

The dominion of Wano was under the heavy-handed rule of the Beasts Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates, whose formidable strength was a tide Brontes and Borsalino dared not turn against.

After a tense voyage, the ships reached the rendezvous point, a secluded cove chosen for its obscurity. Fortune had favored them with calm seas—a rarity in the New World, where the weather was as fickle and fierce as the sea itself.

Brontes and Borsalino, flanked by their contingent of marines, disembarked onto the island where the clandestine exchange was to occur.

The island was desolate, save for a small fire that flickered like a beacon in the heart of the forest, which located at west side of the island.

As they approached, two silhouettes appeared from the shroud of darkness. A terse exchange of codewords ensued, and once their identities were confirmed, the strangers guided them through the dense forest to a concealed cave.

Inside, the air was thick with anticipation. The leader of the pirates, a man whose eyes gleamed with avarice, sat perched upon Seastone ores.

"This is the purified Seastone ore you wanted. Where's our payment?" He asked.

Borsalino gestured to the marines behind him: "Bring it up!"

Ten soldiers stepped forward, each hefting a box brimming with Berries. The pirates' gazes were riveted to the chests, their expressions a mix of greed and triumph.

One pirate, unable to contain his eagerness, dove into the task of counting the bounty. Moments later, he turned to his captain, a grin splitting his face: "Captain, it's correct, exactly One Billion Berries."

"Good, you can take these things away." The captain said, his voice tinged with excitement as he pointed towards the Seastone.

"We hope to continue cooperating." Borsalino said, with a smile on his face.

"Hahaha! Definitely! Definitely!" The pirate captain replied, his laughter echoing off the cave walls as he secured the boxes of Berries.

Once the pirates had departed, Brontes stepped forward to inspect the ores. He quickly confirmed the authenticity of the Seastone.

In fact, even if there were any discrepancies, the pirates wouldn't have gotten far. With the speed at which he and Borsalino could move, pursuit would be trivial.

"Now we just need to transport it back. I hope everything goes well." Brontes murmured, his voice barely rising above the whisper of the waves outside.

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