
One Piece :Queen of Dragons

In the aftermath of a cataclysmic battle, Irene and Erza stand on a desolate battlefield, their fates intertwined in a clash of wills. As the storm rages above, Irene's formidable power meets Erza's unwavering determination. The fight escalates with Irene's Universe One spell reshaping reality itself, while Erza, bolstered by Wendy's intervention, refuses to yield. Despite their efforts, an overwhelming demonic invasion threatens their world. In the face of utter destruction, Irene is offered a chance at redemption and a new life with her daughter by a mysterious goddess, a choice that could alter their destinies forever. note :This fanfiction is a tribute to the magnificent worlds created by Eiichiro Oda and Hiro Mashima. The characters and settings of One Piece and Fairy Tail are the intellectual property of their respective creators. This work of fiction is an Alternate Universe (A.U.) narrative that weaves together elements from both series, reimagining characters and scenarios in a new, fan-made adventure.

rnsu_akrn · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


"Irene is my name, and I must decline," she replied, mirroring his smile.

"Very well, should you reconsider, the seas await," Shanks declared, departing from Loguetown in search of his crewmates

Curiosity piqued, Irene turned to the colorful figure beside her. "Hey, Buggy, who was that? Do you know him?"

Buggy, adorned in his patchwork of clothes, glanced back with a mix of respect and annoyance. "Ah, that's Shanks. We were both apprentices on the Roger Pirates," he explained, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia.

Intrigued by the town, Irene inquired, "I'm not from around here. Would you mind showing me around, kid?"

Buggy bristled at the term. "What do you mean, 'kid'? I'm fifteen years old!"

"And yet, you are still a child ,I'm Already at my 30's" Irene countered with a soft chuckle, her ageless eyes twinkling. 'If only he knew, I've seen over four centuries,' she mused silently. "But to your eyes, I suppose I appear merely a maiden in her prime."

Buggy, taken aback by her youthful appearance, conceded, "Well, you don't look a day over twenty, and you're quite the beauty. Fine, I'll show you around."

As they meandered through the streets, their journey led them to a cozy restaurant. With bellies full and spirits high, Irene leaned in, her curiosity unsated. "Tell me about this world, Buggy."

"Well, the sea is split into four parts: North Blue, South Blue, West Blue, and we're currently in East Blue, known as the weakest of the seas. I've always wondered why," Buggy mused, his fingers drumming on the table. "And at the center of these seas lies the Grand Line."

"And the government system?" Irene probed further.

Buggy's expression darkened. "Each island has its rulers nobles, kings, or queens. The World Government oversees them all, except for Wano, a land untamed by their grasp. The Marines claim to be protectors, but corruption festers within their ranks. There are ranks like Fleet Admiral, but above all are the Celestial Dragons they control the world government . defy them and you're as good as dead.

Irene's eyes narrowed. "Those Celestial Dragons... an annoyance indeed."

Buggy eager to eager to continue his story "Wait I'm not finished yet but there's one man that stupid enough to do that he even defies the celestial dragon it was The leader of Revolutionary army Dragon well i don't know him that much that guy is full mysteries "buggy said

A spark ignited within Irene. "I admire such defiance. Dragon huh I already like him i hope we meet somewhere .."

With Buggy's tales painting a vivid picture of this new world, Irene's resolve hardened. "Buggy i decided I want to create a kingdom that's not under the rule of that world governments bastard ,a kingdom where everyone can live in peace ,so wanna come with me?" i

"A kingdom you're crazy ,ill continue piracy so not interested "

Undeterred, Irene pressed on."I'll make you stronger and beside we're still going to the sea before building that kingdom and set sail but we're no pirates we're an organization just like the revolutionary army so what do you say?"

"No don't wanna i don't think you're gonna make me stronger " buggy responded

As Buggy didn't believe Irene she drags Buggy into a nearby mountain and punch the ground of the mountain and suddenly the whole mountain collapse "that was just a percent of my power what do you say Buggy wanna come with me ?"Irene ask again

buggy was in shocked and he answer "yes"

"Yosh welcome to the Dragon Hunter Buggy "

"Dragon hunter ??"Buggy echoed puzzled

"That's the name of our organization "Irene responded

"Now that you're the first one we're gonna find some more members and bring justice to this corrupted world "Irene said with a smile

This fanfiction is a tribute to the magnificent worlds created by Eiichiro Oda and Hiro Mashima. The characters and settings of One Piece and Fairy Tail are the intellectual property of their respective creators. This work of fiction is an Alternate Universe (A.U.) narrative that weaves together elements from both series, reimagining characters and scenarios in a new, fan-made adventure.

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