
One Piece :Queen of Dragons

In the aftermath of a cataclysmic battle, Irene and Erza stand on a desolate battlefield, their fates intertwined in a clash of wills. As the storm rages above, Irene's formidable power meets Erza's unwavering determination. The fight escalates with Irene's Universe One spell reshaping reality itself, while Erza, bolstered by Wendy's intervention, refuses to yield. Despite their efforts, an overwhelming demonic invasion threatens their world. In the face of utter destruction, Irene is offered a chance at redemption and a new life with her daughter by a mysterious goddess, a choice that could alter their destinies forever. note :This fanfiction is a tribute to the magnificent worlds created by Eiichiro Oda and Hiro Mashima. The characters and settings of One Piece and Fairy Tail are the intellectual property of their respective creators. This work of fiction is an Alternate Universe (A.U.) narrative that weaves together elements from both series, reimagining characters and scenarios in a new, fan-made adventure.

rnsu_akrn · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


A desolate battlefield stretched out beneath a stormy sky, magical energy crackling through the air like untamed lightning. Irene stood tall, her aura menacing, eyes gleaming with unbridled power. Facing her, Erza's determined gaze held no fear, only resolute defiance.

Irene's smirk was cold, condescending. "So, you are the famed Titania, Erza Scarlet. How amusing. You have no idea of the power you are facing."

Erza clenched her fists, her voice unwavering. "I don't care who you are. If you threaten my friends, I will stop you, no matter the cost!"

Irene laughed, a chilling sound that echoed across the barren landscape. "Such bravery! But it's useless. Let me show you true despair."

With a flick of her wrist, Irene cast her spell. "Universe One!" The ground trembled violently as a surge of magical energy reshaped the entire continent in an instant.

Erza braced herself, her eyes wide with shock. "What... what is this power?"

Floating above the ground, Irene's eyes glowed with a malevolent light. "Now, shall we continue? This new world is our battlefield."

Erza summoned her armor, her voice a fierce growl. "Bring it on!"

The battle intensified as the two women clashed repeatedly, swords and magic colliding in a spectacular display of power. Irene's expression was one of cold determination. "Dragon Slayer Magic: Deus Sema!" she cried, summoning a massive meteor to crush Erza.

Gritting her teeth, Erza leaped into the air, breaking her own arm to enhance her sword strike. "I won't let you win!" she shouted, her voice echoing with unyielding resolve.

Irene watched in surprise as Erza's strike shattered the meteor, the resulting explosion sending shockwaves across the battlefield. Panting slightly, Irene's eyes narrowed. "Impressive, but futile. You cannot defeat me."

Staggering but resolute, Erza's voice was a whisper of steel. "I won't give up. As long as I breathe, I will fight!"

With a final, desperate move, Irene transformed into her dragon form, towering over Erza with an aura of overwhelming power. "Feel the wrath of a dragon!" she roared, her voice shaking the heavens.

Barely standing, Erza's eyes burned with defiance. "Even a dragon can be slain."

Just as Irene was about to deliver the finishing blow, Wendy Marvell intervened, her voice ringing out with desperate urgency. "Enchantment: Dragon Slayer's Secret Art!"

Rejuvenated by Wendy's power, Erza's eyes blazed with renewed strength. "This ends now!" she declared, launching a devastating attack that targeted Irene's weak spot.

But Irene was ready. She had anticipated this move. With a swift, powerful counterattack, she struck at Erza's core, the force of her blow overwhelming the combined power of Erza and Wendy. The battlefield fell silent as Erza collapsed, her sword slipping from her grasp.

Irene stood victorious, her dragon form dissipating as she reverted to her human form. "How... how could this happen?" Erza gasped, struggling to rise.

Irene looked down at her with cold eyes. "Because you underestimated me. Power alone is not enough. Strategy, foresight, and the will to conquer these are what win battles."

Erza's vision blurred as darkness closed in, her last sight the triumphant figure of Irene standing tall against the stormy sky.

The battlefield lay in ruins, the echoes of the fierce clash between Irene and Erza still lingering in the air. Erza lay on the ground, barely conscious, her breath ragged. Irene stood over her, contemplating her next move when a dark shadow loomed over them both.

Acnologia, the fearsome Black Dragon, descended from the sky with a roar that shook the heavens. His eyes locked onto Erza, filled with malevolent intent. "So, this is the famed Titania. Pathetic."

Erza, struggling to rise, saw death approaching. But before Acnologia could strike, Irene moved with a speed that defied belief, placing herself between the dragon and her fallen foe. "You will not harm her," she declared, her voice resolute.

Acological's eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed with amusement. "You protect her? Why, Irene? She is nothing to you."

Irene's gaze softened as she looked down at Erza. "Because she is my daughter," she whispered, a revelation that shocked both Erza and Acnologia. "And no matter what has happened, I will not let her die."

Acological's laughter was a rumble of thunder. "Foolish sentiment. It will be the end of you."

Before he could strike, a rift tore open in the sky, and from it poured a new threat. Demonic figures, twisted and malevolent, surged forth from the demon realm, their power radiating across the battlefield. They attacked without mercy, their objective clear: to destroy the Fairy Tail world.

Irene's eyes widened in horror as the demons began their assault. "This cannot be," she breathed. "These creatures… they're not from our world."

Acological roared in fury, turning his wrath on the new invaders. But the demons were relentless, their combined strength overwhelming even the mighty dragon. As the world around them crumbled, Irene fought with everything she had, her magic a beacon of hope against the encroaching darkness.

Erza, mustering the last of her strength, called out to Irene. "Mother, please… don't let them win."

Irene's heart ached at the sound of that word, but she steeled herself. "I will protect you, Erza. I will protect our world."

Despite their best efforts, the demons' onslaught was too powerful. Fairy Tail members fought bravely, but one by one, they fell. The once vibrant world was reduced to ashes and ruins, the screams of the fallen echoing in the void.

In the end, Irene stood alone amidst the devastation, the last survivor of a world that had been destroyed. She looked around at the desolation, tears streaming down her face. "I failed you all," she whispered. "I failed my daughter. I failed my world."

But even in the depths of her despair, a spark of determination flared within her. "I will find a way to make this right," she vowed. "I will avenge you all. This is not the end."

Amidst the devastation and the heavy silence of the ruined world, a soft, ethereal glow began to fill the air. Irene looked up, her eyes narrowing as a figure descended from the sky, bathed in radiant light. It was a goddess, her presence serene and overwhelmingly powerful.

The goddess smiled gently at Irene. "You have fought bravely, Irene Belserion. Your heart is heavy with sorrow and regret. But I offer you a chance to change everything."

Irene's eyes widened in surprise and curiosity. "Who are you? What do you mean?"

The goddess's voice was soothing, like a calm breeze. "I am a guardian of realms, and I have watched over many worlds. I offer you a choice: to live a different life where you can be happy with your daughter, and still retain your power."

Irene's heart skipped a beat. "A different life? What will happen to this world?"

The goddess's smile remained warm. "This world will be recreated from its original storyline. We will clone you and Erza so that you both will still exist here. The timeline will be restored as it was meant to be, with no memory of this tragedy."

Confusion and hope battled within Irene. "So, if I accept your offer, Erza and I will also exist in this world as we were before? And I will have another life with her?"

The goddess nodded. "Yes. In this new life, your firstborn will be the reincarnation of Erza, with all her memories and powers. She will know you as her mother from the beginning, and you will have the happiness you've longed for."

Irene's thoughts raced. To have a life where she could be with Erza, without the pain and suffering, seemed like an impossible dream. "And my power? Will I keep it in this new life?"

"Yes," the goddess assured her. "You will retain your power, and I'll gift you another ."

Tears filled Irene's eyes as she thought of all the pain, all the mistakes. "Yes," she whispered. "I accept your offer. I want to live a life where I can be with my daughter and be happy."

The goddess extended her hand, a serene smile on her face. "Then it is done."

With a gentle touch, the goddess enveloped Irene in a warm, comforting light. The world around her faded away, and she felt herself being lifted, carried into a new existence.

and then Irene suddenly transported in a certain island where crowd had gathered, drawn by the promise of witnessing history in the making. Among them stood pirates, marines, and civilians alike, all eager to witness the end of an era and the birth of a legend.

This is an Au story

Disclaimer this is just a fanfiction and i don't own one piece and fairy tail credits to Mashima-sensei and Oda sense

rnsu_akrncreators' thoughts