
One Piece: Pirate King's Path

Years before Luffy and the Strawhat Pirates set sail, there is a boy, who is living in a little village in the East Blue, whose dream was to have freedom. He dreamt of being free and having no restrictions. And this dream led him to many adventures, many friends, and many enemies. But that is a story for the future. Join Alexander D. Great in his journey to become the man with the most freedom like his idol, Gol D. Roger. The man who stands on top of the world. The man known as the Pirate King. This is my first novel and I am a newbie author. I am just doing this for fun and this idea just popped into my head. This novel may not follow the canon and there might be some mistakes along the way please forgive me for those. There will be no harem the MC will have his pairing. Leave your reviews and tell me what I can improve in the story. Thank you very much! P.S. I don't own anything in this novel except my OCs. I also don't own the cover. If the cover is yours and you don't want me using it, just tell me and I will remove it. Thank you again

ImStar0710 · Anime & Comics
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Temporary Member?

Alex and his crew woke up today with a determined face as they would have to save their possible crew doctor from being executed. Alex reminded his crew "Today is the day we will try to recruit our ship doctor, but currently he is going to be executed. We will save him from being executed and try to recruit him and make him join our crew. Alright, just follow the plan and we will be able to get him to safety." the crew just nodded and after eating breakfast, they started their plan.

Robin, with her devil fruit, spied on the marines that are patrolling the island and reported to Alex "Captain, there are approximately 30-40 marines in this island." Alex replied "Thanks Robin. Go help out Franco with securing our way out." then Robin replied "Understood captain." as she left and met up with Franco

Petronia, with her clairvoyance, was with Braga and Fraulein as they surveyed the area to see if there were any hidden guards that Robin didn't notice and reported "Captain, we are all good here. Braga and Fraulein took out the hidden guards and hid them in a warehouse." Alex replied "Okay, standby within the execution area and continue checking for any irregularities and suspicious people." then Petronia replied "Alright, let's go guys." as they spread out and continued their scouting.

'Alright all we need to do now is wait for Law to arrive and we'll commence the plan.' thought Alex as he was excited to fight some Marine soldiers.

After waiting for a while, Alex saw Law being pushed by the Marines with their batons. He sighed and thought 'Finally he's here. Time to start the plan.' he then talked through the den-den mushi "Guys, it's finally time. We will move in ten minutes."

After ten minutes, Alex started walking towards the platform not caring even if the Marines are stopping him and shouting "OY! STOP MOVING OR ELSE WE'LL SHOOT!" Alex didn't care and still kept walking and finally reached the platform where Law was and said "Trafalgar Law, do you want to join my crew?" then Law responded "Not interested." Alex was a bit surprised but didn't mind it as he broke the chains and freed Law.

"Why did you free me? Just so you know, I still won't join you even if you did this." said Law as he was freed from the chains

"I know you won't" said Alex "But why did you do it?" asked Law as he was really confused with Alex's actions "I don't know, I just did and it looks fun to fight these Marines." said Alex as he while getting ready to fight not noticing Law with an even more confused look.

"Alright alright, I know all of you want to fight me, but I don't have enough time. So, just all of you fight me at the same time" Alex said while yawning and stretching. The Marines saw this and thought that he was playing with them were offended and all of them ran towards Alex. Seeing this, Alex had a smile on his face as he didn't use any weapons and only used his hands and feet to incapacitate the Marines. Law saw what he did and asked "Why aren't you killing them? They're Marines and you're a pirate." Alex looked at him and anwered "Just because I'm a pirate doesn't mean I can kill anyone I want. Besides, some of these Marines have a family and home that they have to provide for and if I kill them, what would happen to the family?" Law was surprised at his answer and nodded as he saw Alex in a new light. 'This guy seems alright. I guess I'll join as a temporary member, then have them help me in my problems then I'll leave. I might be using them but I'll do anything to get revenge on Doflamingo.' thought Law as Alex and his crew were fighting the Marines.

After fighting the Marines, Alex again offered Law to join his crew, but this time Law said "Alright, I'll join but just until I get revenge on Doflamingo. After that, if I still want to join I will, but if not, then I'll leave the crew." Alex had no problems with this since he knows that Law will soon open up to them and he would join the crew.

"Okay, then we'll just have to do our best to make you change your mind to join the crew permanently even after that. Anyway, welcome to the Asura Pirates." Alex said as he shook hands with Law and introduced him to the crew.

After Alex and Law got acquainted with each other, they immediately went to the port to meet up with the others and boarded the ship. But when they were about to board someone called out "Dr. Law!" Law looked at the person who called out and smiled because the one who called him was the kid he met yesterday and the one who gave him the onigiri. Law went up to the kid and patted his head and said, "What's your name kid?" the kid answered "Rengoku." Law smiled and said, "Rengoku, your onigiri was good and I liked it." the kid was surprised and said "Thank you Dr. Law!" Law then went towards the ship while saying, "No, thank you Rengoku. Take care of your mother as well." Rengoku grinned and went back to his mother and told her about his dream of becoming a doctor who helps everyone in the future. Law didn't know it, but he was the one who influenced one of the best doctors in the future to become a doctor.

"Didn't know you had a soft side to you." Alex teased his new crew member after he saw his interaction with the kid. "Shut up, he made me onigiri." Law said annoyed at his new captain.

"Alright guys, this is Trafalgar Law. Our new temporary crew member and doctor. Law these are Franco, Robin, Braga, Fraulein, and Petronia." Alex said as he introduced Law to the crew members Fraulein was confused and asked "Captain what do you mean temporary?" Alex replied "He will soon leave the crew after he's done with his task and it is up to him if he wants to join or leave then, but as of now he's with us and we will treat them as one of us, understood?" the crew were surprised but nodded as they wanted to make Law stay in the crew since they needed a doctor and would not want him to leave the crew. They soon made Law feel at home in the crew as they sailed their way to the final island before going to the Grandline, Loguetown.

My novel will still follow the canon timeline, but since my OCs would be added there are more things that would change in the One Piece World. This novel is just a product of my ideas that I got while I was reading about One Piece.

Thank you for reading my novel. Please tell me what you think of the novel and what I can do to improve it.


If I made some mistakes you can put it in the comments below. Thank you again and enjoy!

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