
One Piece: Pirate King's Path

Years before Luffy and the Strawhat Pirates set sail, there is a boy, who is living in a little village in the East Blue, whose dream was to have freedom. He dreamt of being free and having no restrictions. And this dream led him to many adventures, many friends, and many enemies. But that is a story for the future. Join Alexander D. Great in his journey to become the man with the most freedom like his idol, Gol D. Roger. The man who stands on top of the world. The man known as the Pirate King. This is my first novel and I am a newbie author. I am just doing this for fun and this idea just popped into my head. This novel may not follow the canon and there might be some mistakes along the way please forgive me for those. There will be no harem the MC will have his pairing. Leave your reviews and tell me what I can improve in the story. Thank you very much! P.S. I don't own anything in this novel except my OCs. I also don't own the cover. If the cover is yours and you don't want me using it, just tell me and I will remove it. Thank you again

ImStar0710 · Anime & Comics
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Momon Island

Momon Island is famous for its booze in the East Blue and it is where Vanya Village is located which is the current village where Alexander is staying at.

From birth Alexander has been an antisocial child and he has never had any friends in the village since he is always inside of the house or lying on the grass and watching the clouds.

He sometimes helps his mom, Maria, in the house by doing his chores and sometimes cooking. He loves his family very much and would do anything to protect them.

Alex also helps in maintaining his father's farm and garden while he is out doing his duties in the village because his father is a trainer for the guards in the village. This is also his favorite pastime since gardening is a peaceful hobby and he doesn't think of it as hard work. So, he learned a lot about botany, agriculture, and anything about plants or trees really. While studying these topics, he has learned almost all types of plants whether they are poisonous, safe, edible, medicinal, etc.

One day, after his father went home Alex asked his father outside of the house.

"Pops can you train me now I want to get stronger to protect my family." said an impatient Alex.

Alex has been asking his father to train him ever since his father showed him his idol, Gol D. Roger. He regarded him his idol since he was different from the other pirates. The other pirates would kill and pillage villages until there was nothing left, but Roger did not do any of that. Roger was a pirate because he wanted to be free and have adventures with his crewmates and that's what he likes about Roger.

"Alright Alex, I will train you tomorrow and until you turn 17 and sail towards your dream but be prepared because I will drill every single thing I know into your brain. Are you sure you want to train?" asked Vincent in order to know whether or not Alex was sure about this.

"I am sure pops. Don't worry about me I, Alexander D. Great, will never back down from a challenge because if I can't handle this, I don't deserve to be the Pirate King." said Alex as he stared into his father's eyes.

Vincent stared at his son's eyes for a moment then laughed out loud

"WAHAHAHAHAHAHA you really are my son. Do not worry Alex, I will train you to the best of my abilities and you will be ready when you set sail." said Vincent

"VINCENT, ALEX YOU ALL BETTER GET YOUR ASSES IN THIS HOUSE BEFORE YOU DON'T GET ANY DINNER TONIGHT!" shouted Maria as she was getting angry since the food was getting cold.

Alex and Vincent got chills on their spine as they heard Maria shouting for them to get inside the house. So they quickly got in the house to avoid a catastrophic event that would happen if Maria got angry.

During dinnertime Maria got curious and asked, "What were you two talking about outside?"

Alex told his mom "Mom, I was talking to dad about training me in order to become stronger so I can become the Pirate King."


Vincent not wanting to sleep on the couch tried to appease his fuming wife "Well honey, Alex told me his dream that he wanted to become strong to protect his family and future crewmates."


Alex seeing what's happening cut in their conversation "Mom, it was me who told Pops that I wanted to train so don't get mad at him and I really want to get stronger to protect you and pops from harm."

Seeing that her son was serious for his training she relented "Okay I will allow you to train, but you have to promise me that you will be safe and if I see that you cannot go on anymore I will immediately suspend your training until you are 15 years old."

Alex beamed from this and hugged his mom "Thanks mom. I will make you proud."

"I know you will my little angel." said Maria

"Honey will I still sleep on the couch tonight?" asked a scared Vincent

"Yes, you will still sleep on the couch tonight" declared Maria

'Damn it I'm sleeping on the couch tonight. I will repay this through my son's training. I will make him work thrice as hard.' thought Vincent while looking at his son

Alex shivered when he saw his father's gaze at him. He felt that he was going to be tortured tomorrow when training.

My novel will still follow the canon timeline, but since my OCs would be added there are more things that would change in the One Piece World. This novel is just a product of my ideas that I got while I was reading about One Piece.

Thank you for reading my novel. Please tell me what you think of the novel and what I can do to improve it.


If I made some mistakes you can put it in the comments below. Thank you again and enjoy!

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