
One Piece: Pink Dragon

An earthling dies and is reincarnated as Tanzo, a young marine, who was being held as a slave by human traffickers. Tanzo hears the leader of this human trafficking gang say that they are heading towards Punk Hazard. Through some series of events, he managed to get to the laboratory and find Vegapunk's artificial devil fruit. With his past as a marine, Tanzo wanted to return to the Navy, only to find out that he was labelled as a deserter and his family comitted suicide from all the humiliation. Since Tanzo's body was possessed by the earthling, he promised to take revenge for Tanzo.

komega · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 7

(I need help. I suck at writing romance scenes and as a result, this chapter ended up completely bad. I don't like the chapter myself. I still wrote it to ask you for suggestions on how to improve. Just point out the things you don't like about the chapter and I will try to correct them.)

Reiju smiled and said "It is still a poison. The gas gives you strength for one hour before putting you into a weakened state for two days. I did this because I could tell from your voice that you were tired."

"I am still confused as to why you helped me. I know that you hate your family, but I didn't know you would go to such lengths." Tanzo said.

Reiju replied "We are nothing but assassins who kill anyone we are told to kill. This kingdom has blood all over its hands. I was eagerly waiting for you to destroy the kingdom, but it looks like you had other plans. Still, I got to see my father this way. At least there is something good that happened today."

Tanzo couldn't believe her hatred towards her family. He decided to put the messed up family to the side and worry about his arm. Tanzo asked "Can you look at my arm and see if you can heal fast?"

Reiju nodded and looked at his paralysed arm. She looked at it closely, licking a few areas and biting the tip of his finger. After analysing for a while, she concluded "This is a neurotoxin that blocks your nerves. You are lucky it didn't spread to other areas, but it has been absorbed into all the cells in your arm. I should be able to suck it out, but it will take at least 4-5 weeks. There is a faster process, but there is a lot of risk involved in it."

Tanzo asked about the other process and Reiju replied "You can cut off your arm and use our scientific technology to grow it back. There is a risk of my father and brother attacking you when you are being healed."

Tanzo obviously didn't agree with the second method and asked Reiju to go with the safer one. Reiju then got closer to Tanzo, caught his face and locked her lips with his. Tanzo didn't resist, as he had seen in the show that it is how she healed Luffy. Reiju started sucking, making Tanzo's mouth dry.

After looking at the mermaids and Reiju, Tanzo understood that the characters of One Piece weren't drawn that way for fan service. The women in this world were actually top class beauties, that would put the actresses from Earth to shame. It's a shame that although he wanted to enjoy the kiss from a beauty such as Reiju, he couldn't.

Tanzo is now in an enemy territory, with fatigue and a paralysed arm. Reiju uses poison and she has to be in constant contact with him to draw out the poison. She can release a poison into his body at any moment and Tanzo would have to kiss goodbye to his life.

The problem in this situation is that, Tanzo can't use anything to blackmail her except Sanji, who isn't here at the moment. So, Reiju is someone who can kill him anytime and he doesn't have any way to prevent her if she tries to kill him.

Tanzo is now completely concentrating on Reiju, making sure she isn't releasing any poison into him. It took Reiju around 12 minutes till she broke the kiss, leaving a string of saliva connecting them. This scene would be romantic if Tanzo's life wasn't in her hands.

Reiju licked her lips and this would have usually turned on Tanzo, making his little brother rise, but his body also understood that it was under threat. Reiju got up and said "We will have to repeat this process three times everyday. You must be happy by this news."

Tanzo just smiled and didn't say anything. Reiju then left the room. Tanzo fell onto the bed and asked a servant to get him food. He needed to get his energy back. He ate a lot that day and lay on his bed. He was wondering what to do about Reiju and how he was supposed to sleep.

Tanzo is now in his weakened state and there is a risk of dying while he is sleeping. Judge himself can attack Tanzo when he is sleeping. After thinking for a while and roaming the whole kingdom, he was finally able to find a solution. He just had to sleep in different locations everyday and make sure they don't find him resting.

He didn't have any other options in this situation. He obviously hated the idea and was thinking of another one while walking through the kingdom. As he was walking by a room, he noticed Reiju sitting in front of a table and reading a book, completely immersed in it.

Tanzo entered the room and Reiju immediately looked up from the book. She was alert even when she was completely concentrating on the book. Tanzo walked to her and looked at the book. He asked "What are you reading?"

Reiju replied "This is a book an encyclopaedia for poisons. It contains info on every poison known to man from the past and the present."

Tanzo sat on a chair beside Reiju and looked at the book. It had all the information on every poison, how they are found, how they taste, smell and feel when infected. It also has the antidote for the poison. Tanzo obviously was interested in them, because there were many things in the book that were different from his world. Naturally, as a Biologist, he was curious about how they worked on other living organisms.

Tanzo looked at the open page and said "So, this poison thickens the blood, making it hard to pump. This is similar to a snake's venom."

Reiju was surprised that he had knowledge about poisons. She asked curiously "You studied poison?What else do you know?"

Tanzo looked at her and she looked like a student who is a bookworm and she just found someone to discuss about her favourite novel. Tanzo said "I have a little knowledge about a few poisons and their effect on living organisms."

Reiju smiled and flipped the page. She showed a picture of a poison and said "This is a neurotoxin, similar to the poisonous gas you inhaled, but this doesn't immediately paralyse the body parts. It slowly accumulates in the brain and shuts down the whole body at once. You won't even know you were poisoned until you die. Isn't this interesting?"

Tanzo didn't know what to reply and just nodded with a smile on his face. He obviously was interested in it, but he wouldn't be so happy to discuss something that kills people. Tanzo said "Yes, this sounds interesting. Reiju, can you teach me all about poisons."

Reiju had a wide smile on her face and her eyes were shining. She immediately agreed and said "We can spend the rest of your free time here. I will teach you all I know about poisons."

Tanzo smiled at the situation and he had little hope that he would be able to get out of this stupid kingdom with more than just a healed arm. Tanzo wanted to test out his theory, so he ruffled Reiju's hair and said "Thanks for helping me this much."

Reiju replied "Do you think I am some puppy or dog?" but her face didn't mean that. She was actually enjoying it.

Tanzo smiled and said "From where I am, our parents treat kids like this. This is a form of showing affection."

Affection was a foreign concept to Reiju. She grew up with a hospitalized mom and a cold hearted father that didn't even look at her as his daughter. So, she was never loved by anyone.

After talking about different things for a while, Tanzo asked Reiju to show him around the kingdom. Although he could roam alone, he felt that it would be better to have someone who knows the way.

Reiju took him to many places in the Kingdom, which were all either houses, rooms, training areas and laboratories. Tanzo felt like he was in an army base. Tanzo then asked "I want to see your laboratory. I have something I need to work on."

Reiju then left him to their laboratory, which was not perpendicular like the rest of the rooms. Tanzo asked Reiju about this and she replied "The laboratory can adjust itself. We had to do this because we have very expensive and sensitive materials that can't be left alone while climbing the Red Line."

Tanzo then looked around and as soon as he walked inside the main laboratory, a doctor came to him and asked "Who are you? How did you get here? How dare you infiltrate the Germa Kingdom"

Tanzo pushed him aside and said "I have your king hostage. So, you can say that this kingdom is mine until I leave." The scientist immediately turned to Reiju to confirm what he just heard. When she nodded, he was shocked.

Tanzo continued to explore the laboratory, going through a few papers he found there. He looked at some and said "Huh! Genetically engineered humans and now you want to make humans into giants. You sure are ambitious." Tanzo then went through a computer and printed out all the files they had.

The scientist wanted to stop him, but he was the only one in the kingdom that recognised Judge's talent as a scientist. Since he didn't want Judge to die, he kept quiet and let Tanzo do what he wanted. Tanzo then walked out of the laboratory and went back to his room.

He studied all the research papers he had and with the help of the ones he found on Punk Hazard, he had a hypothesis that had 38% of success. If his hypothesis ends up becoming true, he would be the strongest creature to ever roam the seas in One Piece.

Tanzo was getting ambitious, but he didn't have any thoughts of becoming a king, because it is a lot of work and he was lazy. Tanzo then lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling as he waited for his lunch. It took half an hour to get his food. They were in huge portions as usual.

While eating, he glanced at Judge, who was still knocked out from Reiju's punch. "She must have hit him hard. She must really hate her family." Tanzo continued to eat and after his lunch, he went to the library where he was first treated by Reiju and then they studied.

Tanzo noticed the joy in Reiju's face when she was teaching him. He just smiled and continued to listen to her. It was finally dark and Judge had woken up. Tanzo looked at him and said "Well then, are you ready to run"

Judge looked at him confused. Tanzo didn't even care to explain. He took the chain attached to his collar and immediately ran outside. He went through many hallways, rooms and windows. Judge seemed to have noticed what he was doing and said "You can't do anything in this kingdom. Each and every place is under surveillance."

Tanzo smiled and said "Then, today you will learn of many different places that are not under surveillance." taking him to a dark room that had a horrible stench which could be smelt from miles.

Judge looked at the room and asked "Are you really going to sleep here?"

Tanzo smiled and said "No, this is where you will sleep. I found another place. I can't sleep if you are near me. I also can't leave my only hostage in my room. So, I am going to hide you too."

Judge glared at Tanzo, who was locking the chain attached to his body, to a rod inside the room. The room is the sewage system of the kingdom and is completely automatic. So, no one will go there. Tanzo then locked the door to the room properly and went through various different rooms, finally arriving at his room, which is another place where there is no surveillance, Judge's room.

Judge obviously wouldn't have anyone monitor him, so this was not under surveillance. Even if they found this place, Tanzo had three other spots that were safe for him to sleep.

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