
One Piece: Perfect System

Being reborn in One Piece, he was the ultimate blank state. He then unlocked the perfect system, one that will allow him the chance to obtain everything the world has to offer.

Mr_Yami · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Ace And Luffy.

Words: 1403


I stood at the entrance of Midway Forest, before walking in.

I kept an eye out for any stray animals, as that could be a problem. The animals in the One Piece world are usually bigger than my old life's animals.

After a few minutes, I started to get bored. That's when I had an idea, something I should have looked at much sooner.

'System, can you let me look at the Quest Tab', I asked the system. I wanted to see if there were any quests that I could achieve as of right now.

A screen opened up in my mind. It was a long list of quests, ranging from small to big. The screen read as follows:


(Crew) - Have a crew with at least 2 members or more.

Quest: Unfinished, Rewards: System Pack

( Journey)- Use your ship to embark on your journey.

Quest: Unfinished, Reward: System Pack

(Recieve Bounty)- Get an issued bounty from the World Government.

Quest: Unfinished, Reward: System Pack

( The 4 Blues)- Go to all 4 Blues( North Blue, South Blue, West Blue, East Blue)

Quest: Unfinished(1/4), Reward: System Pack

(Supernova)- Become a Supernova( 100,000,000+ bounty as a Rookie Pirate)


(Bounty Pt.2)

Gain a 100,000,000 bounty ( If you go a whole year without accumulating a 100,000,000+ bounty)

Quest: Unfinished, Reward: System Pack

(Crew's Bounty)- Have your collective crew bounty be over 350,000,000 Beli

Quest: Unfinished, Reward: System Pack

(Paradise)- Make it to Paradise

Quest: Unfinished, Reward: System Pack

[ Finish all of these( In any order) to unlock the new set of Quests]

Quite the number of quests indeed. Nothing too peculiar, as these were quite standard for a future big-time pirate crew.

The only one I could do right now is the first one, forming a crew. It says nothing about going to sea, just having a member. I mean Kidd formed a pirate crew before he left his island.

The question was, who could be my first member?

My thoughts were interrupted by a sound my ears picked up. It was something to my left. It wasn't even that close to me, it was far away. Oden's bloodline enhanced my hearing I guess.

It sounded like a fight, a scuffle as I call it. If it was who I thought it was, my quest just got a whole lot easier.

Either it was Ace and Luffy, or some big animal. Either way, I have faith in my freakish level of strength. I changed my course of direction, opting to head west to the conflict.

I was rushing through the forest, at speeds easily faster than Usain Bolt, ready to fight.

I held the cutlass I had with me, firmly. I couldn't help but smile at this. Here I am running to this unknown entity, my old self would have never done that. This is the first day, and I'm already changing habits.

I ran past my last bunch of trees, making it to a clearing, where I heard the sounds coming from. I stopped myself from rushing in and scouted what was happening. I guess I was right on both ends.

There were 2 boys, who I identified as Ace and Luffy.

First, there was Ace, who was wearing a yellow shirt with two kanji phrases in front of it. I guess as a byproduct of the system, I was able to translate it. The two phrases translated to "Innocence" and "Violence"

The other kid was Luffy, who was wearing a red tank top, with blue shorts. He was already working on his original color scheme.

They didn't look all that intimidating, but the beast there was fighting did look intimidating, very intimidating.

The beast they were fighting was a Gorilla. I thought it would be a silver back, but it was an ordinary Gorilla. That terrified me because this Gorilla was I assume, 5x bigger than normal. Wonder what Silver backs look like.

Across it's body, was countless scars that was testament to it's strength. From it's forehead to it's tree trunk legs, it was coated with big gashes of scars.

It was a symbol of power and fury. I don't think Luffy and Ace can handle it quite yet though. I guess they need some assistance.


(Ace's Pov)

We were struggling heavily against this Gorilla. Luffy was almost out of stamina, and I knew I had very little time before I tire out too.

"Crybaby, we need to retreat. We'll come back another day to fight the bear", I yelled out to Luffy but to no avail.

He was too absorbed in the battle. He threw his countless rubber punches, which now, he actually got the hang of it.

The gorilla laced both of its hands together, before attempting to bring it down on Luffy, with the intent to kill.

That's when someone jumped from the surroundings trees. The unknown person jumped over to the gorilla, hitting it square in the jaw.

The gorilla was stunned for a moment, which gave Luffy the time to hit the gorilla with his most precise rubber punch yet to the beast's chest.

I had no time for questions or to be shocked, even if it was about a random kid jumping the highest I seen, besides Garp though.

The Gorilla was on its 4s now, almost collapsing to the 2 punches. I bolted over to the beast, with my metal pipe with me. I jumped as high as I could, whacking the gorilla with the downward motion of my pipe.

The gorilla was now laying on it's stomach, knocked out.


(Adam's Pov)

With my assistance, we managed to take care of the Gorilla pretty easily. I didn't want to brag but I probably did the most damage.

That's when Luffy ran up to me, with a big smile." Woah, how are you so strong", he said to me. If there could, there would be stars in his eyes. Classic Luffy, his curiosity and enthusiasm amazes me.

" Crybaby, didn't I tell you to be wary of strangers", he said, running up to Luffy. Ace is his big brother, he would be worried about him.

"Relax, my name is Adam. Nice to meet you as well", I said with a chuckle, waving to both of them." Who are you guys though".

"My name is Monkey D Luffy, and I'm going to be King Of The Pirates", Luffy said, pointing his fist to the skies.

I eyed Ace for a moment, wondering whether or not he would answer. Guess God was on my side, as he did.

"Names Ace. Thanks for helping us fight the gorilla. Help was needed, and you provided", He said, nodding his head towards me. " What part of Dawn Island are you from".

My mind went blank. Dammit Adam, this looks suspicious, luckily the system said something in my head, offering me a solution.

" I'm from Edge Town, got banished to the Gray Terminal and I wasn't going to stay in that junkyard", I told Luffy and Ace. Ace didn't notice my confusion and let it go.

" How about you stay in our tree house, since you have nowhere to stay", Luffy proposed to me. Ace nudged Luffy, signaling he didn't think they should.

Luffy turned to Ace." Why not! It is my tree house as much as it is yours". Ace was frustrated and I wasn't mad at it. Why would you let a stranger in your place? I sure as hell wouldn't.

" I see how you feel, Ace. Don't think I came here without gifts", I walked to a bush and pulled out the cutlass I left behind. I presented it to Ace" It's an upgrade over that metal staff you got there".

Ace eyed the cutlass, before snatching it."Fine, you can stay at our tree house but you better not be freeloading around. You'll accompany Luffy and me out on hunts or anything we decide to do.

"I would have it no other way", I walked with them to the tree house, as the sun started to set.

The first day, I already have a new home and promising allies. I still needed to do more though, as works not done until I'm on a throne.


That's it for chapter 4.

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