
Ch 10 Arrival at Karate Island

After logging out to sleep and freshen up I log back on the boat the trip will take 2 more days, I'm thankful I brought some books along to keep me company.

Looking around some players have already grouped up and started talking and messing around. A player called Rocky69 is off to the side shadow boxing not paying attention to anything going on around him.

Sitting on the banister of the ship is a tough-looking guy in shades and a leather jacket named BlazeMasters. He's sipping on a beer and talking to the crowd of people around him.

I take out a book about the den den mushi, they didn't sell them back on Crossroads island I'll have to keep an eye out for one. Apparently, all the snails are telepathic and can communicate with each other then people found out ways to attach machines to them that allow them to be used for communication, wild.

"Hey, your the Tumbling Giant right?" that Blaze guy shouts as he walks toward me.

"I saw your video online buddy, you sure you're going to the right island you need to know how to walk before learning to fight" Blaze says mockingly as he looks at me sitting down.

I stand up and ask "You trying to start something, or do you just love the sound of your own voice"

Damn, does that video make me look like easy prey or something, I don't have my Spring knuckles on, but my spring legs are armed and hidden under my pants.

"Fuck you" he shouts as he takes a swing.

I try to dodge but fail and his punch connects with my shoulder.


Oof this guy is fucked.

Blaze smiles and says "You see that, don't fuck with me"

He runs in and starts unloading punches into my chest and I just stand there and take it.






Blaze realizes something is wrong "How do you have so much health?"

I don't respond and kick him right in the knee, the dagger in my heel fires out and shoots clean through his kneecap and embeds itself in the deck behind him.


Everyone goes silent for 2 seconds as Blaze crumples to the floor and blood begins to ooze from his leg.

"AHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON" Blaze screams in pain and confusion, while the crowd stares in shock.


The player whose name is probably Damien Shouts "Is anyone a doctor, a life is at stake here!"

Nobody makes a move and Blaze looks worried "no I don't want to die my adventure is just beginning" Blaze starts to say to himself.

"I'm a doctor" I say in the confusion as I retrieve my half-buried knife.

"Your joking" Damien says looking dumbfounded.

"Nope" I say popping P as I show off the medical supplies in my backpack.

"Umm can you please heal my friend" Damien asks shamelessly.

"I'm gonna need to hear him say it" I reply and walk to the downed BlazeMasters

"Fine help me" Blaze says and I just stare on in silence.

"Please Help Me Sir" he continued forcing the words out.

I reach down to him and say "That's not what I'm after"

I search his bag and pockets and take all his money.

"25000 Berries, this is too little… you Damien give me all ya got if you want him to live" I say with a devilish grin.

"Really but what about the Hippocratic oath" Damien said trying to weasel his way out of it.

"Bitch please I learned to be a doctor in 2 weeks and didn't take any oath, now cough up the money or your master dies" I tell him directly.

He gives me 20000 berries then I go back to Blaze's plane body and begin my work.

I clean up his wound and start stitching the wound on both sides then I wrap it up with a bandage and give him medicine that speeds up his healing. He then looks on in relief that his health stopped declining.

"Pleasure doing business with you" I say then walk back to my corner.

"Wait how long until I can walk again" Blaze asks.

"Hell if I know I've been a doctor for 2 weeks" I say and start laughing.

I get back to reading but I hear whispers of people calling me Devilish Giant.

When are these guys going to get it through their heads, I'm not even close to a real giant.

2 Days later

I see the island ahead of me, it's green, forested, and mountainous unfortunately most of the islands in the other blues aren't as cool as those in the Grand line.

None of the other players have bothered me since my confrontation with Blaze. When the boat ties up at the dock and the gankplank was put out, I and the other players disembarked while Damien had to practically drag Blaze off board.

I said thanks to the captain and began to scope this place out. The surrounding buildings are made of wood and the NPCs are wearing flowing silken robes.

The people are mostly old wise looking men.

When one of these old men saw our group of players their eyes bulged out and several of them ran up and started shouting, to get us to join their ridiculous dojos.

"Join me and learn the grand arts of nose fu, pierce your enemies with the body's deadliest sensory organ" a man with a nose longer than Usopp.

"Don't listen to that fool learn my sky-splitting spitting art, crush bones with the force of your saliva" an old man with sagging skin and drooping lips.

"Fuck those cunts learn backwards karate with me, fight with your back to the enemy to prove you are the greatest" a young guy who looks 25 shouts.

I see this bullshit and leave the presence of these quacks. I look back and see players falling for this.

Off to the side, there is a musclely man in possibly his 50s with an axe on his back also looking on in disgust. I walk up to him and ask "You're not falling for this bs too"

"People hear the name karate island and think coming here will turn them into legendary fighters, bunch of optimistic fools" The man says.

"True but I guess I'm one of them, Eiichiro Oda nice to meet you" I say putting out my hand.

The man scoffs and says "I'm Oni D Huey a simple lumberjack, good luck kid" and walks away to the forest.

Hmm someone with the will of D, that means he's probably important if I can't find a good teacher ill see what Huey can teach me.


Mc might have seemed weak but he's actually strong among most players and definitely has the most health.

Please leave comments and memes I love seeing that shit

See ya

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