
One Piece: Nyx

A young boy slowly opens his eyes and notices he is in broken shackles, taking a closer inspection of his situation he notices he's been reincarnated into the One Piece world. After a few mishaps, he gains the power of Vector Manipulation. What will he do? Toon In To Find out! ___________________________________________________ The synopsis sucks but the story is pretty good, if you don't read your definitely missing out, haha suckers. ___________________________________________________ While I have watched One Piece, I practically skipped the first 400 eps and it's been around a year, so cut me some slack if I make mistakes. I will try my best to put down the correct information but when I make mistakes, I am open to constructive criticism! Now enjoy the story guys! Peace, Sincerely, Luxuriant

Luxuriant · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Meeting Mihawk

Nyx curiously stared at the young Mihawk in front of him, who seemed to be a similar age as him.


A few seconds of awkward silence soon ensued as they stood up and just stared at each other.

"Who are you? And how did you get on this island?" Mihawk questioned with narrowed eyes, his hand warily on the small wakizashi hanging on his side.

"Yo! The names Nyx, as for how I got on the island, I was dragged ashore while I was unconscious after escaping from my captors." Nyx nonchalantly said as he waved.

Mihawk nodded and continued to stare at Nyx.

"Your name?" Nyx crossed his arms as he stared at Mihawk trying to act intimidating.

"Dracule Mihawk, the future greatest swordsman." Mihawk smiled proudly as he spoke but his face immediately turned back into a serious one.

"I see, good luck with that. Mind if I crash with you? I kinda have nowhere to go." Nyx scratched the back of his neck while chuckling.

Mihawk stared at Nyx inquisitively before deciding that he seemed to be friendly and that being alone on this island lately has been very depressing for him, plus Nyx was of similar age of him.

"Alright, follow me, I will show you my house." Mihawk turned around and started to walk away, with Nyx following behind him.

After a few hours of walking, they could finally see a large stone castle in the distance.

"A house? That's a whole hotel." Nyx remarked, even though he had money before, he didn't like to just blatantly spend it, so he would buy luxurious apartments that were enough just for him, and he wouldn't waste money on extra space.

Mihawk slightly smirked at Nyx's words but soon turned into a sad frown as they continued to walk.

Nyx noticed this but chose to stay silent for now.

Eventually, it seemed to start getting a bit foggy as they finally left the forest and started to walk on the stone pathways leading to the castle.



Dozens of baboons were screaming around them as the duo continued to walk toward the castle.

"How come they won't attack?" Nyx curiously asked as he glanced around him.

"They see us as too weak to even attack, but just wait, after I get the basics of haki I'll show them who's weak." Mihawk clenched his wakizashi with a determined stare as they reached the entrance of the large castle door.

Nyx just silently nodded as Mihawk pulled out a key from his pocket and unlocked a smaller metal door of the gigantic castle door.

Once they entered, Mihawk locked the door behind him and eventually they entered the main castle and sat down inside a room with a stone long table and red chairs around it.

"Are you here alone?" Nyx questioned, even though he could already guess the answer.

Mihawk's shoulders slightly slumped until suddenly they strengthened again.

"A man shouldn't expose his weakness to those he does not trust. If you do, they will take advantage of it." Nyx suddenly quoted his father as he recognized Mihawk's behavior was similar to his when he was young.

Mihawks eye's slightly widened until he started tilting his head curiously at Nyx.

"Do you also have a bad life?" Mihawk questioned.

Nyx was slightly surprised at the question but understood that Mihawk probably hasn't experienced the real world at all yet.

"Yeah, I suppose you could say that, both my parents are dead and I basically don't have any other family than them, so I'm alone for now." Nyx explained with a calm face.

Mihawk's eye's slightly widened once again.

"I see, my parents also died just recently and all the people who used to work here ditched me also, I have been living alone for the past few weeks." Mihawk explained, surprising even himself.

"It seems we have something to relate to." Nyx smiled as he put his hand out for a fist bump.

Mihawk just tilted his head to the side, staring at Nyx weirdly.

"You need to bump it." Nyx chuckled as he waited for Mihawk.

Mihawk's eye's slightly gleamed with understanding as he bumped his right fist with Nyx.

"Friends?" Nyx smirked.

"Friends?" Mihawks questioned before slightly smiling.

"Friends." He resolutely stated as he looked at Nyx.

'It seems I found a so-called, "friend" that father always told me to get. For now I will still observe my new friend just in case, father did say some people will betray you even if they're your friend.' Mihawk thought inwardly before they released their fist bump.

"You have any clothes for me to wear?" Nyx questioned awkwardly since he was still shirtless.

"Yes, follow me." Mihawk nodded as they both left the meeting room and walked toward Mihawk's room, once they entered it was a large stone room with one big master bed and a balcony outside.

"This way." Mihawk said as he walked toward a certain door in his room, once entering, it was a large wooden closet room that had clothes filled on each side of the wall.

"Just pick whichever ones you want." Mihawk stated as he laid his back against the wall, patiently waiting.

"Not bad." Nyx remarked as he looked at all the extravagant clothes.

After a minute or two of looking, he found something he liked and went to the corner and quickly changed.

Once he came back, he stepped in front of Mihawk.

"Let's go." Nyx walked out of the room as he spoke.

Mihawk nodded in confirmation at Nyx's style and followed behind.

Nyx wore a loosely opened black dress shirt and white dress pants, with sandals.

"What's that?" Nyx questioned as he noticed glasses on a wooden table in the corner of the room.

"Those are my reading glasses but you can have them if you want." Mihawk shrugged as he went to leave the room.

Nyx just put the glasses on and smirked at his look from the reflection of the window.

He soon left and saw Mihawk in the stone corridor in front of a certain room.

"You'll be sleeping in this room, I'm a bit tired so we can talk more tomorrow morning. *Yawn*" Mihawk yawned as he stretched his arms up.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow morning." Nyx waved at Mihawk who was walking back to his room which was down the hallway.

Once Nyx entered his room and closed the door behind him, he nodded in satisfaction at the luxurious room he was given.

"Okay I've been wanting to practice my powers this whole entire time, I believe the fruit I got was a Zoan but something about it is strange." Nyx muttered while looking for a place to test his powers.

He noticed a door at the end of the room which he assumed led to the outside balcony.

He quickly ran to the door and opened it, once exiting, the cool breeze hit his face as the moon shined down on him.

He didn't check for anyone since he didn't really care.

Putting his hand out with his palms up, a rough sphere of air slowly forms above his hand until suddenly dissipating into thin air.

"Haha! Even though my control sucks currently! I have fucking superpowers or whatever this is called!" Nyx smirked.

"So I have what I would call Vector Manipulation, while I just manipulated air, that was only because I understand what exactly air is made out of, which is what Vector Manipulation is, the ability to manipulate the magnitude and direction of certain things. But in order for this to work, you need to understand what type of object your manipulating. Since I know the majority of air is made of oxygen and nitrogen, I could easily condense it, using vectors, which in turn created a more high-pressure air, or in more simple terms taking the form of wind. But Vector Manipulation doesn't seem to be my Zoan ability, rather this is...." As Nyx finished his words, his body was slowly transforming.

His skin tone was changing to completely dark gray, his hair was turning dark silver, and small white horns were appearing on his spine and on both arms. Two tiny red horns also protruded from the top of his head and his eyes turned to pitch black with crimson red pupils.

He could feel some bones about to penetrate through his upper chest with his center chest feeling hot but the feeling soon disappeared and the horns never appeared.

"Woah this is my hybrid form, but it seems it's far from its full potential. Still looks cool though." Nyx felt stronger in his hybrid form than he did with his human form, as his physical strength and ability to control vectors increased.

"Hmm?" Until Nyx suddenly frowned after feeling unstabilized and he suddenly transformed back into his normal self.

"It seems I'm far too weak to even stay in my hybrid form, I didn't even get to test out my full animal form, I believe my fruit is a dragon-type Zoan fruit. But how do I also have Vector Manipulation?"

"Is it possible this devil fruit had two powers? But then how could I handle two devil fruits? Maybe it's a Mythical Zoan fruit?" Nyx knew it was either he had two abilities or he had some sort of mythical Zoan fruit.

"Whatever, *yawn* I'll need to get stronger if I wanna find out and I'll also need to ask Mihawk if he knows anything." Nyx yawned and just stepped back inside, closing the door behind him, he immediately hopped in bed, took off his new glasses, and slept.


It was morning, and in bed, Nyx could be seen sleeping peacefully until his golden eye's slowly fluttered open.

Stretching in bed a little bit, he put on the glasses, the only reason he wore them was that he liked the look on him.

"I don't even know why someone like Mihawk needs these, he should have the best eyes." Nyx hopped out of bed and stepped out of his room, when he was in the hallway, he noticed Mihawk stepping out at the same time as him, both wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

"Where you going?" Nyx questioned curiously.

"Training time." Mihawk simply responded.

"Oh alright." Nyx just nodded, not surprised at Mihawk's discipline.

"We should train together, I'm curious to see which one of us is the stronger one." Mihawk suddenly stated.

"Sure I guess, I need to train to unlock more of my devil fruit anyway." Nyx nodded as he and Mihawk started to walk downstairs.

"You have a devil fruit?" Mihawk questioned with eyes gleaming with interest.

"I suppose you haven't seen one before?" Nyx questioned.

"Yeah my parents used to tell me stories about them but I never got to leave the castle much or even the island because they said it was too dangerous for me. I only just started exploring the forest, which is when I first met you." Mihawk explained as they both stepped out the entrance of the main estate and walk down the stone pathway outside.

"I gotcha, I can show you my ability while we're training with each other." Nyx replied as they appeared in an empty field, they were still inside the castle territory just in a different part of it.

The fog from yesterday disappeared and now they were on a green clear field behind the main estate.

They stood face to face as Mihawk threw Nyx a real wakizashi for him to use.

"So we're not gonna use wooden swords?" Nyx said with a slight smile as he inspected his purple wakizashi.

"Wooden swords are for cowards." Mihawk stated coldly as he got into his sword position.

"I knew you were gonna say that." Nyx smirked before they both lunged at each other simultaneously and clashed with their wakizashi.


Let me know yall thoughts!