
One Piece: Nyx

A young boy slowly opens his eyes and notices he is in broken shackles, taking a closer inspection of his situation he notices he's been reincarnated into the One Piece world. After a few mishaps, he gains the power of Vector Manipulation. What will he do? Toon In To Find out! ___________________________________________________ The synopsis sucks but the story is pretty good, if you don't read your definitely missing out, haha suckers. ___________________________________________________ While I have watched One Piece, I practically skipped the first 400 eps and it's been around a year, so cut me some slack if I make mistakes. I will try my best to put down the correct information but when I make mistakes, I am open to constructive criticism! Now enjoy the story guys! Peace, Sincerely, Luxuriant

Luxuriant · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Five Year Time Skip

Deep inside the Kuraigana Island, it seemed much quieter than usual, not many animals could be seen, only some baboons who would immediately scurry away once they saw the incoming figure.

The figure could be seen as it sped through the green forest, jumping from branch to branch through the trees

If we zoom in on this figure, we can see that it's Nyx in what seemed to be his new attire.

He was wearing an oversized white jacket with rolled-up sleeves, a black shirt, brown boots, and white gloves, he also had some golden embroidery on his jacket.

"Where did that damn Lion go?" Nyx muttered as he grabbed onto a branch, flipped over it, and landed on the ground between some trees.

For the past 5 years, he and Mihawk continuously trained against each other since they understood they needed to be somewhat strong before even thinking of venturing out into the sea.

Their strength increased at a steady pace but unfortunately, they both eventually stagnated.

But they quickly found a solution, they would put themselves in actual life-endangering situations against the monsters of this island and there were many strong animals so it took them time to overcome such foes.

But over time they both slowly started to clear this island of all the strong animals and even the weaker animals would either flee once Nyx or Mihawk were seen or would entirely leave the island by jumping into the water.

The only reason mainly baboons were seen was that, Mihawk and Nyx made sure to take control of them so they could defend this island so they wouldn't have to deal with any small fry that wanted to invade, in simple terms they were a defensive mechanism for the island.

"I spy with my little eye something dead." Nyx grinned as he caught glimpse of a yellow running figure deep inside the forest, it was over 300 feet away.


He didn't chase after it he simply cocked back his hand, a little over his head, and a large lance made out of air started to form above his hand, it was over 7 feet long.


He closed one of his eyes and his opposite eye tracked where he thought the lion would go and his hand followed where his eye was looking as he continued to count.


Until suddenly he thrust his hand forward, leaving a gush of wind in its wake as it launched directly toward the Lion.



The Lion shrieked in pain as it crashed onto the ground, tumbling across the dirt.

"Gotcha bitch." Nyx smiled as he walked toward the lion's corpse.

Once he reached it, he noticed the massive gaping hole in the center of its body.

The Lion was over 15 feet tall and 6 feet wide but it seems Nyx's air lance was much stronger.

"That's what you get for daring to eat Bob number 710, I don't even know how you got into the estate but this is your punishment." Nyx shrugged and dragged the lion by the leg back toward their Castle.

He suddenly stopped moving and glanced toward a certain direction but just shrugged and continued walking.

One thing Nyx noticed was that over time Mihawk has gotten a colder and colder personality as Nyx and he lived in the harsh conditions of this island but he hasn't changed toward Nyx.

Eventually, Nyx reached the Castle and entered, but before entering the main estate, he went to the back of the estate, where there seemed to be a farmhouse with animals in specific gates and a small crop field.

There were sheep, pigs, chickens, cows, and some other animals locked in their designated location with fences.

Nyx noticed the station where the chickens were held and walked over there while still dragging the lion.

"Bobs of all numbers, come gather here, you guys have a special lunch today." Nyx spoke as all the chickens just gawked at him.

In the past few years of eating the chickens, Nyx started to call them all Bob in commemoration of the original Bob he ate, their number would depend on when they were born.

"Stop acting so classy, you guys will eat anything. Now eat it or else-"

Once he finished speaking his eyes glowed black as the air around the chickens started to violently thrash against them.

"Your next." Nyx devilishly smiled as the chickens quickly started to eat the lion raw.

Feeling a presence behind him, he glanced their and noticed the one and only Mihawk who was wearing a white dress shirt and black dress pants that seemed to be tattered.

"I truly pity these chickens." Mihawk stated with a blank face.

"Yo Drac!" Nyx did a quick wave and walked toward Mihawk.

"The baboons warned me of an intrusion by the marines, but I handled it quickly." If one looked closely you could see a small smirk on his lips

"Nice job. But it seemed you had trouble?" Nyx questioningly looked at Mihawk's ripped-up clothes.

"Yes, there was a troublesome captain who was leading the Navy ship, he had a devil fruit that could create barriers and was somewhat proficient in Armament Haki, he also had the support of his crew mates so it became a bit tedious but I dealt with them all eventually." Mihawk explained with a frown, he didn't like how he had a difficult time with soldiers who were considered small fry in the marines.

"So that's what I sensed earlier, makes sense. But don't stress over it, we're only 17, we should be thankful that your father had books on the Marines and general information about Haki so we could at least get the basics of it." Nyx shrugged and patted Mihawks shoulder.

"While I do agree, *sigh* I just wanna get stronger faster. They've been sending multiple ships here each time and they keep on getting stronger." Mihawk nodded with a sigh.

"Yeah I know, let's just go eat for now, we can think on this at another time." Nyx stated as he put his arms around Mihawk's shoulder and took him back to the estate for food.


At Marineford, if we zoom onto the office of the Fleet Admiral, a tan robust man could be seen in the chair with his gray hair slicked up and gray beard pointed downwards, he had a white coat on that said FLEET ADMIRAL and he was frowning.

There seemed to be another pale-skinned robust man standing in front of him with a black afro and a very long goatee, he had a white coat that said ADMIRAL and he was eating popcorn without care.

"Sengoku, are you telling me that we keep sending soldiers to Kuraigana Island and they keep on disappearing!?" The man in the chair crumbled the paper report in his hands in anger.

"*Munch* Yeah Kong, it seems there are either pirates at work or some mysterious monster." Sengoku continued to eat popcorn as he replied.

"Can you not eat popcorn now!" Kong exclaimed while banging his fist against the desk, startling Sengoku.

"Jeez, all you had to do was ask." Sengoku grumbled as he threw away the popcorn.

"Do you have a plan to deal with this problem?" Kong questioned.

"As matter a fact I do, I'll simply go there myself-"

"Absolutely not!" Kong exclaimed cutting off Sengoku.

"Kaido seems to have gone off-grid, we have intel that suggests he's headed toward Wano, I want you to go there and investigate." Kong explained.


"No buts! It would be a waste of resources to send you there, do as I say and go to Wano, make sure you're not caught! I will send a rear admiral to deal with the island situation, that should be enough." Sengoku tried to refute but Kong immediately ordered him to do another mission.

"*Sigh* fine, keep me updated though." Sengoku begrudgingly accepted Kong's orders.

Kong nodded and soon after Sengoku left to go prepare for his mission.

"I have a bad feeling about that island, but I hope I'm wrong about the theory I have." Kong muttered.


After Nyx and Mihawk finished eating they were both now walking back to their rooms.

"Life here is so boring, it's literally just, train, eat, train, eat, then say hi to Bob, then train and eat, then finally sleep." Nyx grumbled while he walked with his hands behind his neck.

"I can't disagree with you there." Mihawk nodded as they approached their doors.

"Are you going for another night fly?" Mihawk questioned as he noticed a small smile on Nyx's face.

"I can't help it, I can literally transform into a small dragon, I might as well abuse it." Nyx chuckled as he unlocked his door.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow morning." Mihawk did a quick wave as he entered his own room.

Once Nyx entered his room and looked down at the outfit that he was wearing.

"Luckily Mihawks dad had this whole outfit that doesn't rip and automatically gets absorbed into your skin once you transform. I swear his parents are loaded and it seems like his dad had a Zoan fruit. " Nyx muttered while nodding in appreciation at the nice outfit.

He quickly jogged toward the door in his room that headed toward the balcony.

Once he was outside, he noticed it was night time and breathed in the night air with a calm smile.

Stepping onto the ledge he slowly tips off.


The air pushed against him until suddenly scales started to form on his body and his body slowly grew in size.

Wings popped out his back and he slowly turned into a dragon.

His scales were black and he had horns on the spine of his back and the top of his head.

He spread his wings out and started gliding, he coolly pulled up and started flapping his wings hard.

He continued to fly up until he was above the cloud and the moonlight shined on his figure.

His black scales reflected the moonlight as he felt the air breeze.

He was about 25 feet long, 6 feet all and had a 45 feet wing span, and complete black scales.

Once he was above the clouds, he started to relax and just glide.

About 1 year ago, he could transform into a dragon and his control over his overall powers significantly increased in the past 5 years.

He could stay in his hybrid form pretty easily now.

While this all sounded overpowered, it really wasn't, he wasn't that powerful, he was still equal level to Mihawk and they were both just as strong as a captain and maybe some rear admirals.

But he was significantly more powerful in his hybrid form than his normal form.

Every single time he had a breakthrough while training, all his forms would increase in overall power.

So while he had access to his dragon form, all he could do was fly with it and do two other special things.

As he was gliding in the air, he increased his speed with his air powers and a gush of wind boosted his wings as slowly started to glide down below the clouds.

He could see the whole island.

'This view is amazing as always.' Nyx inwardly admired the island from above.

"Let's practice some powers."

He looked straight ahead and started flying toward the sea.

Once he was right above it, he opened his mouth and aimed downwards, a bright purple light emerged from inside his mouth with sharp teeth.

Until suddenly a beam of purple light sped out of his mouth, crashing into the sea with a small splash of an explosion.



'I can shoot purple beams that have a long-range and even hot purple fire that can be spread if I'm going against multiple opponents.' He inwardly thought before deciding to try out the fire breathing.

He slowly decreased his altitude before stopping a few feet above the water, this was quite dangerous if he fell but he was this confident in his flying skills now.

Taking in a deep breath, he opened his mouth and roared.


The bright purple fire illuminated the sea's surface as Nyx continued to roar.

'Not too bad.' He thought before closing his mouth and turning around to head home.

'My beam can go at least 500 feet and my fire's current range seems to still be around the same.' Nyx thought inwardly before continuing to fly home.


Let me know yall thoughts!