
One piece: New adventure

From a slave to a crewmate of a future pirate king, then a combat master. The adventure of Arnold, our oc and the straw hat pirates.

TheWeebChad · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


"I'm Starving!" Luffy said for the hundredth time after they set sail.

"...Then maybe you shouldn't have eaten all the food supplies I had in the beginning. I told you we should save them for later." Arnold replied.

"You're really a monster. How could you eat that many in such short period of time?" Zoro added on, sweatdropping.

"Also, don't you think it's strange that you can't navigate?" Zoro asked Luffy.

"No, drifting has worked pretty well for me." Luffy replied.

'Is he serious?' Arnold thought while sweatdropping.

"What about you? You're supposed to be the holy terror of the seas!" Luffy exclaimed.

"I don't recall ever calling myself that." Zoro said. ""I followed a pirate I was after out to sea. But I couldn't find my way back to my village." "So I made the best of things. I went after pirates that were in the area. I had to earn money somehow..."

"Hmph! So you got lost?" Luffy said.

"You don't have to put it like that!!" Zoro yelled.

Arnold could not stop himself from face-palming.

"One just drifts wherever he goes... and other can't even find his way back to his village..." Arnold groaned. He is doomed for sure.

"Oh, yeah, we haven't heard about you, Arnold." Luffy said to him.

"... I escaped from somewhere. I've been wandering from place to place since then. Then I met you guys." Arnold told them.

"Hmm" Zoro made a 'Hmm' sound, as if he had some suspicions about Arnold, but didn't ask more.

"Anyway, what kind of a pirate doesn't know how to navigate a ship? It's ridiculous! At this rate, we'll never get to the grand line." Zoro told them.

"Yes. We need to find a navigator as soon as possible." Arnold agreed.

"And we need a cook, a musician, and-"

"Those can wait!!" Zoro yelled again.

Then, all three plopped to the boat's floor and said

"""I'm hungry!"""

Then they saw a silhouette of a huge bird flying over them.

"Hey... It's a bird..." Zoro said.

"It looks pretty big..." Luffy said.

"... And delicious as well..." Arnold pointed out.

"Let's eat it!!" Luffy said with a smile as he got up.

"Huh? How?" Zoro asked.

"Leave it to me! I'll catch it!" Luffy said.

"GUM-GUM... ROCKET!!!" Luffy shouted as jumped up super high to catch the bird.

However, it seemed that the bird was actually huge, and caught Luffy in it's beaks.

""What?!" Arnold and Zoro both said, shocked.

"HELP!!" Luffy yelled to them.

"YOU IDIOT!!" Zoro yelled, his eyes nearly falling out from his face as he quickly started pedaling with Arnold.

Then, they saw a bunch of people out in the sea, almost drowning.

"It's a ship! Hey, wait!"


"Shipwreck survivors? At a time like this?" Zoro said.

After Arnold and Zoro got them in the boat, they started threatening the two of them.

"Hey! Stop the ship!"

"We're pirates of Buggy the Clown!" They said while trying to look menacing.

<30 seconds later>

"Hee hee…"

"We're sorry, Mr. Handsome and Mr. Pirate hunter Zoro, sir! We didn't realize who you were!" They said after being beaten up by Arnold and Zoro.

"You jokers made us lose our friend!" Zoro said annoyed.

"Keep rowing. If there's any land nearby, he'll get there." Arnold told them.

"So, how did you pirates end up soaking in the middle of the ocean?" Zoro asked them.

"I'll tell you how! Thanks for reminding us!"

"It was that woman!"

"It was all her fault!"

"She was a real looker, though!"

The three then began to tell the story of how a orange-haired girl tricked them, took their boat and treasure, then used the weather to her advantage to sink the ship with them.

"Amazing. She used the weather to her own advantage..." Arnold exclaimed.

"She must really know the seas well." Zoro agreed.

""She'd make a great navigator..."" Both said at the same time.

"We think she'll make a great corpse!"

"What'll we do about the treasure we lost?"

"Captain buggy will be furious!" The three said.

"Who's this Buggy guy anyway?" Zoro asked.

"Only the most furious pirate in these parts!" One of the pirates said. "haven't you heard of Buggy the clown? He ate the fruit of the Devil!"

"... The fruit of the devil?"

<Some time later>

"We arrived, master Zoro, Master Arnold." They said.

"It looks like a ghost town... Where is everyone?" Zoro asked.

"Take us to your captain." Arnold said. "Maybe he knows where our captain is."

When they got there, the two of them saw Luffy trapped in a cage and The orange haired girl trying to stop the cannon that was going to go for Luffy.

'That must be the girl those three were talking about' Arnold thought. 'She's pretty.'

The other pirates ran towards her, trying to kill her with their swords. However, before that could happen, Zoro and Arnold quickly ran towards her.

While Zoro blocked their attacks with his swords, Arnold threw jabs at them, beating them up.

"Zoro! Arnold!" Luffy said, smiling.