
One Piece: Navy Traitor, I Marry the Female Emperor To Rule the Sea

Shiro Masaki travels to the world of pirates. Become the youngest and strongest Rear Admiral in Naval history! Because of dissatisfaction with the Celestial Dragon killing civilians, he killed one in anger at the beginning. Then became a Naval traitor and opened the Supreme Selection System. The World Government angrily sent two Admirals to hunt him down, but Shiro managed to escape. -------------------- +60 chapters on p@treon/tambeerg Unlock exclusive access to more fanfic chapters and support my work by joining me on Patreon! Your support helps bring your favorite stories to life!

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Chapter 19 Darkness Comes

"Huh, it's so dangerous, there are really dangerous people in the Navy, and a Warrant Officer has such strong swordsmanship!"

"However, this uncle is still smart, these difficult guys should go after the Straw Hat, it is best not to interfere with my escape plan, hahaha!"

When little Sati and Tashigi led their subordinates to leave the Hunger Hell.

A red nose emerged from among the corpses of many criminals.

It's the pirate, Clown Buggy!

And when Buggy got up.

A cadre of the former Warlord of the Sea Crocodile.


A thin man with hair in the shape of a '3' also got up immediately.


Before waiting for Mr.3 to sigh,

He was pushed back into the dead pile by Clown Buggy.


As the Clown Buggy's face gradually became solemn.

A darkness came.

I see,

A group of pirates who apparently broke in from outside appeared!

"This guy is... Blackbeard... Teach?"

Clown Buggy looked at the menacing Blackbeard.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his expression was obviously a little nervous.

Back then, he and Shanks looked down on this Whitebeard subordinate named Teach!

Buggy cautiously shrank back into the corpse.

"Thief hahaha, this scene is really ugly."

See the scene in front of you.

Blackbeard couldn't help but sigh.

"Are all the guys who used to call themselves big pirates at sea so vulnerable? Sure enough, in front of the real powerhouse, trash will always be trash, thief hahaha!"

"Captain, these guys seem to have been killed by the same slash. Is there actually such a powerful swordsman in the guards at Impel Down?"

On the way to the next floor.

The crew member of the Blackbeard Pirates, the Demon Sheriff Laffitte sighed.

Although the pirates who were killed were not necessarily that strong.

But anyway, they are also pirates who are imprisoned on the third underground floor of Impel Down, so they will not be too weak.

And from the traces of the battlefield.

The swordsman who shot, obviously only made one move.

A swordsman who can do this is at least a great swordsman.

"Ah, Shiryu, the guardian of Impel Down, is said to be a very strong swordsman, but no one can stop us! Thief hahaha!"

Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach arrogantly smiled.

In his opinion.

His years of planning have come to fruition!

All forces have entered the game,

No personal power can stop it!

Even his dad.

Whitebeard Edward Newgate, who is known as the strongest man in the world, can't either!


Marshall D. Teach, Blackbeard, will surely open the prelude to a New Era with his own hands!


The first time the Blackbeard Pirates broke into Impel Down.

Magellan, the director of Impel Down, received the news.

Magellan, the poisonous man at this time, just handed Fire Fist Ace to the Rear Admiral who came to hand over.

The next step is to put down this unprecedented riot in Impel Down.

For Magellan and the vast majority of the Impel Down staff.


It was a very dark day in their lives.

Originally a gatekeeper of justice to guard criminals.

Now, there is a risk of many criminals escaping from prison.

Originally Commodore Smoker led the army to support,

The pressure on Impel Down has eased somewhat.

But who would have thought,

During this critical period, the Blackbeard Pirates, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, suddenly rebelled and broke into Impel Down!

The countdown to the public execution of Pirate Fire Fist Ace has entered.

It is impossible for the Navy to send extra elites to support Impel Down.

So Magellan had to make a difficult decision.

Release the head guard of Impel Down, Shiryu of the Rain, who is in prison!


"Head Guard Shiryu... There is an unprecedented riot in the prison. The situation is very serious. The Director needs your help!"

The sixth floor of Impel Down.

In front of a prison cell in the depths of the Infinite Hell, the prison guard was ordered by Magellan to release the Impel Down warden, Shiryu of the Rain!

These guards couldn't help shivering when they faced Shiryu who was being held in prison.

In the end, a guard respectfully handed a phone bug to Shiryu.

"Sir, there was a big riot in the prison, Straw Hat Luffy and a Clown Buggy teamed up to release many criminals, and now two pirates of the original Warlords of the Sea level have been released.

What's more troublesome is that the Blackbeard Pirates, who have only recently become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, have invaded Impel Down, and Impel Down needs your help! "

After connecting,

Magellan's firm voice came from the phone bug.

"Oh? Blackbeard Pirates...?"

Prison gate.

Shiryu of Rain, who was wearing the uniform of the warden and smoking a cigar, walked out of the prison and squinted at the phone bug with a thoughtful expression.

"It reminds you of someone like me. It seems that the trouble this time is not small, Magellan."

"Shiryu, the situation is tense, and everything must be the bigger picture, otherwise the reputation of Impel Down will be destroyed. Now I have Captain Smoker from the Navy to help me deal with the thugs from the Straw Hats. As for the Blackbeard Pirates, only I can leave it to you to deal with it first!"

Magellan continued on the phone bug side.

"Rear Admiral? Hehe... How effective is a Naval team led by a Captain? Magellan, you have been fooled by the World Government!

But...kill, that's what I do, I say, Magellan, I don't have to go back to this disgusting cell after this time? "

"The current situation of the World Government is not optimistic, and you committed a capital crime. Even if the sentence is commuted this time, there will be no forgiveness next time!"

From the phone worm came Magellan's righteous voice.

It was clear that the director had a strong opinion of Shiryu's actions.


Shiryu let out a breath of smoke and replied calmly.

However, no one noticed a cold light flashing in his eyes.

That's... bloodthirsty eyes!

After the phone was hung up, prison guards quickly brought a long sword.

"Sword, it's been a long time!"

Shiryu took the sword that he hadn't seen for a long time, and wiped the blade with his palm lightly.

The surrounding guards finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

With Chief Magellan and Warden Shiryu, plus the support of Captain Smoker!

This crisis must be overcome!

Impel Down is also an important part of justice!


These guards did not see the moment to quell the riots in Impel Down.

With a flash of cold light.

The heads of several guards moved at the same time.

Blood is pouring!

"Well... this is a comfortable pleasure, it seems that I am still suitable for killing!"

Shiryu of the Rain had a small pleasure of killing.

Immediately, he planned to leave the sixth floor.

But don't want to, he hasn't moved!

An extremely tyrannical slash slashed!

"It's really pitiful for these prison guards to meet a sloppy boss like you, what do you think, Shiryu of the Rain!"



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