
One Piece : Navy Luffy

One Piece : Navy Luffy Introduction : Luffy dreams of becoming a pirate, but turns into a navy by accident. I wanted to be dismissed by causing trouble, but I repeatedly made meritorious deeds by accident, and the rank of the navy skyrocketed! Garp was pleased: "This idiot grandson finally did not let me down, and finally became a brave naval soldier!" Warring States praised: "Work hard, and the admiral of the navy will be yours from now on!" Luffy cried: "I really want to be One Piece Ah..." One became a navy by accident, one was charming and handsome, one had a mysterious system, one carried a Zanpakutō, and one became stronger by hunting the strong! The story of a counter-routine Luffy! ... Killing a naval colonel, an ordinary-level black treasure chest pops out, and you can open the treasure chest to get a rare item—a deadly outfit, with a charm value of +100! Kill a pirate leader, a rare purple treasure box will pop out, open the treasure box to get rare props - attribute points, spiritual pressure +100! Kill a King Shichibukai, and a god-level golden treasure box will pop out. Open the treasure box to get rare props - the supreme gift bag, spiritual pressure +1000, speed +1000, defense +1000, charm +1000! Kill an emperor of the sea, an epic colorful treasure chest will pop out, open the treasure chest to get rare props - unlock the ultimate skill... Swastika! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- {Ratings would be appreciated} 1 Chapter per Day To read Advance Chapters up to 17 + 1 bonus (enjoy -..-) -> http://patreon.com/Aara_v -> Patreon username: Aara_v and it really helps to keep going. -> https://pigchoice.blogspot.com/?m=1 {you can also visit this website if you are searching for any anime movies.} ____________________________________________ This is a Chinese Fan-Fiction Novel and i am just translating it.

Aara_v · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 87 : Set sail

  "I didn't expect that Luffy, who was in the navy, would have an older brother who was a pirate..."

  The whole group was very surprised!

  "Actually, Luffy has been clamoring to become a pirate since he was a child, but unexpectedly he became a marine. Poof~" Ace couldn't help laughing.

  "Life is incredible~" Luffy also sighed repeatedly.

  Ace's behavior was not only devoid of any gangsterism, but also polite. He kept thanking everyone for helping take care of his younger brother.

  Everyone was a little surprised. Is this really a pirate from the Whitebeard Pirates? Not only does Ace not look like a vicious pirate, but he looks like a gentleman. His attitude is easy-going and gentle, which makes everyone feel good about him.

  "It's almost time. Now that the supplies have been collected, let's go and head towards the desert!" With

  preparations in place, Luffy decided to sail to Yuba immediately to deal with the rebels.

  But at this moment, he suddenly thought of something, his face turned green, he covered his head with his hands, and shouted: "Ah! Oops! I forgot Chopper in the hotel." "Chopper?!" Everyone was confused

  . .

  "The reindeer I met on the road was a doctor. I tricked it into boarding the ship." Luffy said, "But I accidentally forgot about it. What should I do?" He muttered, feeling a little worried

  . He said, "Why don't I go back to the hotel and bring it back."

  Just when Luffy was about to pick up Chopper, a cute figure quickly ran towards the warship.

  "Eh? Chopper, how did you find him!"

  Looking at Chopper running towards him, Luffy couldn't help but be a little surprised.

  "The reindeer's nose is very sensitive. I searched for your scent all the way to find it!" Chopper explained, pointed at Luffy and said angrily: "Damn Luffy, you actually left me alone!"

  The little thing got angry, jumped onto the warship with a "swish", raised his small fist and hit Luffy on the chest.

  "Luffy, is this your newly invited partner?"

  Nami, Weiwei and other girls saw the cute and cute Chopper, his beautiful eyes were shining, and they were immediately attracted by this cute little guy. The two girls went up to face Qiaoba. Just rub it hard.

  "Hello everyone, my name is Tony Tony Chopper, and I am a doctor!" The little guy greeted everyone politely.

  "Wow, the talking reindeer is so awesome!" Usopp said in surprise.

  "I ate the Devil Fruit. I have the same intelligence as humans and can communicate with humans and animals." Chopper explained.

  "Ah, I didn't expect that even a reindeer could be an esper!" Sauron clicked his tongue in surprise.

  "Chopper-kun, please have a cup of black tea." Sanji handed Chopper a cup of black tea.

  Afterwards, Luffy introduced the crew members one by one to Chopper so that everyone could get to know each other. This completed the joining ceremony.

  Everything was ready and everyone decided to set off immediately.

  "Raise the sails! Set sail!" Luffy gave the order.

  The warship weighed anchor and quickly passed away along the river into the distance. After a while, it completely disappeared in Nalohara.

  "By the way, Weiwei, 

How can we get to Juba? "Luffy asked curiously.

  "Now, this ship has entered the Sundola River, and then first landed in Elmar, went upstream in the interior of Alabasta, and then went to this place called Yuba. Because the leader of the rebel army is in Juba! "

  Weiwei took out a map and pointed out the specific route for everyone in detail.

  "Oh, that's it! "

  Everyone nodded thoughtfully. With Weiwei, the princess of the desert country, leading the way, they felt more at ease and would not worry about getting lost in this strange country. Not long after the

  warship set sail, five ships appeared on the sea in front of them. The pirate group came quickly, looking like they were coming with bad intentions.

  "Fire Fist Ace, Straw Hat Luffy, don't think you can escape from our grasp. Today we will let you see the power of the billions of elders of Baroque Studio." strength. "

  Hundreds of pirates were waving their swords with a very arrogant attitude, deliberately provoking Luffy and his party. "

  No, that's the ship of the billionaires of Baroque Works. They are all very powerful senior agents! "Weiwei looked at the pirates clamoring on the boat, her heart suddenly sank, and she looked a little worried.

  There were five pirate boats, with hundreds of people gathered, and they looked very difficult to deal with.

  There were people from Baroque Works People were blocking the way, and things suddenly became a little tricky.

  "Just in time, I didn't fight enough just now..."

  Luffy's eyes were bright, and he was gearing up, preparing to deal with these pirates himself,

  "Hey! Luffy, stay here quietly. "

  Ace pressed his hat and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "Leave these guys to me. "

  He jumped off the warship and landed firmly on a small speedboat. His feet exploded with powerful firepower, pushing the speedboat forward at great speed. Nami looked at Ace who jumped off the boat, a little confused

  . Said: "What is he planning to do? Usopp

  also muttered: "Can we really fight against those pirates with such a small boat..." "


  Only Zoro leaned against the fence with a calm face and said with a smile: "Just Let us see the strength of the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates! "

  On the turbulent sea, a small speedboat sailed towards five huge pirate ships without fear.

  "Haha! Fire Fist Ace, did you come here to die alone? !

  "Try it if you have the ability. Can you defeat these five ships? "

  "You don't know how to live or die, we will definitely let you die in the sea today. " "

  The pirates of Baroque Works were very arrogant. They fired dozens of cannonballs in unison, preparing to kill Ace directly.

  "Haha! "

  Ace smiled faintly,  calmly looked at the incoming black cannonballs, slowly raised his right fist, and blazing flames burst out from the fist. The

  power of the Burning Fruit exploded, That arm seemed to turn into a burning sun, and indescribable terrifying flames burst out. The momentum was extremely terrifying, and the surrounding temperature was rising rapidly.

  "Fire Fist! ! "

  The corner of Ace's mouth curved, and his flaming fist fiercely blasted towards the pirate ship.


  A mighty fist of flames tore through the void, like a giant flame beast opening its fangs, forcibly cutting five people into pieces. A pirate ship was blasted into pieces together, and the entire sea was burning. The wreckage of the ship and the corpses of the pirates gradually sank into the sea. After easily

  killing the pirates, Ace stood sideways on the speedboat, with a smile on his lips. With a free and easy smile, he gently raised the cowboy hat on his head with his index finger. He looked so handsome!

  "Wow! Nissan is awesome! ! ! "

  Everyone was very shocked. They looked at this scene in amazement. The hairs all over their bodies stood up with excitement. "

  Hey, you know how powerful Ace is~" Luffy said with a smile.

  After solving the trouble of Baroque Works , a group of people went upstream, heading in the direction of Yuba, and drove quickly.

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