
One Piece : Navy Luffy

One Piece : Navy Luffy Introduction : Luffy dreams of becoming a pirate, but turns into a navy by accident. I wanted to be dismissed by causing trouble, but I repeatedly made meritorious deeds by accident, and the rank of the navy skyrocketed! Garp was pleased: "This idiot grandson finally did not let me down, and finally became a brave naval soldier!" Warring States praised: "Work hard, and the admiral of the navy will be yours from now on!" Luffy cried: "I really want to be One Piece Ah..." One became a navy by accident, one was charming and handsome, one had a mysterious system, one carried a Zanpakutō, and one became stronger by hunting the strong! The story of a counter-routine Luffy! ... Killing a naval colonel, an ordinary-level black treasure chest pops out, and you can open the treasure chest to get a rare item—a deadly outfit, with a charm value of +100! Kill a pirate leader, a rare purple treasure box will pop out, open the treasure box to get rare props - attribute points, spiritual pressure +100! Kill a King Shichibukai, and a god-level golden treasure box will pop out. Open the treasure box to get rare props - the supreme gift bag, spiritual pressure +1000, speed +1000, defense +1000, charm +1000! Kill an emperor of the sea, an epic colorful treasure chest will pop out, open the treasure chest to get rare props - unlock the ultimate skill... Swastika! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- {Ratings would be appreciated} 1 Chapter per Day To read Advance Chapters up to 17 + 1 bonus (enjoy -..-) -> http://patreon.com/Aara_v -> Patreon username: Aara_v and it really helps to keep going. -> https://pigchoice.blogspot.com/?m=1 {you can also visit this website if you are searching for any anime movies.} ____________________________________________ This is a Chinese Fan-Fiction Novel and i am just translating it.

Aara_v · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 83 : Luffy VS Ace! duel of fire

 Luffy now is indeed completely different from what he was three years ago.

  His face is sharp and angular, extremely handsome, his eyes are as bright as stars, and he is piercing. He is 1.8 meters tall, and his body is in perfect golden proportions. The muscles in his whole body are strong and well-proportioned, without any fat.

  For example, Luffy at this time is like the height of Aokiji, the figure of Zoro, and the beauty of the empress, all three combined into one!

  This impeccable appearance is enough to drive countless girls crazy.

  It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, Luffy, whose charm value reaches 9999 (MAX), is the most handsome man in the world!

  Therefore, when Ace saw Luffy for the first time, he only recognized the straw hat, but not Luffy. It was completely reasonable.

  Sometimes, being too handsome is also a worry!

  As for Luffy not being able to recognize Ace, it was entirely a matter of eyesight.

  "Thank you for the compliment!"

  When someone praised his beauty in person, Luffy looked very calm and stared at Ace and said, "But I'm Luffy!" "

  Still pretending!"

  Ace said coldly. Face, pointed at Luffy and said: "You fake, how could Luffy be more handsome than me? This is absolutely impossible!"


  all of this is the fault of that damn system, unknowingly, Beautify yourself into such a handsome look that everyone hates!

  Luffy felt a touch of sadness in his heart, as he couldn't bear to look back on the past.

  "By the way...you said you are Ace?!"

  He suddenly thought of something, looked at Ace suspiciously, laughed and shook his head: "No way! I remember Ace's appearance clearly, he..."

  He touched his chin, walked around Ace, pointed to the pattern of the Whitebeard Pirates on the latter's back, and said, "He doesn't have that pattern on his body!" I couldn't refute...


  has something Helpless, he said: "I painted this later!"

  "Hmph, stop pretending, you fake Ace!" Luffy said.

  "You're the fake one, right? Tell me, where did you get my brother? You're the fake Luffy!" Ace said.

  "Asshole! Do you want to have a fight?!"

  "Come on, who is afraid of whom!"

  Neither of them believed the other's identity, and immediately started fighting in the store after they disagreed.

  "Sun Flame!!"

  Ace used the power of the fruit, and his whole body was burning. His arms turned into red flames, and a pillar of blazing fire shot out from the palm of his hand, hitting Luffy fiercely.


  This Yang Yan was so fast and accurate that Luffy felt like he was hit by a cannonball on his chest. He grinned in pain. His body flew out uncontrollably, smashing three or five tables and chairs in a row, and flew out of the store. Go to the street.

  "Damn Ace, you dare to sneak up on me. You'd better pray that I don't catch you, otherwise I will put you in jail and make you have to do hard labor for the rest of your life!" At the same time, Smoker got up from the ground with difficulty

  . , he was kicked out just now and hit hard on the street. 

My whole body felt like it was about to fall apart, and the pain was severe.

  "Ace, you stinky pirate, please wake up!"

  He yelled, holding the ten pieces of sea tower stone in his hand, and ran quickly to the hotel, preparing to catch Ace!


  However, just as Smoker reached the door, Luffy suddenly flew out, hit him hard, and knocked him away again.

  "What the hell..."

  Smoker looked at Luffy, who was lying on top of him like a dead pig, with a helpless expression. He had been knocked away three times, and today he was really carried to his grandma's house.

  "Smoker! Don't get in the way! Get out of the way!"

  Not only was Luffy not grateful to Smoker for catching him, but he looked disgusted and blamed him for hindering his fight.

  "Asshole Straw Hat, take a stick from me!"

  Smoker raised his Kailu Shiju hand and hit Luffy on the head.

  "Oh, it hurts! Damn smoker, how dare you hit me on the head with a sea stone!"

  Luffy cried out, covering his head with a sea stone. The sea stone can seal the fruit ability of an esper. When this stick was smashed down, it was even stronger than Ace's. The hit of Yang Yan just now still hurt three points.

  "Ah~ Punch me!"

  He punched out, hitting Smoker's face, but the latter's head quickly turned into a cloud of smoke, and his fist was empty.

  "That's why I'm bothered by your bad ability. You can't hit me anymore, and you're so clingy. You're so annoying. Stay away from me!"

  Luffy punched the air and went crazy. He hated Smoker's smoke. ability.

  "Hmph, Straw Hat Boy, if you can't beat me, I'll just make excuses, that's ridiculous!" Smoker snorted.

  "What? I can't beat you, so let's give it a try!" Luffy was furious and started fighting with Smoker on the ground.

  On the street, two marines started fighting among themselves and started killing each other!

  Pedestrians around them looked sideways and looked at the two people in confusion, and comments gradually started to sound from all directions.

  "Boom! Boom!"

  At this moment, a mighty fire fist crisscrossed the void and struck hard at Luffy and Smoker, who were still struggling.

  "No! Hide!"

  Luffy shuddered slightly, sensing the crisis, and the dazzling firelight instantly illuminated the two figures.

  Seeing this scene, Smoker immediately turned into a puff of smoke, leaving Luffy alone in a very unloyal manner, and he quickly ran away.

  "This guy..."

  Luffy looked at Smoker who was running faster than a rabbit, and couldn't help but roll his eyes. Then he stared at the burning fire fist that had arrived in front of him, and his expression suddenly became serious.

  This fire fist is more terrifying than the Yang Yan just now. There is no way to avoid it now, so we can only... draw the sword!

  His eyes were firm, his hand touched the handle of the knife, and he suddenly pulled out a blazing flame blade. The terrifying heat wave steamed away, sweeping across the world, directly knocking over all the passers-by who were nearby. The momentum was extremely terrifying. !

  "Everything in the forest is reduced to ashes, and the Fire Blade is like a fire!"

  Luffy released his Zanpakutō, and the Fire Blade was slashed at the huge fire fist in front of him. Suddenly, a flaming blue dragon came out and hit him crazily. On top of the fire fist.

  Fire knife versus fire fist!

  This is a powerful showdown between flames!


  The two fires collided in the air, and immediately triggered a big explosion no less than a hundred rounds of artillery fire, and the whole city trembled in vain.

  "Yeah~ Killing people!"

  "What a terrifying power, who is fighting!"

  "This is a showdown between ability users, run!"

  As soon as the war started, the pedestrians walking on the street were very scared and screamed Running around.

  In less than a moment, everyone on the street ran away in fear. Only Luffy, Ace and Smoker were left standing in the corner of the street, coldly confronting each other.

  "Hmph, fake Ace, you can't hold it back anymore, you finally exposed your secret!"

  At this time, Luffy held up the Blade of Fire, his eyes showed a bright light of wisdom, and he looked at Ace not far away with some contempt, It looked like I had already understood everything.

  "Ha, how did I reveal my secret?!"

  Ace spread his hands and looked at his fake brother in confusion.

  "You still say you're not a fake?!"

  Luffy's lips curved with a hint of confidence, and he pointed at Ace and said, "Ace is not an ability user!!"

  Ace: "..."

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