
One Piece: Navy’s Tyrant

Volumes I to Fifth, through the Pirate World, step by step become the Marshal of the Navy, leading the Navy away from the world government, the establishment of a new world government, ······ Volume VI ~, Reincarnation of Time and Space

Rak_MTL · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 10

"Big brother, today is about to start a big comparison, why can't you get up?"

Early in the morning, Cass energetic and bustling ran to Jiang Feng's bedroom. When Jiang Feng had not yet got up, he shouted loudly.

Yesterday, Jiang Feng only completed a few months of high-intensity training, intending to relax the tight body during sleep, and adjust the body to the peak state to face the upcoming competition.

This big match is very important for Jiang Feng and must win.

Jiang Feng is the nephew of Garp. He lost too badly, and Garp's face cannot be hung up.


He kicked chattering Greek Cass out of the window.

"Can't you let me sleep a bit longer, much better than that's all, what's so nervous."

"With my current Strength, it's not easy."

Jiang Feng was awakened by Greek Cass.

After a few months of training, Jiang Feng not only has a strong increase in Strength, but Space Ability has also made progress. Now he can feel the Space range within 30 meters.

In other words, Jiang Feng can use Shunpo freely within 30 meters. Now Jiang Feng uses Shunpo, and there is basically no limit on the number of times.

Without Awakening Kenbunshoku Haki, Jiang Feng's Attack trajectory can never be captured, with which Jiang Feng is already invincible.

What irritates Jiang Feng is that Time Ability hasn't found a way to use it, as if it has found a lot of treasures on the island, but it can't be spent.

Jiang Feng decided that after this big match, he must develop the time Ability well. Jiang Feng had a hunch. When the time Ability was developed, his Strength would be greatly improved.


"Have you heard? The annual Elite Competition is about to begin!"

"Of course I heard that I heard the military attaches great importance to this conference. In addition to being able to accept the teachings of Zephyr-sensei, the champions of Tabitha will also be awarded the Military Rank of the Lieutenant Commander."

Everyone in the town is talking about this Marine Big Titan.

"If only my nephew could win," said a middle-aged Big Mom muttered.

Alright, you nephew Physique, I guess there is no chance to participate in the conference. "

Uncle next to Big Mom teased.

"Hmph" ...

For the talk of the people on the street, Jiang Feng is just shrugged, but one thing Jiang Feng is more concerned about is that the big champion will be awarded the Lieutenant Commander Military Rank.

Now that the era of great sailing has not yet come, Marine does not have much demand for talents. Even students who study with Zephyr have no Military Rank during their studies. Generally, only students who have graduated from the school will be awarded a Military Rank.

Some ordinary Elite soldiers must start at the grassroots level after graduation. Marine headquarters will decide whether to award Military Rank based on their performance.

Soon Jiang Feng came to the venue, "big brother, here!"

Jiang Feng followed his voice to see the distant Greek Cass and Hina beckoning to themselves and walked over.

I saw this brat in the morning and didn't know where I was going. It turned out to be fun here.

"Big brother, you're here. I called you in the morning, and you gave me a stun. My buttocks still hurt now!"

Hope Cass grieved.

"Oh, it hurts. I don't hurt anymore. Come here."

Jiang Feng is going to raise his foot.

Nozomi Cass hid behind Hina behind.

Hina laughed, covering her mouth.

"Maple big brother, you must win this game!"

"Rest assured, the champion is determined to win!"

Jiang Feng made a handsome move, obviously under the watchful eye of little loli.


What surprised Zhang Feng was that he had a potential test before the fight, and thought that at first he would fight in separate games.

Soon Jiang Feng and the other Elite soldiers were taken to a vast laboratory.

The lab is up ahead with a weird machine,

Three officers in white coats stood by the machine holding registration forms. Looking closely, it is not difficult to see that they are all university.

Jiang Feng is a bit puzzled. What kind of potential can be tested with a machine? The Elites next to it are also discussed spiritedly.

"Give me quiet."

With a shout from the colonel, the people in the discussion calmed down instantly, and put away a frivolous expression, looking towards the colonel.

"Next, perform a potential test. Go to the name and test."

The colonel said with a registration form.

"The first Gullit!"

One of the crowd was more than 2 meters tall, and the body was extraordinarily sturdy. The big-faced man walked forward and stood in front of the machine.

The other colonel pressed the switch of the machine. Immediately, the blue light shot out of the machine, scanning Gulid's whole body, and at the same time, the colonel at the other end of the machine recorded the glittering data after the machine.

"Congratulations, A-Rank's potential, you are qualified, wait with this watch.

The colonel obviously has a hint of excitement, such as the potential of A, but this is the potential of the senior level, which shows that Gully's future battle strength is at least the Rear Admiral level.

"Next" "B-Rank Potential, Pass".

"In the next one, the potential of C-Rank, failed, you have been eliminated, please go out the right door, someone will tell you how to do it after going out."

"B-Rank potential, qualified"

"Next, what is the D-level potential, how did you become Elite, fail?"


Seeing here, Jiang Feng understands that the potential test is to test the limits of the students' future growth. A-Rank potential is a senior talent, B-Rank potential is a college talent, and C-Rank potential is a captain talent.

The purpose of this contest is to select some Elites in Elite, taught by Zephyr, and these people will be awarded at least a Lieutenant Commander Military Rank.

With the Military Rank of the Lieutenant Commander, the potential of the Lieutenant Commander would not work, so there is potential to test this.

Now to participate in Elite in Taiby, different ages, some older people have exhausted their potential, I am afraid that they will not be able to break through the Second Layer limit for life.

There are two foundation conditions for being a school officer. The first is to master Haki, and the second is the body breakthrough second layer limit.

Of course, the general corresponds to the breakthrough Third Layer limit.

Today, Jiang Feng has broken through the first limit for more than a year. He has followed Zephyr for a period of time. Presumably it won't take long before he will break through the second layer limit.

"Next, Bazat!"

Jiang Feng heard about Greek Cass and mentioned him. He is an army 2nd generation. Father is a Vice Admiral from the Marine branch.

He eats Zoan Mantis fruit, his hands can be turned into sickles, and slashes are emitted. Zoan fruit has universal amplification Ability, which uses at least 2 times of Amplification in all aspects of Ability.

Jiang Feng asked himself not to use Space Ability, but to rely solely on Body Technique. He was by no means Bazat's opponent. Bazat was also one of Jiang Feng's rivals.