
One piece : Naruto's dream

Humanity has mocked, enslaved, and looked down on us. That is what Naruto thought, from childhood he was destined to do great things. But will it be his destiny to destroy what Otohime worked for, or will it take a special princess to change his mind?

Huvnn · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 22 : The Adventure Begins!(3)

Many years ago Skorka barely reached eight feet in height. But now he was well past the fifteen foot mark, his entire body that was already packed with thick muscles was replaced with even larger and tighter muscles that looked like they could crush coral and bend steel.

His looks…were uglier than hell, he had several more scars that he proudly showed off; no thanks to him wearing only green Hawaiian-styled shorts.

The killer whale fishman gazed at the blond with his killer green eyes, and snorted when he saw him. "Is this a joke?" His rough, dangerous voice questioned Fuguki. "To reach level forty, I have to beat this whelp? Fine."

"And for me to get to level forty I have to fight him?" Naruto narrowed his eyes at Skorka before his mouth broke out into a predatory grin. "I will happily take this trial."

"The let the trial of combat begin! You are to not stop until your opponent is unconscious, unable to fight," His face then split into a fierce grin. "Or dead…Now fight!"

Before the puffer fish fishman brought his right arm down the two opponents bolted towards each other.

Skorka let out a fierce war cry when he threw his right arm out to punch the blond menace, but seeing the attack coming from a mile away Naruto easily dodged the punch, he then hopped to the left side and punched at the killer whale fishman's ribs.

Skorka however snapped his left hand towards the area where the attack would have broken several ribs. He caught Naruto's fist with his, and immediately clamped down on it with crushing force.

With a loud yell the larger of the two rotated his left arm above his head; taking the small tiger shark fishman for a ride in the air before he smashed him into the ground once, twice, thrice, and even a fourth time before he dug his heels into the ground and began spinning.

Skorka spun for two straight minutes, building up momentum and speed before releasing the blond, and watched as he violently slammed against and broke through the coral wall.

Skorka raised his muscular arms and let out a cheer of triumph lie one of those fake wrestlers always did at a sold out show.

"How do you like that Uzumaki! I call that the Titan Devastator!"

He was only greeted when a powerful jet of water tore through the hole his opponent went through.

Seeing the attack before Skorka easily dodged it, and when he saw the blond speed through the opening the killer whale fishman jumped high into the air, then spinning like a top he fell to the arena floor like a megaton bomb, smashing the area he landed in to nothing but dust, and sending Naruto into another wall.

"And that is called the Titan Hammer." Skorka cracked his scarred knuckles and bolted at his opponent once more.

He let out another war cry, this time naming off another technique, "Titan Fist!" He aimed his punch at Naruto's head, but the slippery little eel managed to move at the last second, and instead lodged his entire arm into the coral wall.

That was when Naruto struck with vengeance. His fists struck Skorka's torso with the force of what felt like a train.

There was no mercy from the beaten and battered blond as he continued to punch the killer whale fishman until he heard the tell-tale break of bones.

Skorka roared out in pain, but had enough sense to deal a devastating strike to his opponents' side, but for once Naruto didn't go flying. Instead he rotated his shoulder, focusing his energy into his right fist.

Like before whatever remaining water flowed towards him until it formed the familiar water tornado around his fist.

Naruto punched his right arm forward shouting, "Whirlpool Breakthrough Fist!" His technique hit Skorka square in the ribs, digging and tearing his flesh asunder.

The force of the impact was strong enough to actually lift the ridiculously muscled whale shark fishman off the ground, and sent his clear across the room; causing him to crash through the coral walls for the first time in his entire life.

Spitting to the side Naruto turned to face an extremely displeased Fuguki.

The student of Jinbe wasn't stupid; he knew that Fuguki didn't remotely like him since he kept coming in and out of the dojo, received 'special training' from Jinbe, and was considered spoiled.

Well Naruto was far from being spoiled; he worked himself to the bone and earned his skills through blood, sweat, and tears.

Jinbe, while a good teacher was far too busy with his job as a member of the Shichibukai and only helped him refine his stances, and built up his strength with various rigorous and near torturous exercises.

His secret teacher, Hody Jones, he gave him much needed help with his water manipulations, but that was it.

Snapping out of his thought he gave the orange-haired fishman his infamous shark smile. "I believe I have won."

Skorka's bellowing war cry broke the illusion of his well-earned win as the gigantic fishman burst from the walls.

The entire right side of his torso was torn and shredded, showing destroyed muscle, and pieces of flesh handing for the damaged area.

But Skorka ignored the crippling pain; he ignored the blood flowing down into a puddle. His eyes were restricted using nothing but unholy rage to keep himself standing.

He used every ounce of willpower to rush his opponent, leaving behind a devastating trail of destruction behind him.

Naruto didn't hesitate to meet the mad fishman head on.

He threw a punch in his already devastated right side, but to his horror Skorka took the blow, and instead grabbed him by the throat with his meaty hands.

The young tiger shark fishman felt the restriction of his windpipe; he tried squeezing the pressure points on his opponent's wrists, he kicked him in the face, the chest, his wounded area. It all proved to be futile.

Skorka gave his suffocating opponent a smile. After long last the one who made him suffer such indignity of defeat was going to die! Oh God he felt so good that he didn't hear Iruka screaming at Fuguki to end the fight.

"Good fight. But it was futile from the start Uzumaki, don't worry though I'll make sure to wish Shirahoshi a happy birthday, rot in hell my rival!"

If it wasn't for the mention of his dear sibling, and his bold claim of their pathetic rivalry Naruto would have lost his life.

But just looking into Skorka's killer green eyes, the tiger shark felt the primal urge to utterly destroy him.

Now that he knew what the urge was, he embraced it; he allowed his rage to take him over…just so he could wipe the smile off Skorkas' face! It was then he felt the adrenaline pumping through his veins, his muscles tightening and expanding, and the world in front of him becoming nothing but crimson.

Naruto's hands once again gripped the pressure points on his opponents' wrists.

This time he got the desired effect he was going for, Skorka screamed in agony when he felt the tiger shark's fingernails tore through his writs like they were butter, and when the blond kicked him in the face, he reeled back in pain as blood freely fell from his nose.

Naruto kicked him in the face again, and again, bruising breaking, and tearing his face up until he let go. Once the student of Jinbe landed feet first on the floor, he lashed out with a double palm thrust into his stomach, sending him twenty feet away.

"You think you're tough shit, don't you Skorka? Well guess what, you're nothing more than an insect compared to my new rival…yea he may be a human as you all have heard.

But he is the only person I have ever lost to, and I promised him that I would never lose again until we had our rematch."

He looked down at the shark tooth hanging around his neck, and slightly smiled in remembrance.

Naruto's head then snapped up, glaring at the killer whale fishman. "And don't you dare…don't you dare mention Shirahoshi's name. You have no right."

"Yehahaha! What are you gonna do about it Uzumaki? I've seen all your attacks, you're greatly wounded. You never had a chance at beating me!" Skorka laughed.

"Who said those were my only moves asshole?"

The blond spat out some blood and turned his head to see Fuguki almost red in the face.

So that the plan of this 'test', he was to be weakened, have his 'best' moves shown, and finally defeated or killed by the brute of a fighter. "I still have a trump card left."

"Please, your bluffs have no meaning here! You're nothing but an ant compared to me!" Skorka let out his biggest war cry yet, and charged at the blond one last time with the intention of destroying him with his Titan Fist.

Naruto only opened his mouth wide open, and used his water manipulation to draw whatever was left in him to form his ultimate technique.

He then jumped forward and rotated his entire body, forming a gigantic whirlpool around his entire body. As a result the tip of the water spiral became an extension of his teeth that met Skorka's Titan Fist head on.

The result of the clash was something that no one expected. Skorka was completely engulfed by Naruto's technique, and the killer whale fishman's screams of pain nearly deafened them.

The looked on with horror that the water turned into a fine red mist before Skorka was violently ejected from it, and crashed straight into an unprepared Fuguki, sending them both into the last intact coral wall.

When Iruka; and several of the other witnesses looked upon the results of the technique, those with weak stomachs lost their lunch. Skorka's right arm was gone, completely gone.

All that was left of it was bits of bone protruding from his shoulder, floppy pieces of skin, and flaps of muscle. His left arm wasn't in the best condition either, most of the skin on his forearm was completely gone, and the exposed muscle could only resemble hamburger meat.

Immediately the several people tore the tops of their karate gi's off to stem the bleeding. Several more bolted from the dojo to retrieve a doctor…or dozens of doctors.

And since Fuguki was out of commission for the time being, it was left to Iruka; being the second in command of the dojo to give the decision if Naruto passed the test or not.

It was a moot point though since the rules stated the winner would be determined if the opponent could not continue, was knocked out…or died.

But before he could even bestow Naruto the rank of level forty…hell by what he saw the teen deserved a few levels above forty, he had one question to ask.

"Naruto…what kind of attack was that?"

"That, Iruka-sensei, was my Shark Kings Water Jaw Spiral. To sum it up it's basically an attack where I combine my water manipulation with my teeth, and tear my opponent to pieces."

Naruto spat to the side once again, revealing a broken tooth, blood, and some flesh on the floor.

"Naruto, if he lives after this there is no way he can ever practice fishman karate ever again."

"I don't care."

Those three words struck Iruka like one of Jinbe's punches.

"He took the fight way too far. Unlike him I didn't try to kill him throughout the entire match, and when he…"

He couldn't finish the sentence unless his anger flared up again. Instead he looked at the bottlenose dolphin fishman, his blue eyes slowly bleeding into crimson.

"I just couldn't lose, especially when it's Shirahoshi's birthday today."

Iruka could only regard the blond with a mixture of surprise, and a trace of sadness.

He remembered the day Queen Otohime was assassinated, and her only daughter had to be locked away in order to keep her safe from a madman.

He couldn't even imagine how hard it was on the King, let alone his children, they all put on a brave face, but not enough time had passed to heal the wounds they still suffered.

After staring at his student, the bottlenose dolphin reached into his karate gi, and pulled out a patch that had the number forty stamped on it. After he handed it to the teen he said to him

"If you're going to see her, please groom yourself a little. I doubt she would want to see her brother in this kind of condition."

If Naruto could see himself he would have seen that he held bruises, cuts, and blood on his exposed skin.

His karate gi, what used to be pure white was torn, wet, and stained with blood that was and wasn't his own. When he turned to leave the blond only nodded in thanks to his favorite instructor.


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