
One piece : Naruto's dream

Humanity has mocked, enslaved, and looked down on us. That is what Naruto thought, from childhood he was destined to do great things. But will it be his destiny to destroy what Otohime worked for, or will it take a special princess to change his mind?

Huvnn · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 21 : The Adventure Begins!(2)

The next day a tired Naruto found himself standing before Suikazan Fuguki, and Umino Iruka in one of the bigger classrooms of the Fishman Karate Dojo.

Standing off to the sides were several dozen high ranking members that went from level forty all the way up to level seventy.

"Uzumaki Naruto, you stand before us in a one time chance to get promoted to level forty." Fuguki's authoritative voice rang throughout the room.

The puffer fish fishman's eyes glanced around the room, taking in the surprised and disgusted faces of is fellow martial artists.

"I am appalled, and disgusted that we are even doing this. If not for the fact that you have friends in high places, I would not have even allowed this to happen."

There was a minute of silence before the instructor spoke up again.

"You will be given three tests to determine if you succeed or fail. The first one, here and now will be the trial of will."

Fuguki snapped his fingers and three members of the crowd stepped forward.

"I have instructed these three to attack you for three minutes straight. You are to not retaliate, and if you stay conscious at the end of three minutes you will pass."

Naruto could only glare at the instructor. So that was his plan, first he would be weakened, and then that would leave him at maybe half strength for the next test. When Fuguki snapped his fingers the three fishmen bolted at his still form to begin the first test.

A red-knobbed starfish fishman delivered the first strike. Its tubercles located along his right arm delivered a devastating haymaker to the blond's throat, causing him to involuntarily clutch it when he felt the damage to his windpipe.

The second strikes were delivered to his belly by a pale, black-haired squid fishman by all this six arms, and then again by his two legs when he fell flat on his hands.

The final punch was delivered by a crab fishman who smashed his nose with the back of his right claw.

Each strike to his body was agonizing. Whoever those three were, they were strong, extremely strong.

The crab fishman struck him in the face once again, Naruto heard the familiar crack of cartilage as his nose was broken once again while the starfish fishman stabbed him right in the spine.

Oh and to add insult to his already enormous amounts of injuries the squid fishman squirted him right in the face with black ink, blinding him.

Cracking an eye open the blond saw the smirk coming from Fuguki's face. Damn orange-haired bastard was getting a kick out of this; he was hoping that he would fail.

It was due to remembering Hody's words that kept him from blacking out, Naruto embraced the pain by falling into himself, and making the pain his own.


It wasn't Fuguki who ended the trial, but Iruka who noticed it was long past the three minute mark. Once the three fishman ceased their beat down on the young tiger shark fishman Iruka darted over to check on the damage to his student.

It was not even remotely pretty. The exposed parts of Naruto's tan skin was covered in bruises, his right eye was swollen shut, and he had several minor, but still pretty painful cuts that stained parts of his karate gi red.

"Hang on Naruto; I'll take you to a doctor."

Iruka's act of kindness was harshly rejected when Naruto shoved him away.

He spat out a mouthful of blood and a few teeth as he looked up at Fuguki in spite; barely holding back his anger at the puffer fish fishman.

"Bring on the next challenge." He spat out his words in anger.

Fuguki only showed the adoptive son of Neptune a sharp, toothy smile.

"The next test is the trial of skill. What you need to do is demonstrate five skills that show you're worthy of passing…if you have any of course."

He gestured towards five judges; one of them being Iruka himself.

"They will grade your techniques giving you a score of one through ten as you total amount. Hope you're up to the challenge boy, I'd hate to see you fail."

"Bring it on. But let's take this outside; I rather not destroy the dojo."

After the entire crowd of fighters left the room, and went to the large courtyard filled with training dummies.

The five judges stood off to the side, their expert eyes peering at the injured blond tiger shark fishman as he readied himself. Once again Naruto fell into himself to focus his energy to unleash his techniques perfectly.

His eyes snapping open Naruto snapped both his arms up into an X shape, and then snapped them downwards yelling

"Piercing Spiral Water Spear!"

Using his powerful legs Naruto jumped upwards. Opening his mouth he let loose a stream of water, surrounding his entire body with it.

Then to the surprise of his audience he began rotating his body like a drill, creating a sharp spiraling whirlpool of water around himself before flying downwards at one of the training posts; obliterating it on contact.

He then flew upwards above the spectators and brought the spiraling water around his forearms. Immediately after stabilizing his technique the blond snapped them downwards saying

"Water Sickles!"and unleashed powerful water blades that resembled the curved blades of sickles at the training posts, slicing them into two clean pieces.

Not satisfied with his devastation Naruto took a deep breath, and then opening his mouth a powerful jet of water flew out at the ground, leaving a trail of nothing but devastation that completely destroyed the ground underneath him.

After ceasing the water attack Naruto rotated forward, building up extreme speed building and momentum until he slammed into the last training post with both of heels screaming, "Double Spiral Axe Kick!"

He completely decimated the wooden structure and left a ten foot crater after he landed.

For his finishing move Naruto clenched his right fist to the point where his knuckles popped, he then started to rotate his shoulder, focusing his energy into his right fist.

The remaining water within the dry area flowed towards him until they formed something akin of a tornado around his fist.

Without any amount of hesitation the blond bolted towards the crowd.

Those within his path immediately bolted for cover when the tiger shark fishman punched his right arm forward.

His voice filled with anger and excitement he yelled out his final technique.

"Whirlpool Breakthrough Fist!"

The attack hit the coral wall with an intensity of a tidal wave, and smashed through it to the other side.

After the technique ended Naruto looked over towards the judged; but most importantly he looked over at Fuguki, whose smug face was replaced with shock and surprise. "How do you like those techniques!" Naruto taunted the crowd.

"That was only four techniques Uzumaki, you fail!" Fuguki bellowed in response to the young fishman's taunt.

"Actually the third one was the Exploding Water Shock Wave technique. Now I would have happily called it out, but as you all saw I can't exactly talk with water flowing out of my mouth can I?"

Naruto pointed out the obvious for his third technique. When he got no verbal response his only open blue eye focused on the judges.

"So…what's my score? Or was I too fast for ya?"

"Destructive and powerful, I give them an eight." A seahorse fishman revealed his score.

"Too flashy but I see great potential. I give them an eight as well." A bearded catfish fishman announced his score.

"Exquisite, devastating…oh honey you got the moves! Ten all day!~" A flamboyant, rainbow trout fishman gave his review with a singsong voice.

"Nine!" A loud manatee fishman gave his review, and nothing more about it.

It came down to Iruka, now Naruto had a good score already.

But his was probably the most important of all. The bottlenose dolphin fishman stared at his student, scratched the scar going across his nose before smiling.

"You get a ten."

Naruto, along with most of the class cheered at his accomplishment. To the rookies, and intermediates it looked like the blond was going to do the impossible.

Fuguki only gritted his teeth in anger before raising his arm to silence the crowd.

"Well Uzumaki, since you passed this test I have no choice but to start the final one. Are you ready?"

"Bring it on…Fuguki-sensei."

Naruto forced the puffer fish fishman's title out of his throat.

That only brought a smirk onto the instructors face. With a snap of his fingers the entire courtyard was greeted with the pounding footsteps of a behemoth.

And they were soon greeted with the giant form of Skorka, the killer whale fishman. It had been many years since Naruto saw him, but even he realized the changes his old rival went through


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